Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When K is visiting Dr. Stelline in her facility, he has a bloody bruise next to his eye and eyebrow. This remains on his face for most of the scene, but when Stelline tells K that we recall memories with our feelings, the bruise has disappeared. (01:19:40)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Dr. Stelline offers to analyse K's memory to see if it is real. She sits down on a bench where her console is shown and is smiling with her mouth closed. K then sits down on a bench on his side of the glass. When this happens, Dr. Stelline's reflection can be seen in the glass, and she is now smiling with her mouth open. (01:20:15)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Continuity mistake: In the first movie, when Dylan and Alma first meet up with Thaddeus Bradley for lunch, he mentions that Lionel Shrike was a magician in the 1970s and one year later, attempted the safe in the river trick that killed him, but in the opening scene of this movie, it is shown that the safe in the river trick that killed Lionel Shrike took place in 1984. (00:00:35)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Dylan is showing the FBI director and Cowan the photo of who may be Merritt McKinney, he is standing next to the director turned to the right, but in the next shot, the two are suddenly directly facing each other. (00:08:15)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Dylan is showing the FBI director and Cowan the photos of the Horsemen, just as the FBI director asks what it all means, she is looking at Dylan, but in the next shot, she is suddenly looking at the photos. (00:08:50)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Jack is showing Merritt how to throw cards, just after he throws the last card, Merritt says "Not bad" looking straight forward at the card, but in the next shot, Merritt is looking at Jack. (00:12:40)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Merritt fails to throw the card, Jack says "it's good to be positive despite having made zero progress in a year" whilst looking at Merritt. In the next shot, Jack's head is suddenly turned about 90°. (00:12:50)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Now You See Me 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the security guard at the OCTA launch finds the Evans Mental Facility wristband on the CCTV guard's wrist, the wristband and wrist are pointed away from the CCTV guard's face, but in the next shot, the wristband and wrist is directly facing the CCTV guard. (00:18:10)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Continuity mistake: The banana that Jack takes from the woman at the metal detector when he is posing as a security guard at the OCTA launch is different to the one he plants in the CCTV guard's pocket a few minutes later. (00:16:25 - 00:18:30)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Now You See Me 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Owen Case is being introduced at the OCTA launch, Merritt and Lula are backstage and Merritt says "Nice work, lady" whilst putting his hat on. In the next shot, his hands are suddenly by his side. (00:20:30)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Now You See Me 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Walter begins hijacking the Horsemen at the OCTA launch, Dylan says "let's go to the back", and the FBI director tells him to stay here. There is a bald FBI agent standing in front of him to the right, but in the next shot, the FBI agent is suddenly behind him. (00:24:15)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Continuity mistake: When the Horsemen land inside the baskets in the Chinese restaurant, in the shot focusing on Merritt, Daniel is seen beginning to stand up, but in the next shot, he is suddenly lying back in the basket. (00:26:10)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Walter is explaining his plan, after telling Merritt they may not be having fun but he is, Walter begins to walk away from the Horsemen, but in the next shot, is suddenly standing several meters from them. (00:36:30)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Lula is showing Jack the belt that she pick-pocketed, she is holding the belt with the buckle dangling at the bottom, but in the next shot, the belt is suddenly being held by the buckle. (00:47:30)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Now You See Me 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Merritt and Chase leave the magic shop to go for a drink, Jack has his hand placed on top of a reverse rain machine. The shot then cuts to a closer angle of the reverse rain machine where his hand is no longer on top of it. (00:45:20)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Now You See Me 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Walter finds out about the Horsemen's plan to expose him on New Years Eve, Walter tells a bodyguard to get his father. The bodyguard begins to walk past Walter, but in the next shot, the bodyguard is suddenly at the other end of the room. (01:27:05)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Walter and Tressler arrive in London, Walter gets into a car and begins to close the door. Chase is behind the car walking up to it, but when the car drives off in the next shot, he is suddenly standing beside the car, standing completely still. (01:28:45)

Casual Person

24th Jul 2018

Now You See Me 2 (2016)

Now You See Me 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After thinking they have thrown the Horsemen off the plane, Tressler peels off the label to the bottle that he and Walter are drinking from and finds the tarot card on it. He is holding the bottle by the bottom when he peels the label, but when he hands the bottle to Walter in the next shot, he is holding the bottle by the top. (01:46:40)

Casual Person

18th Jul 2018

Jurassic Park (1993)

Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Grant grabs onto the electric fence, his hands are a short distance apart and there is a set of vertically positioned wiring in between his hands - the warning sign is also barely covering the "hole" in the wires. A couple of shots later, without letting go of the fence, his hands are much further apart and there are now three sets of vertically positioned wiring in between his hands. The angle of the wires also changes, and the sign is now well into the "hole", very near his hand.

Casual Person

18th Jul 2018

Now You See Me (2013)

Continuity mistake: When Merritt is explaining to Dylan what mentalism is, he raises his hands and places them on his head, raising both the handcuffs and the handcuff chains with him. From the first angle, the chain has been raised so it is not touching the table, but when he goes to put his hands on his head in the following shot, a piece of the chain, from both handcuffs, is suddenly resting on the table. (00:28:35)

Casual Person

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