Casual Person

20th Jan 2024

Revenge (2017)

Revenge mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jen reaches the edge of the cliff after running away, there is a close-up shot of her face. There are strands of hair seen going over her face, but in another close-up from a different angle, those strands are no longer there and the wind appears to be blowing her hair in a different direction. (00:26:02)

Casual Person

20th Jan 2024

Revenge (2017)

Revenge mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Stan wipes the last bit of suncream into Jen's lower back, Jen pulls out a chair so she can sit down. Her hand is away from her back when she does this, but then her hand is touching her lower back when the shot cuts. (00:14:44)

Casual Person

20th Jan 2024

Revenge (2017)

Continuity mistake: After Stan spins an apple, the scene cuts to Jen walking over to Richard outside. In the shot of Jen walking over, Stan is holding a pair of sunglasses so that the lenses are facing the camera. When the shot cuts to focus on Stan, the glasses are rotated 90 degrees. (00:08:53)

Casual Person

20th Jan 2024

Revenge (2017)

Revenge mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After watching Jen walk into the bedroom, Stan asks Richard if "Elizabeth and the kids are OK." Just after saying this, Stan rotates himself 90 degrees to the right and Dimitri rotates himself 90 degrees to the left, so that the two are facing each other at the end of the shot. In the next shot, Stan has suddenly turned another 90 degrees so that he is facing Richard. (00:08:23)

Casual Person

20th Jan 2024

Revenge (2017)

Revenge mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just after Stan and Dimitri have finished putting down their hunting equipment after entering the villa, Stan has his hands at his side. But when the shot cuts, his hands are in his pockets. (00:07:35)

Casual Person

20th Jan 2024

Revenge (2017)

Revenge mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Stan and Dimitri first walk into the villa, just as Dimitri greets Richard, he has his shotgun placed over his shoulder. In the next shot, he is holding his shotgun with the strap placed over his shoulder, and the shotgun positioned behind his shoulder. (00:07:23)

Casual Person

20th Jan 2024

Revenge (2017)

20th Jan 2024

Revenge (2017)

20th Jan 2024

Revenge (2017)

Revenge mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jen is filling up a glass with water, her left hand is shown holding onto the glass and her right hand cannot be seen in the shot. When the shot cuts, her right hand is suddenly next to her left. (00:06:35)

Casual Person

3rd Jan 2024

The Handmaiden (2016)

Continuity mistake: When Hideko and Fujiwara are in the forest and hear Sook-Hee approaching, they kiss to fool her. Hideko wraps her arms around Fujiwara's neck and is shown placing her left hand on her right wrist. In the next shot, her left hand is on her right hand. (01:38:33)

Casual Person

26th Nov 2023

Oppenheimer (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Roger Robb has finished questioning Oppenheimer for the final time, in the shot of Robb saying "Just as it had with the atomic bomb, exactly," he has no glasses on. When the shot cuts, he suddenly has glasses on. (02:46:28)

Casual Person

26th Nov 2023

Oppenheimer (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Roger Robb asks Kitty if there are two types of communists, Kitty says she couldn't answer that one, to which Ward Evans replies, "I couldn't either." Gordon Gray can then be seen turning his head to face Evans, but when the shot cuts to focus on Evans, Gray is looking straight forward at Kitty. (02:40:55)

Casual Person

26th Nov 2023

Oppenheimer (2023)

Continuity mistake: William Borden is handed a letter that he wrote to J. Edgar Hoover. A copy of the letter is then handed to the other people in the boardroom. In a shot focusing on Borden, the letter is on the table, but when the shot cuts, he is suddenly holding the letter. (02:30:12)

Casual Person

26th Nov 2023

Oppenheimer (2023)

Continuity mistake: When Roger Robb asks Oppenheimer if Haakon Chevalier still his friend, Oppenheimer replies "Yes," and then it cuts to Lloyd Garrison, unhappy that he said that. In this shot, Garrison's forearms are on the table, but when the shot cuts, his forearms are on his lap. (02:26:50)

Casual Person

26th Nov 2023

Oppenheimer (2023)

Continuity mistake: When the scientists are testing the plutonium in the desert, there is a shot of Oppenheimer and Groves walking over to the explosion site. In the background, Lilli Hornig can be seen climbing over a small dirt hill. When the shot cuts, Lilli can now be seen standing next to George Kistiakowsky closer to the explosion site. When the shot cuts back to Oppenheimer and Groves, she is still climbing over the dirt hill. (01:36:50)

Casual Person

26th Nov 2023

Oppenheimer (2023)

Continuity mistake: Oppenheimer comes across a paper for a discussion on "The Impact of the Gadget on Civilization" among the Los Alamos scientists. In the shot of him grabbing the paper, it is soaking wet, but in a close-up of the paper, it is nearly dry. (01:34:35)

Casual Person

26th Nov 2023

Oppenheimer (2023)

Continuity mistake: After speaking with Niels at the Christmas party, a woman approaches Oppenheimer about a call from San Francisco. In one shot, the woman places her left hand on a support beam, but when the shot cuts, her hand is at her side. (01:26:55)

Casual Person

4th Sep 2023

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

4th Sep 2023

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

4th Sep 2023

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (2004)

Battle Royale! Judai VS Johan VS Fujiwara - S4-E19

Continuity mistake: When Jesse collapses on the ground after his life points go down to zero, his right hand can be seen placed along the line in the tile he is lying on. Later in the scene, in the shot where Jaden says "I activate it, targeting one monster in an opponent's graveyard", Jesse has changed position and his left leg is placed along the line in the tile. He returns to his original position ten seconds later. (00:16:35 - 00:17:17)

Casual Person

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