Cinderella: I was a dish maid when the prince married me. And he loves me because I'm me.

Joe Enders: Stay on my ass.

Laurie Strode: You failed, Michael. Want to know why? Because I'm not afraid of you. But what about you? Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid to die, Michael?

Jake Hayes: Does it play DVDs?
Seale: No. It's a portable thermonucular (sic) bomb.

Adina: I have a FAT ass.

Wall Street: You can't get anything done in a world without rules.

Van Wilder: I know Ms Pacman is special. She's cute...she's fun...she swallows.

Eleanor Duvall: They were giving out free lobster bibs in the bathroom.
Whitey: That's not a lobster bib Eleanore its a germ protector for your tushey.

Helen Wade: Would you like anything?
George Wade: I'd love some Milk Duds.
Helen Wade: We don't have any, I could send out for one.
George Wade: Oh, no, don't be ridiculous. If you're going to send out, get a whole box.

Ali G: Sorry I iz late, bu dere was a documentry on about monkeys.