Casual Person

3rd Mar 2021

Space Sweepers (2021)

Continuity mistake: When Sullivan is talking with the reporters about the new Mars colony, the reporters notice that he is eating a sandwich with a dirty hand. When he says "This isn't dirty", his hand is pointed towards his face in one shot, but when the shot cuts, his hand is suddenly rotated 90° to the right. (00:07:35)

Casual Person

23rd Feb 2021

Space Sweepers (2021)

Continuity mistake: When Sullivan is speaking with the reporter in private, whilst Sullivan is saying "At UTS, we select only the most upstanding citizens to bring to space", the reporter has his left hand and forearm placed on the table, but when it cuts to a closer shot of him, his left arm is suddenly at his side. Then in the next shot, the hand and forearm are suddenly back on the table. (01:04:50)

Casual Person

23rd Feb 2021

Space Sweepers (2021)

Space Sweepers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just after Sullivan tells someone to bring him Dorothy, the scene cuts back to the ship. There is a book of paper sheets to draw on and a box of crayons shown in front of Dorothy. The shot then cuts to Tiger, but when it cuts back to Dorothy, the paper and the crayons have changed position. (00:33:25)

Casual Person

23rd Feb 2021

Space Sweepers (2021)

Space Sweepers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jang and Tiger are talking at the poker game, Jang points a gun at Tiger and is the gun seen pressing against Tiger's forehead. In the next shot, the gun is suddenly a few inches away from Tiger's forehead. (00:18:40)

Casual Person

18th Feb 2021

Full Body Massage (1995)

Continuity mistake: Nina returns home and starts looking through some mail whilst DeeDee walks into the room and is startled by seeing her. When DeeDee says "You're home", Nina picks up the mail after temporarily putting it down and her left hand is shown holding the envelopes by the left hand side. When the shot cuts, her left hand is suddenly touching the bottom of the envelopes. (00:03:55)

Casual Person

14th Feb 2021

The Invisible Man (2020)

Continuity mistake: When Adrian's throat gets slit, he is shown clutching his neck with his hand, then falls from the chair he is sitting on and collapses onto the floor. He is also shown banging his hand on the table whilst he falls over. This same moment is then shown again on the CCTV camera, but here, he is shown falling from the chair and collapsing onto the floor, all while clutching onto his neck the entire time. The moment where he bangs his hand on the table is not shown.

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Cecilia and Adrian are speaking at the dinner table towards the end, after Adrian says "I would burn everything I own just to prove that to you", Cecilia says "okay" and Adrian also replies with "okay." At this moment, Adrian's hands are placed on the table. In the next shot, Adrian's hands are suddenly raised slightly, above the table.

Casual Person

Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the investigator begins confessing to the other police officers, one of them has him eat a handful of salt. After eating the salt, tiny salt grains can be seen on his lip, and can be seen on his lip for the following minute whilst he is trying to convince them he was the killer. When he says "But I left fingerprints all over her apartment", a larger amount of salt can be seen on his upper chin that wasn't there a minute earlier. (01:45:52 - 01:46:57)

Casual Person

Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After speaking with the plumber at the Homicide Decision, the investigator and a colleague begin walking down a hallway and the colleague puts his hand on the investigator's arm. When this happens, the investigator has a small cup of espresso raised up to his face. When the camera changes angles, the small cup of espresso is suddenly lowered away from his face. (01:23:15)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: After seeing the helicopter that her father called for, Min-jung reaches for a machine gun that is lying on the ground, using her right hand. When the shot cuts, she is using her left hand. (01:42:51)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: After Jung-seok runs into the hideout, it cuts to Sergeant Hwang inside the zombie pit shouting "Number 61", where he pushes a button to release zombies into the pit. In the first shot of Hwang, there is a man beside him who has his elbow resting against a handrail and has his lower arm positioned behind the edge of the handrail. In the next shot, the same man now has his lower arm positioned over the edge of the handrail. (01:15:55)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Captain Seo walks into a room to find Sergeant Hwang looking at bottle of gin. Just after Hwang says "Johnny Walker Black Label", he turns his head away from the bottle, looks forwards, then begins to turn his head to the left to face Seo. In the next shot, Hwang is still looking at the bottle, before turning to face Seo. (01:10:00)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Min-jung is about to get out of the car, she asks her daughter to hug her. In one shot, her right hand is at a rotated angle, but in the next shot, her right hand is suddenly at a straight angle. (01:05:04)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Chul-min gets the number 61 spray painted on his torso and back, at the compound. When the soldiers begin taking him to the shipping container to lock him in, the number 6 on his torso is smudged. A minute later, when the inmates begin going into the zombie pit, the 6 on his torso is no longer has the smudging shown earlier. (00:50:55 - 00:52:15)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Chul-min is being cornered by the other soldiers at the compound, a man walks up to him with a knife to cut his shirt off. In one shot, the knife is being pointed at a diagonal, but slightly upward position. In the next shot, he is holding the knife in an entirely vertical position. (00:50:02)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When the 3rd platoon returns to the hideout, just as Sergeant Hwang says "Private Kim! Isn't it beautiful?", he is standing next to a tall soldier with long hair that is tied back. The shot changes to a different angle and the sergeant is now standing a foot or two ahead of the tall soldier. (00:43:31)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Sergeant Hwang is thrown a javelin to stab one of the team members who assisted in getting the money. When he catches the javelin, his hand is placed over some tape that has been wrapped around it. The camera cuts to a different angle where his hand is now placed slightly above the tape. Then two shots after, his hand is positioned much further up the javelin. (00:39:03)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Once the group find the truck with the money inside, the man in the driver seat awakens as a zombie and begins attacking Chul-min. This prompts Jung-seok to pull him out of the truck and shoot the zombie. Right before he shoots the zombie, there is a quick shot where Chul-min is standing beside Jung-seok. The shot then cuts to the zombie getting shot and Chul-min is standing behind Jung-seok. (00:27:06)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Just after arriving in the Korean Peninsula, the group is shown walking across an abandoned road. There is a shot where Jung-seok has his rifle raised so that he can look through the eyepiece and is then shown lowering it. Then it cuts to an overview shot where the rifle is suddenly raised to Jung-seok's eye again and then lowers it once again. (00:19:52)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: Chul-min tries to have a fight with one of the restaurant patrons whilst Jung-seok restrains him. Whilst the patron is saying "Do you even care about other patrons", Chul-min has his right hand on Jung-seok's upper arm, but when the shot cuts, the hand is no longer there. (00:16:07)

Casual Person

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