Audio problem: When Britney Spears gets pushed into the Pit of Death, you hear her talk and scream but her lips are not moving.
Audio problem: When Chase pulls out the key to MSA, you hear the sound of many keys clanging together. However, if you look closely, there is only one key on the ring.
Audio problem: In the Pevensies' treasure chamber, there is a giant rock on top of Peter's treasure chest. When he opens the chest, the sound of the rock hitting the ground is more like that of a small pebble. (00:22:55)
Audio problem: Right before the end credits, as Grave Robber says "But Genco may survive if it undergoes surgery", right as Grave Robber says the word "may", his lips briefly don't match what is being said. (Confirmed in DVD commentary.).
Audio problem: In the scene where Alfred is stitching up Bruce, Bruce says "I wanted to inspire people." As he says "people" the shot changes and his lips aren't moving, but the audio track continues.
Audio problem: In the scene where Mary is leaving court and you see Henry riding a horse with Anne on the back, you can hear a siren go off twice. (01:05:30 - 01:06:10)
Audio problem: The chairman talks to the mayor, and says that "no one supports you." When he says "supports", his lips look nothing like it.
Audio problem: In the Final Jam scene, when Mitchie is singing the lines "Every day and every night, it's all we want to do in life," Caitlin and Shane can be seen mouthing "We rock, we rock, we rock," in the background, but it is not actually being sung. (01:32:05)
Audio problem: During a scene where Donna is exiting her hotel room, she runs into Clair and both scream. However, Clair's scream cannot be heard, but an odd screeching sound is played in place of her scream, which continues even after her mouth has been closed.
Audio problem: After Stark escapes, he is walking in the desert, and crests the brow of a sand dune. Then, helicopters burst into view over him and you hear them for the first time. Stark was on the brow of the dune and should have heard them long before.
Audio problem: When Jared is arguing with his mom in the car, his mouth isn't moving.
Audio problem: In the Prom Gazebo scene, Bella wonders why Edward will not turn her into a vampire. Edward says, "I'm not going to END your life for you." These words do not match his mouth and appear to be dubbed. "End" being dubbed over some other word, possibly beginning with a "B". (01:46:40)
Audio problem: When the Statue of Liberty's head strikes the top of a distant building before landing in the street, sight and sound are simultaneous. There should have been an audible lag in the sound due to the speed of sound being only about 1000 feet per second. The absence of this lag would be acceptable in most movies but is inconsistent with the amateur home movie theme of Cloverfield.
Audio problem: You hear the man in the wheelchair say, "How do you get this cast off?" But his lips don't move. (00:25:45)
Audio problem: Sophie and her boyfriend sing at the beach, he says he likes to smoke and pronounces the word "true" with the camera facing him. Right afterwards there's a side shot and music is heard with no lyrics, but he is mouthing as if singing. Then back to a front shot and now he sings and mouths.
Audio problem: When Irina and Mutt are sword fighting in the jungle, the blade strikes all make echoing sounds.
Audio problem: In the scene when he goes back to his home and finds his dad on the floor, he walks into the house and you can see Family Guy playing on the tv and hear it very quietly. Unfortuanately, the audio is coming from a completely different scene in the episode than the video. (You can see Lois is in the zoo, which comes from the beginning of the episode, yet the conversation you can hear is when they are sat in the kitchen towards the end of the episode.)
Audio problem: At the social, when the P.E teacher is talking to the French teacher, she says "Gosh, you look like James Bond!" But her mouth never moves.
Audio problem: When Wesley first walks into the textile factory and sees Sloane talking to a worker, the first shot of Sloane shows his mouth moving and you hear him talking. In the very next close up shot of Sloane, you still hear his voice, but his lips aren't moving. He just turns his head towards the worker, then away.
Audio problem: Right after Det. Corelli finds the limerick in her apartment, she pulls out her gun and there is a distinct sound of what's supposed to be her cocking the hammer on her pistol. However, Det. Corelli (along with all the other cops in the movie) uses a Glock semi-auto pistol, which does not have an external hammer that can be "cocked." The sound is added artificially, likely for dramatic effect. (01:06:30)