Best movie quotes of 1999

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More Inspector Gadget quotes
Bats picture

Jimmy Sands: Clip their wings? Man, could you just shoot their damn heads off? And don't miss.

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Angela's Ashes picture

Young Frank: Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been a minute since my last confession.

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End of Days picture

Cardinal: We're not afraid to die for our cause.
Jericho Cane: Good, because I'm not afraid to kill you.

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Edtv picture

Cynthia: We don't even have money in our budget for coffee filters. We're using a yarmulke.

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eXistenZ picture

Ted: I have this phobia about having my body penetrated surgically. You know what I mean?

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Magnolia picture

Jim Kurring: ...whatever you wanna tell me, whatever you think might scare me, won't... and I will listen... I will be a good listener to you if that's what you want... and you know, you know... I won't judge you... I can do that sometimes, I know, but I won't... I can... listen to you and you shouldn't be scared of scaring me off or anything that you might think I'll think or on and on and just say it and I'll listen to you.

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Smart House picture

Angie: OK, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you mad.
Ben: Next time, you should think before you open your mouth.

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Happy, Texas picture

Wayne Wayne Wayne Jr.: The Light is green.

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Man on the Moon picture

Tony Clifton: I think you sat in some cottage cheese. Oh, pardon me, that's your ass.

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Limbo picture

Donna: Where are we?
Joe: It's a little inlet, on the back side of Coashov Island.
Donna: Is that like up Shit Creek without a paddle?
Joe: Yeah, pretty much.

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Angel's Dance picture

Stevie: Ah, the way.

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October Sky picture

Roy Lee: Roy Lee: H-O-M-E-R.

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Bravo Two Zero picture

Andy McNab: Every soldier hopes for a major war in his lifetime. This one was mine.

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Wild Zero picture

Guitar Wolf: Love has no borders, nationalities, or genders.

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Teaching Mrs. Tingle picture

Leigh Ann Watson: It's completely factual, she was burned at the stake.
Mrs. Tingle: Always the victim, aren't we, Ms. Watson?
Leigh Ann Watson: Well there are certain similarities between society today and seventeenth century Salem. I guess that would be the irony of it all.
Mrs. Tingle: Irony is the opposite of what is or might be expected. For example, if Ms. Watson was expecting an A on her history project, she might find the actual result to be rather ironic.

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Horse Sense picture

Twister: I got a four-year-old nephew who works harder than you do.

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The Big Kahuna picture

Larry Mann: Here's to the profound religious experience that comes from doing a job well and being grossly underpaid.

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Passport to Paris picture

Friend of Aly and Melanie: She was totally edging on my squeeze, so I dinged her with a bounce-bounce in the numbers lab.

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More Mickey Blue Eyes quotes

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