Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX mistake picture

Magna Chum Laude - S1-E50

Continuity mistake: When Jaden is finishing off his painting of Sparkman, in the shot of him saying "It's a work of art. It's pure genius", his left hand is placed against the lower left side of the pad. In the same shot, he brushes a huge smear of red paint against the bottom half of the page. When the shot cuts, his left hand is nearer to the top of the pad, there are now paint smears are now across the top half of the page, and the paint smear along the bottom of the page has disappeared. (00:02:02)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX mistake picture

Magna Chum Laude - S1-E50

Continuity mistake: In class, Syrus holds up a painting he made on his notepad for Jaden to see. Take note of the size of the pad, because a couple seconds later, after Jaden's painting of Sparkman is shown, the notepad is suddenly much smaller than it was seconds earlier. (00:01:55)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX mistake picture

The Seventh Shadow Rider - S1-E44

Continuity mistake: When Alexis loses the duel, she falls to the ground and there is a shot of her cards landing on the ground, including her Etoile Cyber card that lands face up. When the shot cuts, the cards surrounding Etoile Cyber have changed position. (00:12:55)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX mistake picture

The Fear Factor - S1-E34

Continuity mistake: After Jaden wakes up from his dream, he puts the back of his hand over his head. In this shot, his hand is positioned above his left eye, but in the next shot, his hand is positioned above his right eye. (00:01:05)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX mistake picture

Grave Risk: Part 2 - S1-E28

Continuity mistake: When Jaden draws Winged Kuriboh from his deck, he has two fingers pressed against the back of the card. Then there is a close-up shot of the card, where Jaden doesn't move his hand, but when the shot cuts again, he only has one finger pressed against the back of the card. (00:02:45)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX mistake picture

Grave Risk: Part 1 - S1-E27

Continuity mistake: After the guards have walked past Jaden and the woman, Jaden remarks "What's going on here" and the woman can be seen standing right next to him. The shot then cuts to focus on the woman and Jaden cannot be seen beside her, even though he was just right next to her. (00:08:30)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX mistake picture

Grave Risk: Part 1 - S1-E27

Continuity mistake: After Syrus explains to Jaden the call he overheard Professor Banner having, Jaden tells him "This is starting to sound like another chilli sauce nightmare" and has his hands at his side. In the next shot, Jaden's hands are suddenly grasping his backpack. (00:03:58)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX mistake picture

School Duel: Part 1 - S1-E25

Continuity mistake: When Jaden is watching Chazz give himself the prep talk in front of the bathroom sink before the duel, in a shot shown from above, there is a blue tile and a green tile shown on the top right-hand side of the mirror he is standing in front of. Two shots later, the tiles are suddenly further down the wall. (00:06:25)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX mistake picture

The Little Belowski - S1-E23

Continuity mistake: After Bastion tells Jaden duelling is about being the best you can, there is a close-up of him raising his Water Dragon card to him, which is followed by Syrus raising his Power Bond card to him. In this shot, Syrus has his thumb placed over the front of the card. But in the next shot, his thumb is along the side of the card. (00:03:38)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX mistake picture

The Maiden in Love - S1-E20

Continuity mistake: After Jaden leaves the Obelisk Blue dorm, he says "What until I tell the guys about this", and Blair pops up her head up from some bushes she was hiding behind. The shot then cuts to a closer shot of Blair, and the bushes around her have changed shape. (00:05:58)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX mistake picture

The Maiden in Love - S1-E20

Continuity mistake: When Jaden starts climbing up the tree to follow Blair into the Obelisk Blue dorm, in the first shot of him climbing the tree, the branch leading toward the balcony is only a few feet long. Then there is a quick fade edit, and the branch is suddenly much longer. (00:03:52)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX mistake picture

Monkey See, Monkey Duel - S1-E13

Continuity mistake: After Jaden summons Sparkman to the field and says "Monkey see, monkey do", the shot cuts to Wheeler, before panning over to Jasmine lying on the tree. When the shot cuts to a closer angle of Jasmine, her right hand is suddenly touching onto a branch, even though it wasn't in the previous shot. (00:08:49)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX mistake picture

Formula for Success - S1-E12

Continuity mistake: When Jaden and Syrus are sitting at the Ra Yellow cafeteria with Bastion, in the shot where Jaden says "Well you deserve it", both he and Syrus have knives and forks in their hands. But in the next shot, the utensils in their hands have disappeared. (00:07:10)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX mistake picture

Formula for Success - S1-E12

Continuity mistake: When Bastion opens the door to his dorm room to let Jaden and Syrus in, the bag he is holding has a baseball bat sticking out of one side of the bag. A couple seconds later, after Jaden and Syrus have the formulas on the wall, in the shot where Bastion says "Most of these I've memorized", the baseball bat is now sticking out of both sides of the bag. (00:05:40)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Duel and Unusual Punishment - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: On Syrus' second turn, there is a close-up of the cards in his hand. In his left, we can see five cards and Steamroid and Gyroid are the fourth and fifth card on the right-hand side. A few minutes later, after the flashback to grade school, when Syrus activates Polymerization to fuse the two monsters together, they are now the first and second card in his left hand, on the left-hand side. (00:10:32 - 00:14:15)

Casual Person

13th Dec 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

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