Corrected entry: Travolta marks on the scene of the fire as "Deputy Chief". However, on his helmet there are 3 bugles, which signify an Assistant Chief. A Deputy Chief has 4 bugles.

Corrected entry: The morning after the table dance, when Sam accepts the phone from Mia her left arm tattoo is briefly and distractingly visible. It had been shadowed out during the girls' walk toward the table dance, and mostly covered or shot around the rest of the time.
Correction: Although the director/movie crew may have been trying to hide the actor's tatoo it doesn't mean that the character doesn't have a tatoo.

Corrected entry: When the girls are getting dressed in their soccer uniforms Marcia is pulling on her first sock when they cut to Lola talking. When they cut back five seconds later Marcia is just starting to pull on the same sock. They cut away again and when they cut back (about 5 seconds later) she has both socks on and both shoes tied. (00:15:05)
Correction: Marcia already has both of her shoes on and tied, she's just pulling up the sock. Also, if you see her blonde friend, she puts on the same sock twice as well.

Corrected entry: During the final fight between Jin and Leo, the snow covering their bodies often disappears/reappears between shots.
Correction: This simply could have happened because of wind, blowing snow off of them and back on. It mentions this on the audio-commentary.

Corrected entry: When Howard Saint's other son is on the dock beating up Frank, there is one point when he kicks Frank off the dock and onto another lower part of the dock. When he kicks him, it is clear that the wood has been pre-cut so it's very easy to break, therefore very easy to kick Frank through it. Use slow motion. (00:28:55)
Correction: It's not a valid mistake if you have to use slow motion to spot it.

Corrected entry: When the group first enters the corn field before the house and encounters the 'scarecrow' he has bags over his hands. This is to just make you wonder what's inside the scarecrow. But later on, when they show the flashback of when the man was being put on the cross, there are no bags over his hands after everyone had already left.
Correction: Someone could have easily put the bags over the mans hands after the event. It's not until a while after the robbers arive.

Corrected entry: When Henry punches the tourist in the throat and takes his digital Elph camera the camera makes a winding sound like it was a 35mm film camera, not a digital.
Correction: That noise could have been the lens retracting if the off button is pushed. They sound very similar to winding a film camera.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Frankie takes Ricky's photo at the soccer practice the camera's flash activates despite the fact the sun is bright enough to cast shadows and cause the cast to squint throughout most of the scene. (00:52:10)
Correction: This is not out of the question. the flash on my camera comes on automatically regardless of the amount of light. In bright weather I have to manually switch it off, which Frankie might not have done.

Corrected entry: At the river Hyphasis, Alexander's troops refused to go any further. Their spokesman was a Greek nobleman named Koinos. Their cause was not defended by Krateros as depicted in the movie.
Correction: In the DVD commentary, Stone acknowledges this. He says he had Krateros do it because it linked to a later scene, and gave it more intimacy, being that Krateros was one of Alexander's trusted friends.

Corrected entry: After Creasy kills Jorge Gonzales, he pushes the car off a cliff. When the car hits the ground, it explodes - but the explosion actually starts before the car has hit the ground.
Correction: The car actually explodes just as it hits the ground. Not before.

Corrected entry: When XXXX is in his apartment dressed and ready to go to his accountant, he answers his cell phone, speaks, and then throws it on the desk. After the visit, when sitting at Greenwich Observatory he answers his cell phone, which should still be in the apartment.
Correction: He answers a cordless land line phone, you can tell by the ringtone.

Corrected entry: After Frankie's funeral there is a scene with a load of magazines piling upon each other on the screen advertising "The Shark Slayer" and one has a spelling mistake, 'Spectcular', this should be spelled as 'Spectacular'.
Correction: I've looked at the movie and I couldn't see a magazine that said Spectcular.

Corrected entry: One of the Graboids dies from running into a large saw, partially embedded in the ground. The problem is judging by the size of the Graboid in relation to the flimsey, thin saw, there is no way the creature would have died from the impact. And the saw shows little damage.
Correction: We don't know the exact biology of the Graboids. As far as we know, the point of impact could well have been it's brain or heart, or other major organ that would be vital to sustain it's life.

Corrected entry: When Raymond accidentally gets triggered at the Chinese restaurant, it's off by one word. The bartender says "why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire" but he would have had to say "Raymond, why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire"
Correction: First, this was listed for the wrong movie - this scene is from the 1962 original. Second, it's the queen of diamonds in the solitaire deck that triggers him, not anything the bartender said.

Corrected entry: When the blond woman gets slammed into the wall by the black man, watch the wall when she hits it. It vibrates badly showing that it was an actual set wall instead of the thick steel of the cube.
Correction: At no point is the structure of the cube stated to be "thick" or "steel" or even any other type of metal for that matter. Metal sheets can still wobble at any rate.

Corrected entry: When Jill gets home you can see her closing the door. When it cuts to her walking away from the door, you can see that it is a different door. (00:03:05)
Correction: It's the same door. You can see the distinct marking in the second panel.

Corrected entry: When the older Noah is checked out by the doctor in the nursing home, his x-rays on the wall are posted backwards. The heart should be on the opposite side.
Correction: The x-ray may have been ordered to view from posterior to anterior (from is back to his chest). In that case the doctor would have to view them the way they were shot.from back to front. This may explain why the heart was pointing in the opposite direction. (Altought unlikely, some people have a rare anatomical variation known as situs inversus. When this happens the body organs are transposed on the opposite side, like a mirror image. Interesting, but like I said not likely.).

Corrected entry: When Matt Dillon is one the phone talking with Shaniqua about his fathers HMO. The stripes on his uniform are sergeant stripes, but he is a patrolmen.
Correction: In LAPD, a sergeant-1 (with three stipes) is considered a field supervisor. A lieutenant has the billet of watch commander. That is why Matt Dillion is in the field. He may also be acting as a field training officer, which is why he has a partner. Or, the shift may be low on cars, causing the field supervisor to "double-up", which is not uncommon. A sergeant-2 (with four stripes) has more of an administrative job, to include watch commander if needed.

Corrected entry: In the hospital, Natalie Portman would have had to given her name so she could be called in. However Jude Law was with her all the time and he doesn't find out her name until they were walking through the memorial gardens (when she gives the fake name).
Correction: She could have easily spoke with the triage nurse in private (which is routine in any hospital I've been to). When she was ready to be seen, the triage nurse could have just motioned to her, or gone up to her and said something like "You can be seen now."

Corrected entry: The snake repeatedly changes size, first he's big enough to wrap around the kings sceptre, then he's small enough to fit in a small pack, then bigger than a giant's foot, etc.
Correction: The snake is obviously enchanted since it can talk, so it's entirely possible that it can change size given its needs at the time.
Correction: It is possible that, as with all fire departments across the nation, that Travolta was in the acting role of a Deputy Chief. If this were the case, his helmet would still have the insignia of his actual rank, but his referred rank while on the fire ground would be Deputy Chief, or Command once he had assumed command. May not be the actual deal here, but that is how working out of class usually goes.