Trivia: The man shooting the movie during the attack on the beach who says "Don't look at the camera" is actually director Francis Ford Coppola. (00:25:38)

Trivia: The three Viking ships in the film were designed using blueprints for an actual Viking ship salvaged from the water and restored by a Viking museum in Norway. It turned out that the boats built for the film were too accurate, because the modern actors were taller than their historical counterparts. Every second oar hole had to be plugged so the modern men would have room to row with a full oar stroke. Otherwise, they would hit the backs of the oarsmen seated in front of them when pushing the oar handles forward to start each new stroke.

Trivia: The big fight scene is spoofed in "South Park" when the crippled kids Timmy and Jimmy fight, instead of the film's Nada and Frank. The episode is called "Cripple Fight".

Trivia: Michael Madsen was extremely reluctant to film the torture scenes, especially when he was required to hit Kirk Baltz.

Trivia: Once again, Stan Lee makes his usual cameo. This time, he appears as a judge at the Christmas pageant. (01:03:50)

Trivia: The method by which Alice disposes of the zombie dogs (by throwing a flaming object into a gas filled kitchen) is similar to one of the numerous ways Jill Valentine defeats Nemesis in 'Resident Evil 3'.

Trivia: Carlos Gallardo, who played El Mariachi in the prequel to Desperado, El Mariachi (1992), was given a minor role in Desperado as Campa, the mariachi with the two machine-gun guitar cases.

Trivia: In the scene where Evey gets her hair cut, it was Natalie Portman's real hair they cut. They had only one shot to capture that scene, and everybody was quite nervous if the scene would turn out usable.

Trivia: During the coronation sequence at the end of the film, Johnny English shouts "Play it, Bough! Play the disk!" and we cut to Bough threatening a man to play the DVD. The man he threatens is the film's director, Peter Howitt.

Trivia: The way that the Indoraptor portrays itself behind the window and touches the floor with its claw in Maisie's room is a nod to the original Jurassic Park. (01:44:10)

Trivia: While filming the knife fight scene, Thomas Jane accidentally stabbed Kevin Nash.

Trivia: In both Jaws and Deep Blue Sea there is a scene involving a license plate. In Jaws it is removed from the belly of the dead tiger shark. In Deep Blue Sea it is removed from the teeth of a tiger shark. Not only are both sharks the same kind but both plates are from Louisiana. The license plate number is the same in both films: 007 o 981 Exp 72-73.