Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Mystic Pop-up Bar mistake picture

Episode #1.10 - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Weol-ju sits on the couch besides Guibanjang after Yeo-rin opens the bottle, Weol-ju takes out her phone. She is shown placing one finger over the camera lens on the back of the phone. In a different angle, there is no finger near the camera lens. (00:16:39)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Episode #1.10 - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Guibanjang asks Weol-ju "Yeo-rin's the Cinnabar", Weol-ju can be seen in the corner of shot, and there is nothing around her face. In the next shot, Weol-ju's hand is suddenly seen next to her face, trying to shush Guibanjang. (00:14:49)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Mystic Pop-up Bar mistake picture

Episode #1.10 - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Guibanjang sits down at the pop-up bar whilst Weol-ju and Kang-bae are prepping food, he starts eating a cheese stick. When the camera is in front of him, it is raised to his mouth, but whenever the camera is behind him, the stick cannot be seen near his mouth. (00:11:10)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Mystic Pop-up Bar mistake picture

Episode #1.9 - S1-E9

Continuity mistake: When Guibanjang is about to leave the table after talking with Yeom, he is shown holding a paper cup in his right hand. In the shot of him walking away from the table, the paper cup is suddenly in his left hand. (01:02:35)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Mystic Pop-up Bar mistake picture

Episode #1.9 - S1-E9

Continuity mistake: In the flashback of Hyeon-ok having breakfast with her son, when she says "Gosh, slow down", the son has his chopsticks in the bowl, with nothing in between them. A wide shot of the room is then shown where the son suddenly has a piece of omelette in between his chopsticks. (00:24:18)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Episode #1.9 - S1-E9

Continuity mistake: After Kang-bae takes off the sunglasses in the parking lot, he asks Yeo-rin "what are you doing here", then it cuts to an angle with Kang-bae's back to the camera. His right hand can be seen at his side, doing nothing. But in the next shot, it is suddenly in his pocket, putting the sunglasses away. (00:06:28)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Episode #1.8 - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When Bo-ra is on her date, she tells the guy to dig in before it gets cold. At this moment, her arms are flat on the table. It then cuts to an angle behind her where her arms are not seen moving. But in the shot after that, her arms are suddenly raised slightly above the table, so she can cut her food. (00:39:17)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Episode #1.8 - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: Guibanjang is talking to Kang-bae, telling him if he doesn't want spirits to circle around him, he'll have to hide the fact that he can see them. When he says "don't be startled even if you do", all his fingers are side by side. When the camera cuts to a different angle, two of his fingers are suddenly curled forwards. (00:28:43)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Episode #1.8 - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: Guibanjang pours Kang-bae a shot glass of soju. In the shot of him saying "So she rejected you even before you could confess your feelings", his hand is grasping the soju bottle. It then cuts to a shot focusing on Kang-bae where Guibanjang can be sitting completely still, with no body movements. When the shot cuts again, his hand is suddenly off the soju bottle. (00:23:46)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Episode #1.8 - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When Yeo-rin is talking with her friend at a restaurant, in a wide shot, the friend is shown holding a pair of chopsticks in an upwards position. When it cuts to a closer shot of her, the chopsticks are held in a vertical position. (00:07:20)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Mystic Pop-up Bar mistake picture

Episode #1.8 - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When Kang-bae tries to speak with Yeo-rin in the store room, after she says "I'm busy, so I should go", she turns around and attempts to walk off. Her ponytail can be seen going over her right shoulder, but in the next shot, her ponytail is suddenly behind her shoulder. (00:06:30)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Episode #1.8 - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: After Weol-ju sees that Guibanjang is reading Juliet's Temptations on his phone, he puts the phone back in a holder. When he says "You lack cultural refinement", his right hand is placed on the side of the phone. When the shot cuts, his hand is suddenly off the phone. (00:03:22)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Weol-ju is telling Kang-bae "If you were born an insect, wouldn't have met me", Kang-bae places his shot glass on the table, but two shots later, the shot glass is suddenly raised again. (01:02:50)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Mystic Pop-up Bar mistake picture

Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: Guibanjang is in the bathroom and thinks he has finished, but realises he hasn't. He places both hands on his backside, but when the shot cuts, he has one hand over his stomach. (00:48:12)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Mystic Pop-up Bar mistake picture

Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Kang-bae leaves the staff room to go practice, the sandwich that Guibanjang is holding has one bite taken out of it. Then it cuts to a shot of Guibanjang saying "Win first place", where there are now two bites taken out of the sandwich. Then part of the sandwich reappears again in the following shot. (00:38:44)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: Guibanjang takes a bite out of a sandwich that Kang-bae gave him. After taking the first bite, he removes it from his mouth by about an inch. When the shot cuts, the sandwich is much further away from his mouth. (00:38:13)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Weol-ju is discussing helping Yeomradaewang for a price, after Weol-ju says "I've been making deal for the last 500 years", Yeomradaewang is shown having an exasperated laugh. Here, her arm is off-screen and cannot be seen in the shot. When the shot cuts, her arm is raised to be level with her face, which should have been visible in the previous shot. (00:22:25)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Yeomradaewang is explaining if word gets out, she'll be fired, there is a shot where she has her right hand raised, and then lowers it. The hand can be seen being lowered onto her lap, but in a wider shot of the room, it is lying on the armrest. (00:22:09)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: After the flashback of Yeomradaewang inadvertently letting one of the deceased people return to the Living Realm with his memories, the first shot of her shows her right hand is a straightened position, but in the next shot, her right hand is suddenly curled slightly. (00:21:44)

Casual Person

29th Mar 2021

Mystic Pop-up Bar (2020)

Episode #1.7 - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Yeomradaewang has sent the apology text, in a close-up shot of her face, the earring dangling from her left ear can be seen dangling at a fairly slow speed. In the next shot, she earring is suddenly dangling at a much quicker speed. (00:19:02)

Casual Person

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