Ali G: Sorry I iz late, bu dere was a documentry on about monkeys.
David Carlton: Swan, is there any reason why there should be an absurdly dressed, half-naked man chained to a fence, being tossed off by an old blind council worker?
Ali G: Dat's no prozzie, dat's me ho.
Ali G: Talk to the hand, 'cos the face ain't listening.
Ali G: I'm not Ali A, not Ali B, Ali C, Ali D, Ali E, Ali F... but... Ali G.
Ali G: And I put it to you... that you sucked off a 'orse.
Ali G: If you iz watching dis in da UK, you may remember me from da telly. If you iz in Belgium... you iz living in a shit hole.
Ali G: He iz a criminal! And not even da good type wot deals drugs and does drive bys.
Delegate from Chad: Gentlemen, I want you all to know that the minister was very hard, but also very straight.
Answer: It's called Incredible, by M-Beat featuring General Levy.
Daniel Wilkie