
Corrected entry: Achilles is placed on the funeral pyre wearing his armor, which traditionally would have gone to his heirs (either back home or amongst the army). In fact, in the Iliad Odysseus and Ajax later fight over Achilles' armor, each claiming it should go to him as the next most valiant warrior amongst the Greeks.

Correction: Differences between a film and its source material are not considered valid mistakes. Also, traditions are not laws - they can be obeyed or ignored as necessary, without it being considered an error.


Corrected entry: After the first major battle and Achilles and the Myrmidons land on the beach, the small-group battle ends with Achilles killing every man within range of him. He speaks to Eudorus and you can a streak of blood across the front of his armor, along his upper chest. Around the edges of the mark, you can marks which probably indicate that the metal has been cut. How could blood be flowing from metal? That's impossible and it does not appear that he has been cut all the way through.

Correction: You're assuming that it's his blood. Given the sheer number of men that he's killed, it's far more likely that this is simply a splash of blood from one of them.


Corrected entry: Helen sutures Paris's wounds after his duel with King Menelaus. Suturing wounds did not become common practice until thousands of years after the movie is set.


Correction: From Wikipedia: The earliest reports of surgical suture date back to 3000 BC in ancient Egypt, and the oldest known suture is in a mummy from 1100 BC.

Corrected entry: When the two guards are dragging the priestess onto Agamemnon's ship, a quick shot of her foot reveals she is wearing Reef brand flip-flops, not an item they would have had in Troy.

Correction: I've watched that scene, there is no evidence of a logo or anything that identifies a particular brand of sandal; she was wearing a plain pair of black flip-flops which fits with the genre of the film.

Corrected entry: When the Trojans invade the shores at daybreak to initiate the second battle, it is quite obvious that Brad Pitt was playing the role of Patroclus until his throat was cut. First, you can see Pitt's face in Achilles' helmet in the close-up shots when he is about to start fighting with Hector. Second, you can see the significant change in Patroclus' physique before and after Hector cut his throat. Now i know that in The Iliad He was disguised as Achilles but that wasn't shown in the movie nor anything (other than Achilles' mother) connected to god interference.


Correction: Sorry, but it's Garrett Hedlund playing the role throughout. Any shot where it's possible to make out his face, it's quite clearly not Brad Pitt - the easiest tell is the eyes, as Hedlund's are noticeably lighter than Pitt's. There's also no physique change; it can be seen in the scene that introduces Patroclus earlier in the film that Hedlund and Pitt have similar builds. Any apparent difference is simply due to Hedlund moving from a compact fighting stance to being bent backwards in an unnatural position, then lying limply on the floor.


Corrected entry: When Hector removes his helmet right after Achilles does (during their fight scene), you can see the nose bridge and flanks of his helmet move in an obvious rubbery way.


Correction: This mistake has already been noted.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: As Patroclus enters Achilles' tent to ask if he will join the Greeks to fight the Trojans, Achilles is seated while eating and drinking. In disgust at Patroclus, Achilles dashes the contents of his cup on the fire. Moments later, he drinks from the empty cup.


Correction: Which just means that the cup was not entirely emptied when he flung out the contents. Try it yourself; most often a tiny amount of liquid is left in the cup when you do this.


Corrected entry: In the beginning you see a dog walk past several relics of a battle. This includes a dead horse. However you can see it blink and move it's ear even when all other items suggest the battle to be long past.


Correction: So the horse is dying, not dead, and no one noticed or cared to put it out of its misery.


Corrected entry: When Helen is looking out at the ocean knowing that the Greeks will come, Paris suggests that they "ride east, and keep riding" To ride east you must follow the rising sun. But the sun is rising over the ocean. So either the sun is rising in the west or Paris' plan is to ride into the ocean.

Correction: When Paris said ride east, he meant head in that general direction. Obviously he wouldnt have gone into the Aegean. But hes also not going to say "we'll head roughly 350 miles north and then ride east so we dont hit the water". Either way it's a character mistake.

Correction: This film is loosely based on the Iliad, not a direct copy. As such, any book/film differences aren't valid.


Corrected entry: A style of the Ancient Greeks from the Mycenaean era (during which the Trojan War occured) was that men never bore moustaches on their faces. This movie had an army - literally - of men with them.


Correction: This has already been corrected. It was the ROMANS who never had beards. The Greeks had beards at every era, including the Mycenean era. Becides, even if it was the style not to have beards, it doesn't mean that some men wouldn't have had them.

Corrected entry: Mid-film we see Hector carving a lion from wood for his son, which would be strange as the Trojans never conquered beyond the Mediterranean. What most people don't know is that lions once lived around the Mediterranean but climate and population changes forced them down into Africa.

Correction: The Bible's Old Testament has encounters with lions as does much of Greek mythology. It isn't really trivia as much as stating the obvious.


Corrected entry: In the beginning love scene with Helen and Paris, you see Paris without his shirt and there are no tattoos on his body. At the end, when Paris is firing the arrow at Achilles, you see a bit of his midriff and Orlando's sun tattoo is visible.

Jack's Revenge

Correction: I checked this scene several times. I never saw a tattoo on Paris' body. If it does happen, be more specific as to where on his body it is. Also, Paris fires more than one arrow, so say whether it is the first, second, third, fourth or fifth time when it happens.

Corrected entry: In the middle of the film when Achilles has killed Hector, he falls to the ground, and if you look behind him when he's on the ground, the castle wall can be seen, therefore signifying that he fell at the wall, yet on all other shots he is quite some distance from the castle wall. (01:56:55)


Correction: There is absolutely no continuity error regarding the proximity of the city's vast wall behind and to the sides of Hector.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene just after the Greeks have taken the Trojan beach, there some members of Troy sitting before Priam and they are cheering that, "If they want a war, we'll give them a war." After that comment, someone says, "The best of Greece outnumber the best of Troy two to one," yet they still cheer in happiness. This doesn't make any sense as they are Trojans and it is a bad thing that they're outnumbered by the Greeks.

Correction: They are cheering in defiance, not happiness.


Corrected entry: When Achilles and the myrmidons arrive at the Trojan beaches, a tall, white boulder is visible next to their ship. Throughout the combat on the beach, this boulder disappears and reappears.

Correction: The differences concerning the boulder and rock formations are already noted.

Corrected entry: When Odysseus leads the Greeks up the stairs and are trying to break through the gate that Paris and other Trojans are waiting for them on the other side, you see Paris draw an arrow and fix it to his bow. However, when the Greeks finally do break through the gate, he is seen in a self-shot drawing another arrow and quickly firing it again.

Correction: In the first shot, Paris raises the bow and nocked arrow - we do not see him let loose (note the distance between him and the window behind). Next shot is a close-up of the Greeks streaming in. In the third shot, as the Greeks begin battling Trojans in the background, Paris heads for the stairs in the foreground where he draws and lets loose the arrow - also seen in the fourth shot close-up (note the closer distance to the window). Between the first and third shots Paris could very well have let loose that first nocked arrow and turned around. No continuity error here.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Near the start when we see Achilles on his ship with his soldiers, the camera cuts to a soldier walking along the rowers, in this shot we don't see the main sail, yet when it cuts to him again coming up to Achilles the main sail is just behind him. We should have been able to see this in the previous shot from the soldiers feet. (00:34:35)


Correction: When this shot opens the camera is way down low, just at the height of the starboard side rowers. The stern rigging at starboard are visible beside these men, when Eudorus' legs come into view, as he begins walking from the stern towards the bow. As the camera continues to follow Eudorus' legs, the base of the mast - which is farther up on deck, would be wholly impossible to see, because many other men's legs are on deck in front of Eudorus' legs, and because of the unusual angle of this shot. In the next overhead shot, Eudorus has already passed the mast and heads to Achilles at forward deck; and as a side note this does not grate with continuity, because it is unnecessary to see Eudorus walk the entire length of the deck on camera.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: After Patroclus gets slashed in the throat by Hector there is a shot of him falling to the ground, and in this shot Glaucus is holding his shield in front of him. Then in the very next shot, Glaucus starts cheering, and the shield is on his side.

Correction: When Patroclus falls backwards, in this wide shot Glaucus holds his sword with his right hand and his shield is held with his left, in front of the left side of his body as the camera pans down to Patroclus hitting the ground. In the next close-up, Glaucus still holds the shield in front of the left side of his body, as he raises his sword with his right hand, the only difference being a soldier's arm is now pressed against Glaucus' shield - which the soldier was able to do as the camera pans down focusing on Patroclus.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: After Achilles arrives at his tent and sees Briseis, Eumaeus says "they thought she'd amuse you". In this shot, some of his hair is over his forehead, but it is not there in the very next shot.

Correction: First of all, it is Eudorus in the doorway of Achilles' tent. In the second shot the camera is farther away from Eudorus, but if you zoom in on his face the strand of hair does indeed hang over at his left eye, exactly like the previous shot.

Troy mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While Ajax and Hector fight, Hector head butts Ajax, and three shots later in a wide shot, half of the hammer end of his unusual spear actually breaks and falls to the ground behind him to his left. But lo and behold, in the next close-up the bloody hammer end (bloodier than the previous shot) of his spear is whole and intact. (01:20:00)

Super Grover

More mistakes in Troy

Hector: All my life I've lived by a code; and the code is simple: Honor the gods, love your woman, and defend your country. Troy is mother to us all. Fight for her!

More quotes from Troy

Trivia: Near the end of the movie, Paris hands the Sword of Troy off to a young man called Aeneas saying something along the lines of "Troy will always have a future so long as this sword is held by a Trojan." This was a little nod to Virgil's Aeneid which describes the travels of Aeneas after the Trojan War and who was an antecedent of Romulus and Remus (the legendary founders of Rome).

More trivia for Troy

Question: What's the use of those sharp poles the Trojans put on the beach before the Greeks land? They're too large to be of use against infantry, and the Greeks don't use cavalry, and wouldn't be likely to use cavalry to storm the beach even if they did.

Answer: They didn't know the Greeks weren't bringing cavalry. The Greeks did use them and sometimes brought them by sea. It was there to stop a cavalry charge and to break up fighting formations.


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