Corrected entry: In the scene where Mary the mother of Jesus cleans with white clothes the copious blood spread on the Pretorium is peculiarly red showing no traces of the normal biological process of coagulation and condensation in that season of the year (pesach or Jewish Easter) as shown in Lee White's hematology tests. No coagulation can be seen in the scene despite the amount of blood.

Corrected entry: When Cooper is in the hot tub with Candy, there's a blue towel on the chair to left of him. At the very end of the scene, the towel changes to a pinkish striped towel. (00:11:35)
Correction: Two chairs. Left chair ->blue towel, righ chair -> striped towel.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie, Vincent cuts off power to the 16th floor, and Annie's call to the 911 operator is disconnected. However, most phones (especially those in government offices) will continue to function without electricity if an active connection has already been made.
Correction: That explains why it's not a mistake - even if "most" phones continue to function without electricity, this one does not.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Adam Sandler drives Flor to the bus stop and she jumps out, she says "Just aqui," meaning she'd just get out there and walk the rest of the way to the bus stop. But in the next scene, she has Cristina teach her the word 'just'.
Correction: Not really, what Flor says is "Ya está aquí".

Corrected entry: The fuel gauge for the speed test is grossly exaggerated for effect. They just got done telling him that there is minimal fuel for weight considerations. Just after takeoff, it reads about 40, which is half full. After the first run it's down around 30. Going into the third run it's near 10. Given the H-1's range of 2,490 miles, even pushing the engine to it's limits shouldn't drain that much fuel that quickly nor should the engine stall at 10. (01:44:40 - 01:46:20)
Correction: The H-1 was modified after the initial test flight. The first model was not intended to fly a long distance. After the initial flight basically the only thing that was not changed was the fuselage itself.

Corrected entry: In the DVD version, the scene where Miles is driving on the freeway shows him doing a crossword puzzle on his steering wheel. If you look at the speedometer, it reads zero but he is actually driving on the highway.
Correction: Posted on a number of films and corrected on them, too. The speedometer is broken. It happens.

Corrected entry: Jenna's blindfold in the closet at age 13 is the same material as the fabric of her sleep mask when she wakes up at 30.
Correction: Of course it's going to be the same!

Corrected entry: When Dennis Quaid and his co-pilot are going through the pre-flight checklist, they come to the cockpit windows and state that they're "shut and locked". A few seconds later, in an external shot, the co-pilot's window is wide open.
Correction: The window is wide open throughout the scene. Townes and his copilot use the preflight check list as an excuse for some macho banter, and neglect such vital procedures as checking that control surface pins are removed (maybe that's why they crashed!) and that engine and hydraulic oil pressure is sufficient for take off. They shouldn't have done things the way they did, but that just makes it a series of character errors.

Corrected entry: When Bourne is tapping into the phone of the American consulate investigator to trace Pamela Landy's phone number the area code on the phone call is 757. However, she is calling from Langley, Virginia, which has the area code 703. The mistaken 757 area code refers to Langley Air Force base in Hampton, VA, about 200 miles away from CIA headquarters.
Correction: That was Pamela Landy's cell phone, not a land line. The area code could be from anywhere.

Corrected entry: When Spooner first meets Sonny in the doctor's office, he pulls the gun from his shoulder holster, but Sonny kicks it from his hand & takes it when he jumps out of the bin. Subsequently, Spooner pulls smaller gun from his ankle holster to shoot at Sonny as he jumps out the window. Once Spooner gets to the ground floor, however his ankle gun has grown in size so that he has to put it back in his shoulder holster. Spooner then picks up the original shoulder holster gun from the ground where Sonny drops it and just carries it off.
Correction: We don't really see the size of the gun that he stows in the shoulder holster. We just see him going through the motions of putting a gun there. It is likely that it would be easier for him to do this, rather than halt his pursuit to bend down and return the gun to the ankle holster.

Corrected entry: After Permian loses to Carter, Billingsly is hugged by his dad. As he starts to hug his dad, he has gloves on both hands. His dad puts his ring on Billingsly's finger, and the glove is gone.
Correction: If you look closely you can see Don's dad holding his gloves when he puts the ring on Don's finger. So we are to assume that the gloves were removed, and didn't just disappear.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Starsky is jogging on the beach, the DJ proclaims that the song playing, Chicago's Old Days, is currently 8 on the charts. The song charted in 1975, but throughout the movie there is music from later years in the decade. Additionally, as of 1975 no company had yet invented an AM/FM headset radio, only AM to that point. Starsky has the antenna, which could only benefit FM transmission as AM antennas are built-in to headset radios, fully extended.
Correction: The headset was indeed available even before 1975 as I bought one and still have it. And it not only is FM, it's FM stereo.

Corrected entry: When Mort throws the ashtray into the wall the hole looks a lot like a broken heart, but when we see the hole again it's more rectangular.
Correction: When we first see the hole, it is rectangular in shape, just like we see later when Amy sees the hole. The heart shape (possible foreshadowing) only occurs after the wall starts to crack. This cracking though is just Mort's hallucination, so the hole reverts back to the rectangle shape.

Corrected entry: When Moore is talking about United Defense, who make the Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle, there is a cut to some stock footage of an IFV in action. All well and good, except that the vehicle shown is a Warrior, used by the British Army and not manufactured by United Defense.
Correction: Moore never overtly states that the vehicle shown is precisely what he is talking about. The video clip is there simply to show a general illustration of the sort of vehicle he is referencing. Since United Defense makes a similar apparatus, the footage serves its purpose and is not a mistake.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Heather and Daphne are talking outside the museum, supposedly Ned changes into the costume of the evil masked figure and goes on the roof of the museum. However, when Heather says, "Scoop of the night, gone" you can see Ned in the background pointing the camera to the roof of the museum. You also hear Heather say, "Ned, get your camera and follow me." as she is walking off. Ned can't have got down from the roof and out of the outfit that quick. (00:35:25)
Correction: If you look closely Ned isn't there, there are other camera men around but not Ned. The reason she said "Ned, get your camera and follow me" was to make it seem as if Ned was still there.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, when Bridget first came into the conference room, she was carrying a purse with her. When she and Darcy come out however, the purse is gone - and even after she goes back into the room and out again, she still doesn't have it.
Correction: You can see her purse on the conference table in front of where Mark was sitting (even though we never see her place it there).

Corrected entry: When Viktor is eating crackers with ketchup/mustard/mayo, he puts a "sandwich" together and gets ready to take a bite. In this shot, there are three crackers in the "sandwich" and mustard on the top. When the shot changes to show Dixon standing there, there are five crackers in the "sandwich" and no mustard on the top cracker.
Correction: It's pretty visible that he puts 4 crackers and mustard on top at first and it's exactly the same at the wide shot with Dixon.

Corrected entry: In the scene towards the end of the movie a man is looking at a check. On the check is written "One hundred and Eighty Nine" so on and so forth millions of dollars. The camera then pans to the numbered cash amount on the right, and it says $198 etc., among other numbers, rather than $189 etc.
Correction: You obviously didn't even watch this movie, or the first one for that matter. The "man" looking at the check is Terry Benedict. And the check is written accurately for 198 million, not 189 - both in the text part and the number part.

Corrected entry: Robert Stephenson died in 1859, roughly a decade before the film's main story.
Correction: This film is a highly fictionalized film about a young inventor who encounters implausible steam-armies and battles in a flying castle. It is not supposed to be factually accurate.

Corrected entry: In the grave yard scene. It doesn't seem possible for a virus contracted through bodily fluids (blood, saliva) to get 6 feet down into sealed coffins, infect a half decomposed corpse filled to the eyeballs with formaldehyde and methanol (typically), and make a zombie that could break out of its casket and dig up six feet with naught but bare hands, a seemingly impossible task for even the fittest, healthiest and craziest human.
Correction: This is the explanation given on IMDB: This occurrence is explained in the first film where the Red Queen (Michaela Dicker) reveals that the T-virus goes from the transition process of liquid to gas in a matter of hours. The virus was vented out through the ground after Umbrella reopened (The Hive was located under Raccoon City). As for them being able to break out of their casket, lots of zombie movies do that.
The brain liquefies when we die unless a there's a preservative. The cells are dead as well. I don't understand how a virus infects a dead cell.
Regardless of the transmission method or movie explanation, it's standard zombie lore that when the dead turn into zombies, they have minimal brain function and motor control, despite it being impossible in real life. The virus basically has supernatural powers, which isn't a valid movie mistake.
Correction: It's the blood of Christ. It's special. Especially in Catholic circles like that of the director.