Ingrid Formanek: Say this - "La tapar, ana Sahaffi."
Robert Wiener: La tapar, ana Sahaffi.
Ingrid Formanek: Pretty good.
Robert Wiener: What does it mean?
Ingrid Formanek: "Don't shoot, I'm a journalist."

Tony Wilson: Every band needs its own special chemistry. And Bez was a very good chemist.

Mrs. Cartwright: What sorts of things are we supposed to notice?
Det. Martin Van Zandt: Nothing. You're just her parents.

Ben Manibag: Do you ever wonder about your real parents?
Stephanie Vandergosh: The parents I have now are my real parents.

Chris Kelvin: Why did you kill yourself?
Gibarian: It seemed like a good idea at the time, now I think I made a mistake.

Randolph Grady: You know, I could help you study.
Starla Grady: Yeah and what's the catch?
Randolph Grady: No catch, you just gotta be nice to me for the rest of my life.
Starla Grady: Ha! I should have known you'd exploit this for emotional blackmail. That's just mean you... user.

Gothel: Rapunzel, you and your friends won't live to see the next sunrise.

Vera: Marv, I gotta pee.
Marv Merchants: Vera, you can pee next week.

Toula Portokalos: I had to go to Greek school, where I learned valuable lessons such as, "If Nick has one goat and Maria has nine, how soon will they marry?"

Marcus: Who are you?
Mourad: Who am I? Until proof of the contrary, I can be your best friend.