Capt. James West: Never drum on a white lady's boobies at a big redneck dance. Got it.
Anna Scott: I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.
Bill Gates: Think they're hookers?
Paul Allen: Either that or motel inspectors. I saw one of them go into the room next to ours about a dozen times yesterday.
The Shoveller: God's given me a gift. I shovel well. I shovel very well.
Theo: You feel cut off from the world, but the world has missed you. Happy tossing and turning.
Dino Velvet: If there was no honor among perverts and pornographers, the whole fucking business would fall apart.
Val Resnick: The problem with kicking a Chow's ass is an hour later you wanna do it again.
Gilbert: Every theatrical performance is a contrivance by its very nature.
Sullivan: Yes, but this piece consists entirely of an artificial and implausible situation.
Gilbert: If you wish to write a Grand Opera about a prostitute, dying of consumption in a garret, I suggest you contact Mr Ibsen in Oslo. I am sure he will be able to furnish you with something suitably dull.
Pnub: Don't you watch the news?
Anton: I hate that fucking show.
Maggie Witzky: Why are you doing this?
Tom Witzky: Water softens up the dirt.
Sly: They've got Whit.
Dan: Who's got Whit? Wait, you're Whit.
Hawk: Only a car full of Stellas and Guidos would ride your ass on a 2-lane highway and honk.