Corrected entry: Cody reveals to the orchestra, before they play for the queen and before Sir Jerkalot enters, that he, Emily, and Derek are secret agents. They do not believe him, and Berkhamp gets up and pokes Cody. Cody pulls some CIA moves and gets him on his head. Notice in this shot that his suit jacket is on straight. In the next shot, Berkhamp gets up and only a second has passed, but his jacket is on backwards. There was no further moves Cody did, therefore his jacket would not have been backwards. (01:18:30 - 01:19:25)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Cole Porter teaches a student to sing "Night and Day", you can see where the student's wig meets his real hair, at the back of his head, in several shots.
Correction: I just watched this yesterday and there not any indication that a wig is being worn. That is John Barrowman's real hair.

Corrected entry: In the first movie, the anaconda could be shot in the head at point-blank with a shotgun and be fine, but in this one a thrown knife to the lower-neck kills one instantly?
Correction: This is a different anaconda. It's enhanced in some areas and vulnerable in other areas.

Corrected entry: When the sun hits the surface of the planet, it would superheat all the air and Riddick as well as the other prisoners would die because their lungs would get fried.
Correction: This would be true only if Riddick and the prisoners were caught within the "VTF", or Visual Thermal Front (the rushing wall of flame) where the air is heating up to its full daytime temp of 700 degrees C. Opposing that "VTF" is the night side temperature of -300 degrees C. Where the day and night temperatures meet is the narrow semi-habitable band where Riddick and the other prisoners ran through during their escape. Sunlight, even in the moments of pre-dawn, takes time to heat up the air. This is true even in our world, particularly in mid spring (particularly noticeable in northern climates) when the days are warming up but the nights are still very cold. The sun can be cresting the horizon, the sunlight beginning to shine brightly, and the air can still be very cold. When the sun actually does heat up the air, it has already been shining for some time. That increasingly heated mass of air was shown in the film as the "VTF".

Corrected entry: In the auto shop scene where Fallon and Queen lock themselves in the office, Fallon breaks the knob off the dead-bolt lock and the knob is shown falling down the floor drain, then in subsequent shots the lock knob is back on undamaged.
Correction: The reason the knob is back on the door is because Fallon's character, after knocking the knob of the door, moves across the room to a different door, which has not been touched.

Corrected entry: If cutters aren't allowed to have implants, why did EYE-tech hire Alan Hakman in the first place? They could have easily checked their computer to see that he had one put in at birth.
Correction: Cutters are not employed by EYE-Tech. They are independent contractors hired by the families. That is why the one cutter's cousin was worried about losing his job if they found a cutter in the EYE-Tech building.

Corrected entry: In the scene when Billy Bright comes home from the pub after overhearing Harris and others in the firm "mugging him off", he sits in his living room staring blankly at the TV thinking. His wife Barbara holds out a steel plate with his dinner on it through the serving hatch and calls to him to which he doesn't answer. She then seconds later walks into the living room, however she is now holding a blue plate with the same meal on it.
Correction: At first glance, this seems the case, however looking at the plate closely, it is in fact the reflection from the lights in the room which makes the plate looks like steel. It is also highly unlikely his dinner would be served on a steel plate. You can see the bottom rim of the plate where no color exists (i.e. where the china's been cut) in both shots.

Corrected entry: Shortly after the beginning of the movie, there is an establishing exterior shot of the town with a railway cutting, showing a single rail line. A steam train travels towards us, belching black smoke. Cut to Sofi in her workshop and we see the smoke from the train travel across the window from left to right, which means Sofi's workshop must be on the left hand side of the screen in the establishing shot. As she works on the hat, another train goes by, but this time the smoke travels from right to left. Remember, there is only one railway track. Cut back to exterior shot to see the train once again coming towards us, so either the smoke or the train are going the wrong way.
Correction: The smoke outside the window moves exactly as it would if the train was moving right to left and the wind was blowing left to right.

Corrected entry: During the first scene in the buried church, as the young priest examines the defiled crucifix, he is nearly head to head with the figure of Jesus. When Merrin travels to the church alone, the defiled crucifix is hanging much higher up.
Correction: The cross being higher is a sign of the evil growing stronger.

Corrected entry: Matt visits Alex at Lisa's apartment. I realize that a few years have gone by, however, Matt should have recognized something in that apartment (besides the shoes). I find it hard to believe that Lisa would have replaced EVERYTHING from her past. She would have kept something; pictures, a mirror, a chair, a bed frame. Something in that apartment would have been the same.
Correction: It's not a mistake, Lisa moved to another flat in different house. That's why Matthew had to follow Daniel to find her new flat. He didn't even know at what floor she lives after arriving to the building and had to check the mailboxes. Plus, each flat has completly different type of windows. No one in the movie says she moved, but since she left for some time to Europe and the flat itself could have been only rented so she didn't want to pay for it while she wasn't present in Chicago. When Luke (Matthew's best friend who dates her) drives Alex to her place, she thinks about unlocking the door and go home (where Lisa took refuge), but then she decides to take a cab instead and visit Lisa's new flat. We know that Alex' flat and Lisa's flat were across the same yard, so why should she take a cab for going only few meters? Plus, in the scene where we finally see Lisa with in Alex' flat and it's not flashback, there are few shots where we can see trough the window into the Lisa's old flat across the yard - and there is couple we haven't seen yet and won't see again, actually the new inhabitants.
Yes. She moved. That doesn't change the fact that there should have been other items from the previous apartment in the new apartment. She didn't bring a picture, a coffee cup, or a lamp from her previous apartment? It's not realistic. The red bottom shoes are being used to mess with Matthew's head. If Mathew had recognized other items belonging to the real Lisa in that apartment, the whole "mind game" scenario wouldn't have worked. The fact that there is absolutely nothing from Lisa's old apartment in that new apartment is unrealistic and only used to further the plot, which is the very definition of plot hole.

Corrected entry: At the end of the film Lars is supposed to be putting the propeller on the boat because it doesn't have one. During this time, he comes out of the water to fight of the killer, and uses the propeller, which falls to the floor. Seconds later, with Lars and the propeller still in the boat, they start up the boat and drive away. But no one ever put the propeller on. There is even a shot underwater of the propeller. A minute after that Lars again uses the same propeller that is supposedly on the boat to fight the killer again.
Correction: Lars has already put the unbroken propeller (recovered from the sunken boat) on before coming out of the water. Frame-by-frame on the DVD shows the propeller Lars uses in the attack to be the old, broken two-bladed one, presumably put back in the boat when the boat was moved from the beach to the floating dock.

Corrected entry: When Nancy (Sara Foster) gets out of the water after swimming from the Alison boat, she is wearing large hoop earrings. The earrings were not there when she was on the boat.
Correction: Yes, but there is obviously a large time lapse between the last time we see them on the boat, and the next shot we see of them near the shore. Since we don't actually see them leave the boat, or know how much more time they spent on the boat after that last shot of them on the boat, it could be argued that she put them on before she left the boat (for whatever reason) and it just wasn't shown on camera.

Corrected entry: When Telly and Ash hide from the NSA agents in the field, you can see a steady rain falling in front of the agents' flashlights. Although the two lay still on the ground, looking upward, for several minutes, their faces do not get wet.
Correction: It isn't raining, it is dust.

Corrected entry: In the first Ginger Snaps movie, Brigitte shoots up the other guy who's been turned into a werewolf with Wolfsbane, and he is cured immediately. We assume he's cured forever. However, in Ginger Snaps 2, Brigitte has to take Wolfsbane regularly. So what happened to the other guy?
Correction: No, YOU assume that Jason was cured forever in the original. He wasn't hence the tagline "it only dies if you do". And the werewolf after Brigitte is probably him (now changed from a withdrawal from monkshood) because Brigitte says it came from "the suburbs"- most likely Bailey Downs where the original is set.

Corrected entry: In the scene when Susan Sarandon is making spaghetti, it starts to boil over before she puts the spaghetti in. Plain water will not boil over.
Correction: It will if it has salt in it. She may have added salt to the water before adding the spaghetti.

Corrected entry: When Zenon and Dasha are coming back from having the scary encounter with Selena, Zenon drops her zap pad. It falls about the speed it would on Earth, however since the moon's gravitational pull is less, it would have fallen drastically more slowly. Notice how long it took Zenon and Dasha to fall and I'm guessing that they weigh about 105 pounds and 80 pounds (respectively). An object that had a lighter weight would have fallen more slowly. Drop a five pound weight and then drop a feather, which one takes longer to hit? Even if the Moon is in a vacuum. The zap pad would have taken longer to hit the moon's surface because the weight had been reduced coming from the Earth to the Moon and it wouldn't fall at the same speed on the Moon as it would have on Earth.
Correction: While you are right in that it would fall slower on the moon as evidenced by the astronaut landing. Galileo proved that by dropping different weights off the Leaning Tower of Pisa that different weights do fall at the same speed making gravity a constant which debunked the beliefs of Aristotle. Zenon, Dasha and the zap pad should all fall at the same speed.

Corrected entry: Around halfway through the movie we have some shots of the band live. If you look for it, you can see their new bassist in there, but this is way before they show the bassist auditions and their picking him.
Correction: This is a documentary, not a movie. Since it is a documentary, you can have scenes involving the bassist before they show it.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Marna is informing the "Renegades" that their squad is not "real", she only holds up seven fingers not eight when she is speaking about Section 8.
Correction: Marna holds up 7 fingers on purpose, even though she is talking about section 8. Her character is supposed to be a dumb cheerleader, this is just a physical example of her stupidity. It is far too obvious to be a mistake.

Corrected entry: If the primary investigator on a case became a suspect, that person would no longer be on the case. Jessica is identified as a prime suspect in the murders, and logically, should have been pulled off the investigation.
Correction: The mistake is not a plot hole - just not likely. The film addressed the fact that she should have been pulled from the case - but the chief has reasons to keep her on (he raised her and assumed she was the least likely to discover the truth that he was the murderer because he could influence her).

Corrected entry: The danish crown prince went to Harvard, not a university in Wisconsin.
Correction: obviously the prince is a fictional character for the movie, so he can go to school wherever he wants. just like in movies that portray the president of the united states, the characters in the movie dont always reflect real people.
Correction: Cody made a lot of extra moves. You heard him making the moves but didn't see him. Besides, it was mainly a joke to show what Cody has to do to prove he's a secret agent.