Corrected entry: In the scene where Maggie is using saved coins because she has no other money, she dumps out the coin rolls and you can see that they are "props." The coin rolls she has are the sealed type that can only be produced by a machine and not those that are produced when you roll coins from a coin jar. She would have had to purchase the rolls directly from a bank or other vendor to achieve this and she clearly did not roll them herself.

Corrected entry: Before flight 069 of NWA airlines is about to take off, the pilot tells his co-pilot to secure the cockpit cabin. The co-pilot locks 8-10 different locks on the cockpit door, similar to all the different locks you'd see on an apartment door in a bad neighborhood. A few scenes later, the owner of the airline walks right into the cockpit - none of the locks are still secured.
Correction: The co-pilot locks the cabin before take off. Nashawn Wade (Kevin Hart) doesn't enter the cockpit until after takeoff, allowing enough time for the doors to be unlocked off screen.

Corrected entry: The movie was based on the original Walking Tall trilogy made in the '70's. There are several notable scenes that mimic the original, such as the truck being torn apart, the big stick, and the blowing up of the hero's vehicle. Differences however include changes in names and locations. The original movie was the true story of Buford Pusser, who we see memorialized at the beginning of the credits.
Correction: The fact that this movie was based on the original isn't really trivia, as it was marketed as a remake and shares the same film title.

Corrected entry: On Lisa's Team America business card (when she's giving it to Gary), the L and the I of Lisa are closer together than the other letters, making LISA look like USA.
Correction: An observation plain to anyone who sees the scene is not trivia.

Corrected entry: When Peter returns home for the first time he is seen in the kitchen with his mother and brother and they're discussing his father. When his brother Carl explains that their father is angry because their mother kissed another man, you hear Peter say "that'll do it". But his lips don't move.
Correction: I re-watched this scene, and zoomed in when Peter says "That'll do it". His lips do in fact move.

Corrected entry: After having sex with Mathilde, Manech places his hand on her breast. He mentions several times how he could feel her heart beat. However, when we see the scene, his hand is on her right breast.
Correction: The side of the breast is irrelevant. You can feel a heartbeat on many different parts of the body.

Corrected entry: In the train scene when Roxy and Jane are arguing, a blonde man is sitting between them. The McGill scholarship is specifically mentioned and the man appears uninterested. This is the man that also tries to get a ride in the taxi the girls borrow. Near the end, it is uncovered that the man is on the scholarship board and he seems shocked to see the girls there even though he was actually informed that Jane was taking part earlier on in the film.
Correction: The man from the McGill scolarship may have a)been too drawn into the newspaper he was reading or b)thought they were only talking about it not that Jane was going to be in it.

Corrected entry: This movie takes place after applications have been sent in and Mattie has even received a letter back. At this point, it is too late for new SAT scores to even matter.
Correction: They took the PSAT, not the real SAT, and schools do allow you to reapply under these circumstances.

Corrected entry: When the Scouts come to sell Nora and Luther a Christmas Tree there's a Wreath on the front door, Luther says there not buying a tree. Right after that there out at the truck telling Fromeyer how Luther Stiffed the Scouts on a Christmas tree when that happens Fromeyer looks up at the Kranks house and there's no wreath on the front Door.
Correction: Luther takes the wreath off the door right after the scouts leave.

Corrected entry: When Lucy is throwing paint around in her father's garage, her hand is covered with paint, but in the next scene when she runs from the garage her hands are clean.
Correction: This has been removed in the DVD version. The DVD I own only has this scene as a deleted scene, it is not actually in the movie.

Corrected entry: The only German tank used in the movie is a panzerkampfwagen VI E Tiger I, while in reality the only armor used in Berlin by the Germans where panzerkampfwagen VI B Tiger II or Royal Tigers, which look very different from the mark I Tigers.
Correction: This is, as a matter of fact, wrong. All kinds of tanks were used in Berlin 1945. Panther, Tiger I, Tiger II (which is King- not Royal-Tiger).

Corrected entry: When Maddy is in the safe room and Gus reveals the hidden safety deposit box numbers, she touches three numbers on the keypad but only two boxes come out from the wall.
Correction: Not true. If you watch closely, you can see the first one come out, followed by two more that are on screen. You can also hear three open. And, when Maddy goes to check the boxes, the lowest one that she examines is the one box that you can barely see open.

Corrected entry: When Carter is driving Sam back to the diner after the dance, the road is wet. If it is in the middle of a drought, how can the road be wet?
Correction: A drought doesn't mean that it won't rain at all; it just means that the area isn't recieving a normal amount of rain. I live in Colorado, and we're considered to be in a drought. However, it snows or rains practically once a week at least.

Corrected entry: After Evan wakes up and falls off Kayleigh's bed, he has white boxers on. He then wraps a towel around him and proceeds down the hallway. Yet when he's in the girl's showers you can notice that when he discovers the naked girl behind him, he shows a little too much of himself to be wearing much of anything below it. (00:55:15 - 00:56:45)
Correction: He never loosens the towel that's around his waist, so nothing is shown. And the sink is covering him.

Corrected entry: When the Baudelaires are trapped in the car, Violet rips off the edge of the seat to use in one of her inventions. The seat is not nearly long enough for how long the 'rope' is when they use it. (00:36:35)
Correction: When the "rope" violet makes is seen in wide shots, you can see knots tied along it. as there is more than one seat in the car, it is obvious she ripped them off all the seats and tied them together.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the Alamo is in full view, you can see the flagpole is flying an American Banner. In reality, the Texan Army used the Mexican flag, but with the numbers "1824" on it because it wanted the old constitution back that Santa Ana repealed.
Correction: The "Alamo flag" is modern mythology. There is no extant evidence that they actually flew it over the Alamo.

Corrected entry: The morning after the prom, a crisis breaks out when it is discovered that the tape has been stolen. Kelly has the tape, and threatens to play it for the parents and school official. When he does, it is fully edited, with complete titles. When the guys were making the tape they were using three cameras. It is highly unlikely that early the next morning this completed production would have existed at all, even if Kelly had somehow broken in unnoticed to steal the material.
Correction: That was all part of the plan - the material had to be recorded and formatted within a very short period of time. In my opinion, Eli's "minions" and himself stood up all night editing the material.

Corrected entry: In the Cowboys and Indians scene, Peter starts the scene wearing a brown vest. Throughout the entire scene, the vest is on in some shots, and off in other shots. (00:17:10)
Correction: This scene combines an imagination sequence with the reality sequences that occur in their garden. Peter is wearing the brown cowboy vest in the imagination scenes where everything is more elaborate and everyone is wearing more cowboy and Indian gear than they are in reality (George even has a moustache and beard). It is not shown in the scenes in the garden because it was part of their imagination.

Corrected entry: When Joel gets to his apartment to get ready for the procedure he closes his window shields. However throughout the movie the shields end up open again, so when Mierzwiak's wife comes, she can see them through the window.
Correction: Kirsten Dunst opens the shades when they're cleaning up for Howard to come there.

Corrected entry: Ryan had, in the movie, a cell phone with video recording, call waiting and other technological features. However, couldn't he make a conference call with 911 when Jessica Martin called him for the first time?
Correction: He probably didn't think of it with all the stress, and his not being sure the call was legitimate in the first place. Also, some people know how to access all the fun features on a phone, like the video and all, but don't spend any time learning the practical features such as conference calling, thinking they'll never use it.
Correction: The submitter has included the correction him/herself - Maggie bought the coin rolls "from a bank or other vendor". It is a strange thing to do, but it is possible for her to get and keep her money like this.