Casual Person

22nd Aug 2022

The Simpsons Game (2007)

The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game: In the opening cutscene, when Milhouse says "But I'm so huge", his shadow can be seen cast over the ground in front of him. This shadow cannot be seen in any other shot of the cutscene.

Casual Person

22nd Aug 2022

The Simpsons Game (2007)

The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Invasion of the Yokel Snatchers: When the aliens have the security guard beamed up to their ship, they are shown standing on a lighted area. They continue to stand in the same area without moving, but when Cletus confronts them a few seconds later, they are suddenly standing on a shadowed area.

Casual Person

22nd Aug 2022

The Simpsons Game (2007)

The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Invasion of the Yokel Snatchers: When Cletus confronts the aliens, the blue building on his right changes appearance between shots.

Casual Person

22nd Aug 2022

The Simpsons Game (2007)

The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Invasion of the Yokel Snatchers: When the aliens lower a blue beam to take security guard up to the ship, in the shot of the beam being lowered, one alien can be seen standing next to the guard and another standing several meters away. In the next shot, the second alien is standing right next to the security guard.

Casual Person

22nd Aug 2022

The Simpsons Game (2007)

The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Invasion of the Yokel Snatchers: In the establishing shot of the opening cutscene, to the right of shot, three bush plants can be seen in between the mall and the blue building next to it. A couple of seconds later, there is only one bush plant.

Casual Person

22nd Aug 2022

The Simpsons Game (2007)

The Simpsons Game mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Invasion of the Yokel Snatchers: When Homer and Bart are watching the citizens get sucked up, additional cracks on the ground in front of them suddenly appear in between shots.

Casual Person

16th Aug 2022

Oliver (1968)

Oliver mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mr Bumble and the female workhouse employee take Oliver to the Governor's office, Bumble raises his hand and knocks on the door. The woman sings "They will lay the blame on the one who named him", prompting Bumble to move his hand away from the door, toward his face, as if he's about to place it over his mouth in concern. The camera then changes angles and Bumble's hand is suddenly lowered and nowhere near his face.

Casual Person

15th Aug 2022

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Blade Runner 2049 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Whilst the giant Joi is chatting up K, there are streaks of wet blood shown going down his neck due to his injuries getting rained on. These wet blood streaks continue to grow for the next thirty seconds. When he takes off the bandage over his nose, the wet blood streaks on his neck have disappeared. (02:17:12 - 02:17:55)

Casual Person

15th Aug 2022

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Continuity mistake: Whilst K is being walked through the orphanage by Mister Cotton, he stops when he recognises an area from his dream. In a shot from behind him, he is shown turning his head to the left to look at the area, but when the camera cuts to a different angle of him, he is looking straight forward, and then turns his head to the left a second time. (01:09:00)

Casual Person

15th Aug 2022

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Continuity mistake: Whilst Luv is in a meeting with a buyer, she suddenly gets a message alert. She is holding a cup of tea in her right hand and holding a saucer in her left. She then lowers the cup back onto the saucer without taking her hand off it, but when the camera cuts to a wide shot of the room, both hands are suddenly touching the saucer. (00:30:40)

Casual Person

15th Aug 2022

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Blade Runner 2049 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Luv is first introduced, she is shown pouring tea into a cup placed on a saucer and then raises the saucer. In the close-up of her hands and the cup, her left hand is completely shadowed. The camera then changes angles and half of her left hand is suddenly covered in light, with the other half shadowed. (00:30:30)

Casual Person

15th Aug 2022

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Continuity mistake: K gets into his car after taking out Sapper and picks up a police report card from the dashboard to fill out. Whilst the car voice is heard saying "Incoming LAPD re-codec hash", K picks up a pen and places his right hand over the front of the report. His fingers are placed flat on top of the card when he does so. But then it cuts to a close-up shot of the card, where his fingers are now curled and the side of his hand is placed against it. (00:10:35)

Casual Person

15th Aug 2022

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Blade Runner 2049 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just after K has finished scanning Sapper Morton's eye, he stands up and says "Please don't get up" to him. The shot then cuts to Sapper lying on the floor and his right lower arm is raised. It then cuts to a wide shot of the room and Sapper's right arm is suddenly on the floor. (00:08:59)

Casual Person

15th Aug 2022

Midsommar (2019)

Continuity mistake: When Dani is told to enter the carriage, she asks if Christian can come, to which the woman replies nay. Christian is then shown sitting down at the table. In the shot, there are three different glasses in front of him. The first two glasses are positioned right next to each other, and the third glass is further away from the other two. Just under a minute later, whilst Christian is watching the carriage ride away with Dani inside it, the three glasses are all equally distanced from each other. (02:16:55 - 02:17:50)

Casual Person

30th Jul 2022

Mirage (2018)

Continuity mistake: Leira touches the side of Vera's head and unlocks their memories together. Leira moves his hand away from her ear and begins to kiss her. In the next shot, his hand is suddenly covering her ear again and then moves his hand away from her ear a second time. (01:48:35)

Casual Person

Episode #1.1 - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: Whilst Hye-seung is having a meeting with three other female colleagues about Lee Hyung-ju, the colleague sitting on her own to Hye-seung's left, is shown holding a pen that is pointed downwards. In the next shot, the pen is being held at a vertical angle. (00:50:23)

Casual Person

30th Jul 2022

Mirage (2018)

Continuity mistake: When Vera shows the book to Leira, he takes it off her by placing his finger on the page she is pointing to. In the same shot, his thumb can be seen pressed against the finger he is holding the page with. When the shot cuts, his thumb is now holding the front of the book. (01:10:42)

Casual Person

30th Jul 2022

Mirage (2018)

Continuity mistake: When Nico's mother is saying goodbye to him before going to work, she kisses him on the cheek, and he leans his head downwards. When the shot cuts, he's looking directly at her. (00:03:13)

Casual Person

30th Jul 2022

Mirage (2018)

Continuity mistake: When Vera lands on the car after jumping off the balcony, her arms are outstretched. The shot then cuts to Leira, but when it cuts back to Vera, her left arm has suddenly lowered partway. (01:51:08)

Casual Person

30th Jul 2022

Mirage (2018)

Continuity mistake: When Leira is explaining the truth to Vera, as Vera starts saying "I need the camera and the television", a loose strand of hair can be seen starting from the top of her head going down the right side of her head. This loose strand can be seen for a couple of shots after. When Leira says "But I let you find me" just under a minute later, the loose hair strand has disappeared from her head. (01:46:30 - 01:47:20)

Casual Person

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