Sarah: Love doesn't end, just because we don't see each other.
Maurice Bendrix: Doesn't it?
Sarah: People go on loving God, don't they? All their lives. Without seeing him.
Maurice Bendrix: That's not my kind of love.
Sarah: Maybe there is no other kind.

Gary: I'm sure every man and his dog has tried a line on you, but has anyone ever told you you have very sad eyes?
Joanna: Well, yes, they have, Gary. Has anyone ever told you you need a shower?

Alan Mann: I can't fart loud enough to express my opinion.

Jimmy Sands: Clip their wings? Man, could you just shoot their damn heads off? And don't miss.

Stringy Haired Woman: Don't think you're something you're not. I used to have your job.
Ronna: Look how far it got you.

Harry: Shut the hell up, Francis, or I won't tell anyone where you are, and that would suck for you.

Kay Chandler: You know those drugstore kits that tell you when you're pregnant? They should have one that tells you when you're sane.