Khamtay: Why would you buy me those?
Jeffrey Dahmer: Because I like to do nice things for people. Makes me feel good about myself.
Khamtay: Are you some kind of nut?
Jeffrey Dahmer: That's sad.
Khamtay: What?
Jeffrey Dahmer: That we've gotten to a point where doing nice things for people is considered insane.
Jack Van Meter: Get the hell down from there. While you're grandstanding here the city is starting to burn. Jimmy for Christ sakes.
Det. Sgt. Eldon Perry Jr.: If the city is starting to burn, Jack, it's partly because of guys like you and me. And I may be a goddamm alcoholic but that doesn't mean I can't tell the truth - and I've got all the deep deep dirt right here. Somebody put the cufs on me - let me start talking.
Catherine: Oh, eww, this arugal is so bitter! It'l like my algebra teacher on my bread.
Jake Hayes: So you're leaving me and going back to Ken, that's what I asked you.
Julie: The Ken part is just business.
Jake Hayes: Then what's the leaving me part, pleasure?
Julie: Pain.
Alistair: Joseph Stalin said that the death of one person is a tragedy. The death of a million, a statistic.
FBI Agent Jake Malloy: You're real good at kicking them when they're down, aren't you?
Noah: I do all right when they're standing up, too.
FBI Agent Jake Malloy: You never stood up to anybody.
Noah: Yeah? Well at least I'm there for my women.
Samantha Harper: You're thinking about the cop, aren't you?
Katie Burke: Maybe.
Samantha Harper: Okay, visualize this with me. You're down in New York consulting with Lou Gerstner or the head of GE telling them how to buy South American countries but on the weekends, you fly back up here to hang out with the cop, do cop things, maybe go to cop mixers.
Katie Burke: I like the cop.
Samantha Harper: Yeah, um, I can see that.
Evelyn Doyle: Grandma says she got a postcard from Mummy. She's in a place called Australia. Grandma says it's warm there.
Henry Doyle: Yes, deary, it is. But you tell your grandmother that its not as warm as the place she'll be going next.