
27th Sep 2008

Chocolat (2000)

Corrected entry: The narrator says at the beginning of the movie there is a strong north wind, yet the snow is going the opposite direction.

logan crews

Correction: This type of mistake needs some clarification attesting to how you can prove that the snow and wind direction is south.


Correction: You will have to be a bit clearer as to when this mistake occurs. Spongebob is pouring and then needs a ladder to reach the top of the food as he keeps pouring.


21st Sep 2008

Con Air (1997)

Corrected entry: The planes' weapons load is extremely unsuitable for a prisoner transfer plane. Shotguns would be perhaps suitable to wipe out the entire plane in a major riot, but not to contain one. M-16 rifles are way too powerful and would punch more holes in the fuselage than prisoners, are much too bulky in close quarters, and don't offer anything to the guards' handguns couldn't - the plane just isn't big enough for distance accuracy to be a factor. Worst of all, it carries grenade launchers and explosive grenades. Using them in in the plane would be suicidal if the plane was on the ground, let alone flying. Granted, though, they do enable a battle scene.

Correction: The clear intent of the weapons in the belly of the plane was not for use on the plane but if the plane crashed. As explained only the pilot carried a secure pistol just in case of any hijacking. If the plane had to make an emergency crash landing, they would need to take the prisoners off the plane. Obviously they could not contain the prisoners with what they have on board. As for the choice of weapons. They were carrying some of the most dangerous prisoners in the country. With some of the connections they had if they came under attack, then they would need sufficient firepower. However it is purely a character choice what weapons are acceptable.


28th Apr 2003

Boyz n the Hood (1991)

Corrected entry: In the end, Monster guns down the punks who killed Ricky. Doughboy approaches Ferris to finish him off. He fires a few shots from his .45 (I think it's three; at any rate it's less than the weapon's full capacity of seven), at which point the gun is empty (the slide stays back). Why wouldn't he keep his gun fully loaded?


Correction: I don't see how not keeping the gun fully loaded is a mistake. Take your pick as to why he didn't keep it fully loaded, but it doesn't make a mistake.


13th Sep 2008

Smokin' Aces (2006)

Corrected entry: When the sniper woman fires at the FBI agents, they quite blindly return fire in the general direction of the opposite hotel. This is strictly against regulations, as law enforcement officers of all kinds are only allowed to fire when hitting the target can be safely assumed. These agents obviously did not mind a little collateral damage.

Correction: With the heavy fire they were under and all hell breaking loose, they could be excused for not stopping and thinking about regulations. In any scenario, it leads to two conclusions. One the characters made a poor decision and might be charged later on. Fail that, two there was a great deal of confusion and the officers tried the only option available to try and subdue the sniper or give cover to the other officers.


2nd Dec 2003

Swordfish (2001)

Corrected entry: When Travolta and Jackman are driving the TVR Tuscan, Travolta tells Jackman to drive. He says he "couldn't possibly drive this thing". He then proceeds to crunch the gears and drive it flawlessly - the chase scene that then follows shows some impressive driving though the streets from a guy who 10 seconds beforehand did not have a clue how to operate the vehicle. I have owned a TVR Tuscan for 3 years and its not the sort of car you can just jump into and drive flawlessly at high speed through tight city streets with no previous experience of driving a right hand drive car, let alone a manual one with the gearstick on the 'wrong side'.


Correction: This is a somewhat subjective mistake. While certain cars and vehicles might be more difficult than others to learn and operate, its not beyond the realm of impossibility. Its a bit like saying a character in a film shouldn't be able to operate a crane, or a speedboat when they seemingly have never used one before.


13th Sep 2008

Mallrats (1995)

Corrected entry: When in the dirt mall, Brodie is looking and the comics, and TS tries on a hat, which he then removes in a disinterested way. The hat says "Clerks", Kevin Smith's first film, which was made just before this one.

Correction: Far too obvious, to anyone actually watching the movie, to be trivia.


8th Apr 2008

Seinfeld (1990)

Correction: I wouldn't pass the idea he lied to Joel.


22nd Sep 2004

Seinfeld (1990)

The Yada Yada - S8-E19

Corrected entry: At the wedding at the end, Elaine is surprised to see Jerry with Beth. He tells her "Beth and Arnie broke up." We are told the wedding is a week later. Are we supposed to believe Jerry didn't talk to Elaine for an entire week to tell her the news?

Correction: Perhaps a little strange, but doesn't contradict anything in the episode. Unless there was something specific that showed they had met within that week, there is no mistake within not meeting.


5th Sep 2008

Casino Royale (2006)

Corrected entry: In the Miami Science Museum, Bond stabs Dimitrios in the side with a knife, killing him instantly. No one would die so quickly from such a wound, especially someone strong enough to hold their own against 007. Even a severe laceration to the liver (the area where Dimitrios is stabbed) would take minutes to bleed out. Listed as trivia only because the Bond mythology is replete with instantaneous deaths; villains don't get to die slowly.


Correction: As you point out, villians die fast and quick deaths and there is nothing rare about it. Deaths in many Hollywood films are altered primarily for ratings. For example someone dying with blood everywhere and having it slow and painful will get a much higher rating than someone being shot with a silencer and almost no blood being spilled.


26th Jan 2008

Seinfeld (1990)

Correction: Jerry also tell Mr. Mandelbaum that the back specialist at the New York hospital is supposed to be the best. So he's in New York to see the best.


Correction: Being his son and father both seemed to live in Manhattan, it might be easier to be treated in New York than in Florida. Regardless of where he is treated, there is nothing wrong with getting treatment somewhere else.


3rd Sep 2008

Tropic Thunder (2008)

Corrected entry: The four actors were carrying a mix of Vietnam-era weapons and modern weaponry. Ben Stiller was carrying a modern-day M4 Carbine which was developed in the late 1990's. One of the other actors was carrying an M16-A2 which was developed after the Vietnam war. The other two actors were carrying correct Vietnam era weapons (M60 Machine Gun and M16-A1).

Correction: Being the film is a story "within" the film, these type of mistakes are mistakes by the fictional (careless) filmmakers, not a "real" mistake.


31st Aug 2008

Fracture (2007)

Corrected entry: Midway through the movie, Anthony Hopkins calls Ryan Gosling at Hopkins' office. Hopkins could not possibly know the exact moment Gosling would be at Hopkins' office because Hopkins was in jail at the time.

Correction: This is a case of we don't know what was happening behind the scenes. Hopkins could have been trying a few times his office to check and see if Gosling had stopped by. Hopkins would know that Gosling would visit his office at some point to try and ascertain any possible evidence. Lucky perhaps, but it doesn't contradict anything to confirm it being a mistake.


Correction: This is also a case of a movie villain going for a big flex. They keep vague in the movie itself how he would exactly be able to do that, but there are several possible methods (it was his own company with presumably his own handpicked staff, and throughout the movie, he shows to be in constant touch with private detectives also due to his status as being his own defense attorney) where they actually go for the "how did he do that, come on!" feel. It's not a case of fridge logic plot hole where you have NOT to think of how stupid and implausible it is; the fact that it was out of the ordinary is, on the contrary, the actual point of the scene.


31st Aug 2008

Copycat (1995)

Corrected entry: Segourney Weaver is attacked in the bathroom at the beginning of the film. The attacker is already in the bathroom waiting for her. How could he know she was going to need to use the restroom? His whole plan of attack hinges on her going into the bathroom. Her going in there could only be to further the plot of the film.

Correction: Not exactly a plot hole. If he had say picked somewhere that she would never go into or would have no reason to, then yes it would leave a serious question as to how he knew to set up there. As for his plan, it might have been through experience, research etc. that he chose to set up in the bathroom. She had just given a lecture and the average person after something like that will likely need to use the toilet. Simply put, he was correct and she did come into the bathroom.


31st Aug 2008

Fracture (2007)

Corrected entry: Anthony Hopkins' entire scheme is based on the exact LAPD officer who is having an affair with his wife being the single officer who enters his home to arrest him. Per the LAPD website, on 08/29/08, there were 9753 sworn officers in the LAPD. Wrong officer responds and the entire scheme fails.

Correction: Hopkins asked for the detective. If you listen carefully before the detective entered the house, he was told that Hopkins was specifically asking for him before anyone else.


But Hopkins' ask wouldn't have been met. The PD would have strict policies that wouldn't allow Hopkins to have conditions set on his arrest. Police department dispatchers assign officers on practicality, not personal request, in order to ensure the response is fast and impartial. Also, Hopkins was banking on the detective that was "____ing the victim" being present, but investigation integrity policies wouldn't let that happen. (This undermines Hopkins' genius, as he would have known that.)

I did "listen carefully," but I haven't picked up on any dialogue saying anything of the sort. And it does not agree with how the plot unfolds at all. Unless I am mistaken after triple-checking, the correction to this damning plot contrivance is plain wrong. Hopkins asked for Nunally through the phone earlier in the movie, being told when he would be on duty, but nobody made the connection between the current situation and the earlier call. The mistake is valid, since it hinges on a statistical implausibility that was completely out of the killer's control.


27th Aug 2001

Assassins (1995)

Corrected entry: In the chase scene with Sly driving a cab and Antonio Banderas in the back, just as Antonio drops his gun when they crash into a bus, look at the advert on the side of the bus - anti NRA. Subtle? Perhaps not.

Correction: There is no mistake in that. It would maybe qualify as trivia but not even compelling enough to meet that criteria.


5th Mar 2002

Assassins (1995)

Corrected entry: Near the end, when Antonio Banderas is waiting for hours for Sly to come out of the building, he is sweating like anything, yet when he runs out of the building and into the bank, he looks as fresh as a daisy.

Correction: Unless you can give a specific change, there does not appear to be any difference. When he walks into the bank he looks extremely hot and sweating profusely.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Lewelly gives his fiance a lift to the bus, the interior of the bus looks totally 1990s. Especially telling: the seat fabric and design wasn't used until the early 1990s.

Correction: This type of mistake is impossible to verify. It's one thing to make a claim that say a certain object, material might not be invented or available at the time a film is set. However to say a fabric and design wasn't used is far too broad and borders more on opinion than fact.


14th Jun 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Pygmoelian - S11-E16

Corrected entry: When Homer puts the family through an early morning fire drill and rushes them out to the car and drives away they are all in their respective sleeping clothes. However, when they pull up at the Duff Festival they are in their regular clothes, and knowing Homer he wouldn't think far enough ahead to bring a change of clothes for everyone.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: There is nothing to say Homer didn't put clothes in the car. He planned to make the trip to Duff day as quickly as possible. Homer even planned ahead to take the door latches off to ensure no one would escape, meaning this was no spur of the moment decision. There was also enough time between the time they left and arrived at Duff day to have put some clothes on in between.


14th Apr 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: Homer only references where the car was parked when the ambulance tried to park. As you mention, Homer goes through the pit stop and he would obviously need to park somewhere before returning to the stands. The hiking is irrelevant as he somehow got his car to the track and into the pitstop during the race.


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