The Jewels of Topango Affair - S1-E14
Factual error: Mark plays his electric guitar for the tribal chief, and the amplifier works just fine, despite the fact that it isn't plugged into any power source. (00:17:00)

Dark Specter's Revenge: Part 1 - S1-E29
Factual error: Bulk, Skull, and the Professor try to get in a Apollo Saturn V rocket to escape Earth. They head up the tower, and are seen getting into the ship via the thin pillar at the top - this pillar was used in case there was an emergency early on in the launch. Astronauts got into the ship in the Command Module, which was slightly lower down.

Factual error: One of the naked female dancers at the party has breast implants. Although some forms of plastic surgery were known to the Romans, breast augmentation was not one of them. If you want to check for yourself she appears just after the masked dwarf moves through the shot.

Wavelength - S3-E8
Factual error: When Cyborg learns the hard way that Bumblebee can fly, his inbuilt Sonic Cannon rips a hole into the wall which glows with heat. A sonic weapon does not work with heat; it would shatter the wall, not melt it.

Factual error: The scenery is set in Berlin, following the 1989 Re-Union of Germany. Only thing is: the guards at the archive building use AK-47s, while after the Re-Union, the East German National People's Army and the West German Bundeswehr (Federal Defense Force) were joined - and the West Germans don't use any AKs.

Factual error: One of the bases for this show is the idea of computers and electronics being wiped out by an EM Pulse. With the amount of digital communications equipment still operational, it is inconceivable that the whole world system is inoperable, and rebooting of existing servers would have meant that the only information lost was that in transmission at the time of the pulse. A single pulse capable of erasing hard drives would have crushed everything between any two magnetic objects - i.e., parked cars would have slammed together regardless of how many pedestrians were standing between them.

Road Pirates - S2-E5
Factual error: When Roscoe tries the same jump the Dukes did, his car goes nose first into the wall of the ravine. Upon a close up, Roscoe is fine, but not wearing a seatbelt. According to physics, he should go through the windshield or get cut up.

Factual error: Megatron tells Ravage that the Golden Disc was launched aboard the Voyager spacecraft, just as the Great War between Autobots and Decepticons began. Either Megatron is wrong or Cybertonian history is wrong, because Voyager was launched in 1977, and the Great War didn't begin until 1984 (the first season of The Transformers), seven years later. The disc can be read by lasers, but it was in fact an analog recording (as digital recording did not exist until the early 1980s with the compact disc). Just as well, the disc was only twelve inches wide; it looks much bigger in Beast Wars.

The Invisible Hand of Fate - S3-E3
Factual error: When Billy is in his first Underground Quiz Match, the host says at the start of the match "Jeopardy Rules apply," then starts with the first answer. Billy buzzes in with the correct question and wins it, however, Jeopardy Rules state that contestants may not buzz in before the host finishes reading. If they do, they lose their chance to buzz in first. (00:07:20)

Power Broker - S1-E3
Factual error: Every guard in the prison has the emblems of Hamburg on his/her shoulders of the uniforms. Zemo is said to be imprisoned in Berlin, so they are wearing the wrong emblems.

Factual error: When Riggs and Murtaugh go to investigate the scene where the body of Ramon Alvarez is discovered Scorsese states that Alvarez's dog tags say "SEAL" on them. His dog tags would not say that he is a SEAL on them. The information listed on dog tags is as follows: Name, Social Security Number, Blood Type, Service Branch, and Religious Preference. There is no way to tell what a given service member's MOS (job) from his or her dog tags. (00:14:00)

Factual error: Johnny gets a personalized license plate that reads "cobrakai", which is 8 characters. California license plates only allow 7 characters.

Chin Check - S1-E3
Factual error: The cops raid a house and find some rifle ammunition. The female cop says "cop killers." A few seconds later three cops are looking at the bullet and a box used to store it, it appears to be a 5.56x45mm round used in the AR-15 style rifles. All high powered rifle ammunition, doesn't matter if its bullet is fmj or armor piercing will go through soft armor which is what all police officers wear. Such ammo is available to civilians in every store. All rifle ammo could be considered "cop killer." (00:03:50 - 00:04:56)

Triumvirate of Terror! - S3-E8
Factual error: During the final fight in Lex's lair, Joker gives Batman a good smack with his large hammer. As is common in this show, when a good hit is delivered, a freeze frame is show with the figures moving in slow motion with a stylized colorful backdrop to add to the drama dynamics. But as Joker delivers this hit and this stylized shot is shown, the show cuts to some inmates in a prison cell watching the fight on TV. The same stylized shot is shown on their TV, where it would be show like that there, only to us. They would have just seen Joker hit Batman with the hammer and him fly off in real time with no stylized back drop or slow mo. (00:20:00)

To Battle the Living Planet - S2-E6
Factual error: The Moon is around 238,000 miles from Earth, but when the Fantastic Four go out into space to find Thor, the Moon is extremely close to Earth. (00:04:11)

Yomigaere! Eiyuu Densetsu - S1-E1
Factual error: When Seiya cuts off Cassios' ear, it pulses on the floor like it's a beating heart. There can hardly be a muscle twitch in a severed ear. (00:05:30)

Factual error: Haloclines are referred to throughout, and depicted occasionally as some sort of underwater tornadoes. Haloclines are in fact just salinity gradients, and look nothing like they do on the show.

Factual error: The Marine Colonel in Supergirl played by Eddie McClintock spends all of his time wearing Marine Officer's Dress Blue Bravos. Marine Dress Blues are ceremonial uniforms. On rare occasions, the Charlies or Deltas (no coat) may be worn as a work uniforms (the primary exception to this rareness being recruiters). The full uniform is certainly not worn for day to day work in the field.

Factual error: At Walter's apartment, Annie notices a group of spy novels on his shelf. The "spy novels" are actually six books from the Goosebumps series by R.L. Stein, The Day My Butt Went Psycho by Andy Griffiths, four books from Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, and the British covered edition of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling. (00:18:30)

Factual error: 1-1 A couple of spelling errors. A "community center" in Ceylon, a British colony, using the American instead of the British spelling. And Columbo listed as the capital of Ceylon; it's Colombo.