Mr. O'Connor: You've got no home. You have no mother. You got no father. You killed us, you slut. You killed us both.
Sister Bridget: For many years, more years than I care to remember, I have had a secret love. In fact not just one, but dozens. Since I have been thirteen years old I have been in love... with the films.
Margaret: Crispina, why did you want to kill yourself?
Bernadette: Jesus, that's a stupid thing to ask, Elizabeth.
Margaret: I'm just trying to stop her from killing herself.
Bernadette: I know what you're trying to do. I just don't know why you're doing it.
Bernadette: Having a baby's not a crime.
Rose: Having a baby before you're married is a mortal sin.
Bernadette: I'd commit any sin, mortal or otherwise, to get the hell out of here.
Bernadette: Please don't tell her... please.
Katy: But I have to tell her! I have to.
Bernadette: Fine. But if you do I'll kill myself, and you know what that means? It means I'll go straight to hell and so will you, because in God's eyes you'll be a murderer, same as me.
Katy: No, no! That's not true! That's not true?