Burt Holloway: You are the child of god's holy gift of life. You come from me. But you are not me. Your soul and your body are your own, and yours to do with as you wish.
Lee Holloway: [Smiles.] Thank you Daddy.

Pistachio Disguisey: Am I not turtley enough for the turtle club. Turtle, turtle, turtle.

Kaylee: In order to get what we need, we are talking complete physical and psychoemotional breakdown, people! I want to see a broken man. I'm talking like, "Oh, I just threw a baseball through your window" broken. Snap him like a twig! Squeeze him like a bug! I want you to turn him into mincemeat! And I don't even know what mincemeat is! I want him to scream for his mommy! WAH! WAH! Mommy, mommy, mommy! Do you hear me, people? Do you read me? Cause I don't really think you understand!
Jason: I think they read you.
Kaylee: Fair enough.

Ivan Cooper: I just want to say this to the British Government... You know what you've just done, don't you? You've destroyed the civil rights movement, and you've given the IRA the biggest victory it will ever have. All over this city tonight, young men... boys will be joining the IRA, and you will reap a whirlwind.

Lorne Daniels: Nobody wants you, not even the Clippers.

The Stranger: Let's proceed with caution. These madmen could eat us.
The Time Traveller: They liked your hair.
The Stranger: Of course, I'm a writer. Writer's always have good hair.

Jay: If you decide you wanna know who you really are, come take a ride with me. If not, people are waiting for their TV guides.

Billy Flynn: Now look, I don't like to blow my own horn. But believe me. If Jesus Christ lived in Chicago today and if he had $5,000 and he'd come to me, things would have turned out differently.

Charlie Kaufman: To begin... To begin... How to start? I'm hungry. I should get coffee. Coffee would help me think. Maybe I should write something first, then reward myself with coffee. Coffee and a muffin. Okay, so I need to establish the themes. Maybe a banana-nut. That's a good muffin.

Meowth: There they go. All we gotta do is follow them on top of them rooftops.
James: Well, I used to be quite a good gymnast.
Jessie: This is our big chance, I could almost taste it! Are you ready?
James: Yeah.