Trivia: In the scene were Mercy claims to have stolen the coat because the cops are looking for somebody in a pink top, she actually had to wear the coat to cover a cast on her wrist which she broke while being pulled by Fox in the 96th street station chase just before Fox's sad departure.
Trivia: Originally, Fox was supposed to be Mercy's love interest, but the two actors had no chemistry. This resulted in the love interest being changed to Swan, which combined with other conflicts caused the actor who played Fox to leave the film. His death was written in to deal with this, and the actor demanded his name be removed from the credits.
Trivia: The actress who played Mercy hurt her wrist during filming and required a cast. Her wearing the stolen jacket was written into the film so she could hide the cast.
Trivia: Members of the New York City Road Runners were used as doubles during the Baseball Furies chase scene; the actors were only used for close-up shots.
Trivia: Originally there were two other gang members from other gangs along with The Fox who'd stepped up to report to the Riffs about who shot Cyrus. But The Fox actor quit so those scenes were cut. The cut footage is evident toward the end when the Riff member tells the head Riff there was someone he needed to speak to.
Trivia: When Cochise, Rembrandt and Vermin are fleeing the cops at the train station, they run past a bearded man with a blue sweater and flat cap who comforts his girlfriend. This man is director Walter Hill in a cameo.
Answer: The Riffs were informed of the Warriors' innocence of wrongdoing by a member of another gang who had no reason to lie on behalf of the Warriors or to frame Luther (the actual culprit). Apparently Luther had a reputation for dishonesty, among other things, whereas the Warriors were considered to be among the city's more "honorable" gangs.