Best movie quotes of 2002

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Cherish picture

Daly: What happened?
Andrew: I guess I trusted somebody before they earned it.

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Max (2002)

Max picture

Max Rothman: Try not to be one of those people who finds a slight in any compliment.

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Clockstoppers picture

Kelly Gibbs: Have I told you lately how much I respect and admire you?
Zak Gibbs: Buy a car? Give money to Satan? Oh.

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The Rules of Attraction picture

Rupert: You want some coke?
Sean Bateman: Um. Sure.
Rupert: Then buy some of your own, bitch.

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The Man on the Train picture

Milan: One guy can't take two on, except in the movies.

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Stealing Harvard picture

John: We've been banging together like a pair of cymbals in an overworked marching band.

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Time Changer picture

Michelle Bain: I believe that secular entertainment is one of the biggest tools that Satan uses to mislead people.

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Ken Park picture

Tate: I killed my grandfather, because he is a cheater who likes to tell war stories, and I killed my grandmother because she's a passive-aggressive bitch who doesn't respect my privacy.

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The Magdalene Sisters picture

Sister Bridget: For many years, more years than I care to remember, I have had a secret love. In fact not just one, but dozens. Since I have been thirteen years old I have been in love... with the films.

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Murder by Numbers picture

Cassie: Richard, what are you doing here?
Richard: What are you doing here? Do you want something?
Cassie: Like what?
Richard: I don't know... Everybody wants something.
Cassie: Is that right?
Richard: They just don't know how to ask for it.
Cassie: And what do you want?

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Punch-Drunk Love picture

Barry: Is this confidential?

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May (2002)

May picture

Mama Canady: If you can't find a friend, make one.

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Swept Away picture

Amber: What have you done to me?
Guiseppe: What you needed doing to you. Don't you like it?
Amber: It's okay.

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The Banger Sisters picture

Suzette: Ever heard of Frank Zappa?
Harry: Sure. The Mothers of Invention.
Suzette: Wow. Very good Harry. Well, he named us. The Banger Sisters.
Harry: But you weren't really sisters.
Suzette: No.
Harry: Good 'cause I wouldn't have been comfortable if you were sisters.
Suzette: You're not comfortable now, Harry.

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The Dancer Upstairs picture

Agustín Rejas: I'd like to have a list of staff with access to the President's chambers.
Calderón: Luckily there are only two of them. The first is named 'Fuck', the second is named 'Off'.

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The Quiet American picture

Alden Pyle: Have you had a lot of women, Thomas?
Thomas Fowler: You start out by being promiscuous and end up like your grandfather... faithful to one woman.

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Dog Soldiers picture

Cooper: Sweeping patrols between each of these bunkers - they'll have the whole sector wrapped tighter than an Eskimo's nad-sac.

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Femme Fatale picture

Lily: Isn't sugar better than vinegar?

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40 Days and 40 Nights picture

Bagel Guy: Yeah. Fire in the hole.

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Confessions of a Dangerous Mind picture

Jim Byrd: You're 32 years old, and you've achieved nothing. Jesus Christ was dead and alive again by 33. You better get crackin'.

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