Neogenic Nightmare Chapter 11: Tablet of Time - S2-E9
Factual error: When Peter is walking Alissa home, the traffic signal at the intersection they stop at goes from red to yellow to green. Not what US traffic signals do - they go straight from red to green.
Suggested correction: Not entirely true; although they are rare and may no longer exist now, I've seen traffic lights that followed the red, yellow, green pattern as recently as the mid-1990s.
Interesting. What state (s) did you see this in? I'm assuming going from red to yellow was to encourage cars to cautiously enter the intersection in case someone was running a red light?
Traffic lights in the UK do this - it's more to give you a second to get ready, in gear, etc., then as soon as the lights turn green you can go. Otherwise you get no warning of when the lights are about to change.
In Illinois; as I said, such traffic lights are rare, but they did exist at least as recently as the time this episode of the series aired, and they may still possibly exist in larger cities such as New York City.
This traffic light set-up (red to yellow to green) still exists today in the UK. From what I understand, it is to alert the driver that the light will be turning green imminently and to prepare themselves to put their car in gear, as manual cars are still pretty common in Europe. I'd wager this light cycle was phased out of North America due to the abundance of automatic cars today. Could have been different in 1994 though.
It should be noted that traffic lights that go from red to yellow before going green keep the red light illuminated so that both red and yellow are lit up. However, that's not what happens in the scene. I've never seen a traffic light operate the way it's shown. And Massachusetts still has traffic lights that go from red to yellow, however, when red and yellow are lit up together, this allows for pedestrian crossing.

Seeds + Permafrost + Feather - S3-E17
Factual error: Bozer and for that matter I would assume all of the team went to a spycraft academy. A basic subject in any of such academies is surveillance, including proper techniques to follow and stake out someone. Bozer being so inept at tracking MacGyver's father is inconceivable given their training.

No ke ali'i wahine a me ka 'aina - S7-E2
Factual error: Five-0 brings up a map of all nuclear power plants in Western Europe that is completely inaccurate - most of the trefoil markers in Great Britain are placed nowhere near nuclear installations, and has 3 in Ireland (which doesn't have any nuclear reactors).

Episode #1.1 - S1-E1
Factual error: The American flag shown waving outside the White House is the current present-day flag with 50 stars. From 1896 to 1908, (the time period that this show is set in) the US flag only had 45 stars as Oklahoma, New Mexico, Nebraska, Alaska and Hawaii were not recognised as states in that time period. The flag did not have 50 stars until 1960. (00:04:30)

Factual error: There is a periodic table shown in the background of the lab, showing an accurate periodic table as of now. During 1945, at least 21 elements had not been discovered. (00:17:40)

Helping Hands, Iron Fist - S1-E4
Factual error: When Bruce Banner sees the Hollywood sign reflected in the puddle of water, the reflection is backwards.

Factual error: Scenes were obviously not filmed in London, more like New England. The vehicle registrations are the right colour, but wrong format.

Factual error: At the end the Moose says his name is Marlon, but in the episode "Project A, for Astral" he was called Melvin.

Factual error: Batman is in Japan and tracks down Kyodai Ken by using Caller ID, which returns a seven-digit "555" number. Telephone numbers in Japan have 8 digits.

Factual error: "Robin & the Sorcerer, Part 2": Kirkley's Abbey has a modern-day asphalt road running past it. (00:04:15)

Return of the Green Ranger (2) - S2-E45
Factual error: Billy, Kim, Rocky, Aisha, and Adam return to Angel Grove in the 1700's...and there are British Redcoats there. On the West coast, in California. England never deployed troops to California, especially considering it was part of the empire of Spain at that time.

Factual error: In the beginning of the episode "Show and Tell", you can see Woody clipping his toenails on the bed. You can see how many toes he has one of his feet. He has 5 toes. Yet, in one of the first episodes, Woody states he has 8 toes on one foot and 3 on the other.

Factual error: Molly and Ramsey find out that the van they are looking for was ticketed in Baltimore City at "the corner of Pennington and Fifth," and they are looking at a computerized map of the area. However, the map can be easily matched up to the actual Mapquest map of the area around the corner of Fifth St. and Patapsco Ave., except that the latter has been relabeled as Pennington. There is a Pennington Ave. in Baltimore City, but it runs parallel to Fifth, about a mile east of it.

The Clock King Gets Crowned (2) - S2-E12
Factual error: Trapped in the overturned hourglass, Batman and Robin lie flat and begin furiously digging in the sand, making the hourglass roll out the door. But to cause such rapid movement, they'd need to be applying their weight against one of the glass sides (like a hamster in a ball). Just digging in the sand wouldn't get them anywhere, at least not that quickly. (00:04:15)

Factual error: There is no physical way that Steve Austin could perform most of his superhuman feats of strength in the ABC television series, due to the fact that they simply replaced his arm and legs, but didn't rebuild or reinforce the rest of his skeleton and muscles to handle the physical loads. Interestingly, author Martin Caidin (creator of Steve Austin in his novel, "Cyborg") actually did describe an incredibly complex whole-body rebuild that included vertebral reinforcement and ribcage and pelvis replacement, which was far more scientifically-accurate than the subsequent ABC television interpretation. ABC only accepted the series on the condition that it was less technical for their audience.

Attack on Central City - S3-E14
Factual error: Wells states that there are "precisely 90,000" possible 5-digit combinations for the keypad (to abort the nuclear code). However, there are actually 100,000 possible combinations (10^5).

Rangers of Two Worlds: Part II - S1-E47
Factual error: The climax of the episode features the Aquitain and Zeo Rangers fighting together, in Angel Grove. However, they are actually fighting outside the Tokyo Dome, in Japan. Further proof: http://www.rangergallery.com/albums/userpics/10012/Zeo%2520Rangers%2520and%2520Alien%2520Rangers.jpg.

V: The Final Battle: Part 3 (2 Hrs) - S1-E5
Factual error: When the world celebrates the Visitors' flight, there are scenes of joyous people from all around the world. Curiously, in each of these scenes it is daytime - even in Italy, China, and India, where it would be either night or dawn, given that L.A. time of the attacks is between 11 and 12 AM.

Factual error: Each time Adam Kane appears as a hologram, you can hear the sounds of his footsteps. A hologram would not make a sound other than the projected voice.

Chapter 12 - S2-E2
Factual error: After Oro Dassyne has boasted about his fortress' defenses and the droid standung by him announces that he has spotted two Jedi approaching, Dassyne snatches the binoculars from him to take a look himself. Curiously, he holds them at a very different angle, i.e. he is not looking into the same direction the droid was looking, and still he spots the Jedi immediately.