Trivia: In the film, the two transfer students are Kiriyama, the silent killer, and Kawada, the winner of a previous Battle Royale. In the original novel, only Kawada was the transfer student; Kiriyama was in the same class selected for this game of death. He was the main antagonist.

Trivia: The original ending for Gladiator was that Proximo would live and he would bury the figurines in the sand of the Coliseum. However, Oliver Reed's death during filming required the ending to be changed.

Trivia: Since Drew, Cameron and Lucy are all anti gun, they went through the entire movie using alternatives to guns.

Trivia: 13 Mustangs from 1967-1968 were modified to be "Eleanor" in the movie. One was a True Shelby GT500, but this was used by Bruckheimer as a reference piece and used by him personally. The rest were run of the mill Mustangs modified with bodykits and other goodies. One was chopped up to film certain sequences (in car shots, etc.), 2 were destroyed, and the other Mustangs were modified to perform certain tasks (Chases, Jumps, etc.).

Trivia: When he was filming The Perfect Storm, Mark Walhberg lived in a small room above the Crow's Nest. That's where his character, Bobby Shatford lived in real life.

Trivia: When Maurice is looking for Trish outside the CD store, you can hear him say, "I'm gonna find your Aaliyah lookin ass." Trish is played by Aaliyah.

Trivia: A scene in which Sebastian brutally and graphically rapes his neighbor was filmed, but was mostly deleted as test-audiences felt it made Sebastian far too evil. And thus, the version of the scene in the theatrical cut only alludes to the idea without directly showing it. The original scene was reinstated in the director's cut released on DVD and Blu-Ray however.

Trivia: At the beginning of the movie when Benjamin is taking the children to Aunt Charlotte's house in Charleston, there is a woman on the street that does not move, and wearing a big hoop dress. She is there to hide the fire hydrant on the street underneath her dress.

Trivia: When Nyah is trying to convince Ethan to shoot her, she says "Do it. Now!" There is still about forty minutes left in the movie, but those are the last words she says.

Trivia: When Buck is live on air, there is a guy saying "That's our Buck". This is a cameo of the singer/songwriter Bob Carlisle, famous for his song 'Butterfly Kisses'.

Trivia: The candy factory name, Jolly Jack, is a tribute to "Jolly" Jack Kirby, a legendary comic book artist and writer.

Trivia: In the original Japanese trailer, most of the scenes were fully animated, yet not used in the final cut. Some of the shots were Ash standing on top of a crystal pillar, as the camera pans around him and he is searching for something, a bunch of random wild Pokémon running away from the crystallization, and a shot of Mewtwo standing at the entrance of a cave with lightning cracking behind it. Supposedly, the 3rd and 4th movies were to inter-connect, with Mewtwo being the one who connects them. Perhaps the anime producers decided to throw that away and instead advertise the then-new Pokémon Crystal game? After all, several elements from the game (the Unown, Suicune, Celebi) appeared in both movies.

Trivia: The character of Manny, one of Kell's posse, is played by Vernon Rieta, who has been Adrian Paul's Hung Gar Kung Fu teacher for years.

Trivia: As usual, Jackie Chan made his stunts all by himself, but with a new trick on the list: he had never ridden a horse before.

Trivia: The name of the restaurant that's fronting for the sex dance club is a decent pun - Lo Kee Restaurant.

Trivia: U-571 cause quite a stir in England especially in the small northern town of Horsforth (where I actually live), because we felt the movie 'Hollywood-ised' a British victory. The people of Horsforth raised an astonishing £241,000 in one week (about £4million today) to fund the building of the HMS Aubretia, the ship that captured the first enigma machine when it depth charged U-110. It caused so much upset amongst people that President Bill Clinton wrote a letter to the people of Horsforth praising the town for their part in the war effort. The letter is now on display in the local museum.