Factual error: There is no way Laurel Lance would have been allowed on the prosecution team for Moira Queen's murder trial. Due to the facts that she both dated and as a lawyer represented the defendant's son, the defendant's daughter used to intern for her, and her boyfriend was one of the people killed in the Glades, it would have taken all of two seconds for the court to have her removed if she didn't willingly recuse herself, since her presence would be a major conflict of interest.

A New World - S3-E20
Factual error: Connor has been raised since he was a few months old by Holtz, a man with a British accent, in a dimension where there are no other humans. There is no possible way he could have an American accent, yet from the moment of his return he speaks with one.
Suggested correction: The demons in Pylea spoke English with American accents (possibly due to Wolfram and Hart's interference), and in tie-in comics, demons in the dimension Connor and Holtz went to were shown speaking regular English, though these comics were released years later.

Factual error: The verse Octavia recites is from Virgilius' poem "the Aeneid". That poem was written at least a quarter of a decade after the death of Caesar.

The Leap Home (1) - November 25, 1969 - S3-E1
Factual error: The Post Raisin Bran cereal box sitting on the Beckett family breakfast table in 1969 has a 1990s box design. (00:18:00)

Factual error: Samuel Clemens, who has written several humorous tales for the Territorial Enterprise, tells the publisher he would like to start writing serious news stories. The publisher replies, "This is a newspaper, not a comic strip. You write it and I'll print it." The first comic strip, "The Little Bears," debuted in 1893 and the term "comic strip" did not enter the vocabulary until 1920. "Bonanza" is set in the 1860s.

Left Behind - S1-E9
Factual error: Ray, Sara, and Kendra are Left Behind in 1958. However, 10 weeks later Sara and Kendra are playing the board game "The Game of Life." The modern version, as seen, didn't come out until 1960 (previously it was called The Checkered Game of Life and doesn't resemble the modern version).

Factual error: They repeatedly say how equipment will freeze in moments, but they leave their faces exposed and coats open, hoods off at times. In such cold temps, the skin would freeze in minutes.

Day 4: 2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M. - S4-E8
Factual error: When Edgar proves that Mary-Ann Taylor framed Sarah to be the rat in CTU, he claims that she remotely took control of her computer by sending the signal over "a plain old AC power line." This is not possible, unless the computers were equipped with special hardware to separate the AC from the signal. If they were, this traffic would have been observed by James Heller's assistant.

Factual error: When Ulysses opens his mouth while speaking, modern dental fillings are in his teeth.

Factual error: When Tom has decided his scout group will have to go for the food and then his look for his son later, they are stood on a green. There is a war memorial dedicated to both World Wars, 1914 - 1918 and 1939 - 1945. That's got to be in Canada, as the USA didn't enter either war until later than those dates. (00:28:00)

The Night of the Wolf - S2-E27
Factual error: Several airplane contrails are visible in the sky as West gallops his horse to Stefan's coronation.

Chuck Versus the Fake Name - S3-E8
Factual error: When they first bring Grueber into Castle, Sara states that "he is one of five people who can hit a target from half a mile away." Half a mile is 880 yards. Basically every person who has graduated from (or likely everyone who has been selected for) sniper school in any military in the world should be able to do this. (00:05:20)

Factual error: Chakotay says "if our orbit starts to decay, Voyager will begin to feel the effects of the differential, and we'll begin aging hundreds of times faster than we would in normal space". Whilst it is true that they would be aging faster relative to normal space, they would not instantly become old. Time would simply slow around them, so whilst they would be aging faster relative to normal space, they would not all of a sudden become really old - which is how it is made out to be. They would all age the same amount whether in a standard orbit or in a more decayed orbit. (00:06:37)
Suggested correction: There is nothing incorrect about what he said. They will start ageing hundreds of times faster than in normal space.
Aging implies getting/feeling older. They'd only be "aging" relative to normal space. What would happen would be more akin to time travel, with the universe getting older around them.
But the point is, they wouldn't age faster just because "normal" time slows down. If they spent a year on the planet, they'd age 1 year, not 100 years.

Phoebe vs Max: The Sequel - S3-E1
Factual error: All the orange juice that sends Max flying through the air couldn't possibly be strong enough to do so. We already know that Max is pretty strong (The Girl with the Dragon Snafu).

Saga of a Star World (1) - S1-E1
Factual error: When Apollo decides he and Zac will attack the Cylons that are following them, he tells Zac to "hit your reverse thrusters and maximum braking flaps", but they aren't in an atmosphere. Brake flaps would have no effect in the vacuum of space. (00:10:30)
Suggested correction: Since the Colonial Vipers CAN fly in atmosphere and in space, that move would just be standard operating procedure and used either in space or in air. Similar to the way Navy pilots deploy a tailhook (for carrier use) when they land on runways.

Factual error: Anytime a character fires a missile at an airborne target, it's invariably from an M136 antitank launcher. The M136 is designed to hit relatively slow moving ground vehicles and is useless against fast moving airborne targets. (This is because used M136 tubes can't be reloaded and are very cheap to use as props).

Factual error: Aetius' troops don't look anything like 5th century Roman soldiers. They are carrying a large rectangular shield, a pilum (a spear which was used for throwing) and a sword (gladius) on their right. This was typical for the Roman army until about the 3rd century A.D. In Aetius' time, the soldiers would have had smaller oval shields, a hasta (a lance used for stabbing and for fending off cavalry attacks) and a sword (spatha) on their left. Also, there would be an enormous amount of "barbarian" mercenaries in the Roman army (Goths, Vandals, even Huns.), so it was hardly a Roman army anymore. And where's Aetius' cavalry?

Factual error: Aphrodite's son and Psyche's husband is Eros, not Cupid. Venus's son is Cupid. (Eros is Greek and Cupid is Roman).

Not What It Looks Like - S3-E2
Factual error: Season 3, episode 49 (Not What It Looks Like). Breaking glass with sound is possible, but would not work as depicted in the episode. First, in order to break the glass, you have to force the glass to vibrate at its natural frequency - that is, the frequency at which it would vibrate if it were tapped. Each piece of glass has its own natural frequency, depending on a range of factors including size, chemical makeup, shape, hardness, and manufacturing methods. No single frequency would shatter all the glass in the store at the same time. Finally, in order to break the glass the piece has to be closed-ended. You can't shatter a plate of glass with sound (nowhere for the sound waves to resonate). Please see http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/feb98/887203231.Ph.r.html.

The King of Knaves Affair - S1-E13
Factual error: Supposedly engraved on a ceremonial sword is the wrong date - 1443 - for the fall of Constantinople. That happened in 1453. (00:33:15)