Trivia: In the scene were Mercy claims to have stolen the coat because the cops are looking for somebody in a pink top, she actually had to wear the coat to cover a cast on her wrist which she broke while being pulled by Fox in the 96th street station chase just before Fox's sad departure.

Trivia: The toddler who plays young Aurora is the daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Vivienne Jolie-Pitt.

Trivia: A few moments after Susan rides the moped over the ramp, the American tourist who asks Susan, "Excuse me, do you know if there's a Popeye's Chicken around here?" is Melissa McCarthy's husband, Ben Falcone.

Trivia: The only combatant to get a Flawless Victory was Johnny Cage when he fought Goro. A Flawless Victory is achieved when a combatant takes no damage from their opponent.

Trivia: The Australian Shore Patrol Officer who breaks up the final fight is John Wayne's real-life son, Patrick.

Trivia: Sarah Douglas' voice was dubbed over by actress Annie Ross who would play Vera Webster in Superman 3. Sarah's own voice was used in Superman 2: The Richard Donner Cut.

Trivia: The disclaimer, "Neither the name Zorin nor any other name or character in this film is meant to portray a real company or actual person," was added after the producers discovered a real company known as Zoran Ladicorbic Ltd, whose industry was fashion design. This is the first Bond film to begin with a disclaimer.

Trivia: Samuel Jackson spotted that the eye patch his character wears in the movie switched eyes in the promotional posters announcing the movie in Los Angeles.

Trivia: SPOILER: Although it was the film's worst kept secret, whenever asked, Andrew Garfield would deny, sometimes vehemently, that he would be appearing in it.

Trivia: When all the Avengers are attempting to lift Thor's hammer, Captain America is able to move it slightly. In the comics, Cap is one of the few characters noble enough to be able to lift Thor's hammer (notable others being Storm and Beta Ray Bill).

Trivia: Even though Starscream was killed in the movie, he came back in two later TV episodes as a ghost. He also appeared in one Beast Wars episode.

Trivia: There are several places where Edward Norton sees Brad Pitt for a split second before he actually meets him - beside the photocopy machine, talking to the doctor, at the testicular cancer group, when Marla is in the alley, and when watching TV when the waiters say "Welcome". Also Tyler is the one who steals the Camaro after Tyler and the narrator meet for the first time.

Trivia: The original ending for Gladiator was that Proximo would live and he would bury the figurines in the sand of the Coliseum. However, Oliver Reed's death during filming required the ending to be changed.

Trivia: When Harry is being run all over town by Scorpio, he passes a wall which bears the graffiti "Kyle", the name of Clint Eastwood's son.

Trivia: Val Kilmer has been quoted as saying that screenwriter Kevin Jarre insisted the actors wear real wool costumes, in accordance with the time period. During the scene in the Birdcage Theater, Val Kilmer says, a thermometer was placed on the set, and it read 134 degrees Fahrenheit. Kilmer suggested jokingly that this was the reason Doc Holliday killed so many people: "It's just, like, he wore wool in the summer, in the Arizona territory, and that made him mad."

Trivia: Dr. Curt Connors, Peter's one-armed teacher in the film, is the man who will later become The Lizard, one of Spider-Man's longest running enemies.

Trivia: Early on in the movie, Sam is watching Star Trek with Leonard Nimoy, who also plays Sentinel Prime. Also, Wheelie's comments on the episode are relevant to Sentinel Prime. (Just replace the word Spock with Sentinel Prime).

Trivia: All of the guards at the clinic on the mountain have the Olympic rings on their orange tracksuit tops.