Oh come, all ye faithful - S1-E12
Continuity mistake: After Miranda has had sex, her green sheets change to grey.
An american girl in paris (part une) - S6-E19
Continuity mistake: In one of the deleted scenes for this episode, Carrie has to take her laptop out of her purse in order to make room for the garment. She throws the laptop on the bed, with the 'Apple' symbol facing down. But just after that, the laptop is shown lying on the bed with the 'Apple' symbol facing up. To my knowledge, there is no 'Apple' logo on the bottom of the laptop.
I heart ny - S4-E18
Continuity mistake: The scene with Samantha and Richard outside on the sidewalk was actually filmed on a day when it rained. The pavement alternates between wet and dry during different shots. (00:24:40)
Running with scissors - S3-E11
Continuity mistake: When Samantha is in the waiting room to get her results for the AIDS test; the wide shot shows two women seated in the orange chairs on the left. One of them has a pony tail and glasses. A man with dark hair is also seated in the chairs on the right. But when we see the waiting room again right before Samantha faints; only one woman is seated in the orange chairs on the left, and the woman with the pony tail and glasses has moved down, and over to the far yellow chairs on the left. There is also a second man in a blue shirt seated closer to Samantha, in the chairs on the right. This entire scene occurred in seconds; and there was no time for anyone to have gotten up, sat down or moved locations. (00:18:50)
Continuity mistake: When Carrie is trying to hail a cab, you can see her walking down a busy street in NYC. Big's black sedan is nowhere in sight. But a moment later; his black car suddenly pulls over to the curb right behind her, as if it was just next to her in traffic. There was no time for it to have come from anywhere else, or across from a far lane. The car was not further down the street coming towards her either, as you can see from the long shot. Big's sedan was not present in the street, before it pulled to the curb behind her. (00:14:45)
Out of the frying pan - S6-E16
Continuity mistake: Just before Carrie sees the mouse, she sets her two wine glasses down on the counter in the middle. The mouse appears and the shot cuts to her screaming, then to Alecsander slamming the frying pan down on the mouse, and the two glasses have moved to one side, out of the way of the pan.
An american girl in paris (part une) - S6-E19
Audio problem: When Big calls Carrie and is leaving a message after Carrie has long since moved to Paris, Charlotte is there. She picks up the phone and says "Hi, it's Charlotte", but her mouth does not match the words. Her mouth says something like "Hey" not "Hi".
An american girl in paris (part une) - S6-E19
Continuity mistake: When Carrie enters the Dior store from the rain, she slips and falls. When she first starts falling, her arms are outstretched widely above her head. But the very next shot suddenly shows her hitting the floor, with her arms down in front of her to break the fall. There was no time for her to have moved her arms that quickly. (00:20:15)
Continuity mistake: When Mr. Big comes up to the cabin to talk to Carrie, he isn't wearing glasses. After he drinks too much wine, they decide he has to stay the night at the cabin. Aiden throws him a pillow and blanket. Right when the blanket hits Mr. Big as he is sitting in the chair, you can suddenly see what look like some sort of metal frame glasses hanging vertically/falling off from Mr. Big's face, as if they were knocked off by the blanket. Where did the glasses come from? He wasn't wearing them just before that. (00:24:40)
Continuity mistake: When Carrie and Miranda are getting on the bus to Atlantic City, an older lady dressed in pink is sitting down right behind them. As the scene continues, we can see many more people filing onto the bus as the girls talk. But in the next shot of the entire bus, suddenly there is no one at all behind Carrie and Miranda. Not even the lady in pink; the entire bus behind them is empty, although people are still getting on. (00:09:25 - 00:10:35)
The post-it always sticks twice - S6-E7
Continuity mistake: Samantha produces a joint outside the club and the way she holds it differs between the front and back shots.
Running with scissors - S3-E11
Revealing mistake: When Samantha and her partner are using the 'swing,' you can tell from the long shot that Kim Cattrall is actually wearing some sort of prosthetic around her hips, to simulate her rear area. It is larger, and sticks out prominently in an unnatural manner. This was probably done to ensure modesty for the actress. (00:22:30)
Ghost town - S4-E5
Revealing mistake: When Samantha and Maria are in the bath tub arguing; Samantha decides to leave, and suddenly gets up out of the water. She is not wearing anything from the waist up; but if you look closely just at the end of the scene, you can briefly see that Kim Cattrall is actually wearing some sort of minimal dark undergarment below her waist to cover herself. You can see a black strip of material across her hips. (00:11:20)
Running with scissors - S3-E11
Continuity mistake: When Carrie and Mr. Big are having their affair in the 3rd hotel; it is located on 56th & 8th, and is described as being a 'seedy location'. When you see the inside of the hotel room, it is obviously a very cheap, tacky hotel. But later in the episode when Carrie and Mr. Big are in the lobby of this same hotel on 56th & 8th (verified in voice over); it is obviously the lobby of a much nicer, elegant, more expensive hotel. (00:02:05 - 00:19:30)
Plot hole: When Carrie calls the girls from Aleksandr's couch, she is wearing one outfit. In voice-over, she says she stayed at his apartment for 4 days. But then when she finally arrives home, she is wearing a completely different outfit. How would she have so many clothes to wear, when she didn't expect to be away from home for 4 days? She wasn't carrying any luggage or other clothing with her when she came home, either. (00:09:25)
Visible crew/equipment: When Carrie is entering the NYSE, she has to go through a metal screener. When the security guards are using the wands on her, she spreads her arms, and you can then see some sort of horizontal line or wire sticking out from under her dress, around the waist. There also appears to be something above the wire, showing through the material. She seems to be wearing some sort of contraption under her dress, and when she moves, the entire object moves loosely. Possibly this is her microphone and attached wire? (00:02:40)
Continuity mistake: When Carrie and Aiden are arguing out on the street in front of her apartment, there is a shot of her holding the leash for Pete the dog in both hands. But suddenly as she is yelling at Aiden, you can see her throw both her hands up in the air and touch her head. She is not holding the leash at all. Then seconds later; there is a shot of her legs as Pete is running off, dragging the leash from her body and waist as if she is still holding it. (00:24:30)
Plot hole: After Carrie has her strenuous night with the 'fling', she is shown lying flat on her apartment floor in the morning, as if unable to move very much. But there is a cup of coffee next to her, obviously bought from somewhere in the city. Carrie is so disabled from her injury that when she reaches the church, she is hunched over, can barely walk, and Stanford has to help her along. She is affected a great deal from her 'sex sprain' during the entire wedding. So how is it that she was able to get up and go buy a cup of coffee outside of her apartment in the morning, when she was so injured she couldn't do much but lie flat on the floor when Charlotte called her? It doesn't seem likely that Carrie would have gone to all that effort to go out and buy coffee, when she is so immobile. She wasn't able to get around well enough for a small errand. (00:17:15)

Revealing mistake: When Miranda comes home from work and takes off her black jacket, her black dress underneath is tight. You can tell how pregnant Cynthia Nixon is when she lies on the bed with Steve. (00:08:05)
Character mistake: When Carrie is describing the younger guy she is dating, she claims he is the creator of an Internet magazine 'that she still wasn't able to find on her computer'; meaning she had searched the Internet for it. But as we learn later in the series, right before she gets back together with Aidan for the second time; she doesn't have the Internet on her computer until then. The girls talk her into getting it, in order to email Aidan. So there was no way she could have searched for the other guy's Internet magazine on her computer, as it was an older Mac laptop and not likely to have search engines without Internet access. She was only using the hard drive at that time.