
20th Jul 2004

Shrek 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: When donkey is transformed to a Stallion, he begins to "test" his abilities. When he runs around in a circle, notice that there is sand coming up from every step he takes, but no print, which there should be. (00:51:45)

Correction: There are many prints left by Donkey. The sun and the bright sand(or dirt) is very shiny and quite hard to see but you can see small prints left over from where he has trotted.


Correction: This seems to be more of a deliberate mistake. In the shot the narrator says "and with some minor changes", and all that is different is the senior citizens have moved despite expecting to see major changes being as it was a retirement home. The joke is he didnt really do anything to change it just got rid of the old people and in the next shot put up a red K in front of the Rusty.


Correction: Thats the joke, in the episode no matter where he throws the snowball he keeps missing Spongebob and Patrick and it keeps going onto his fireplace.


Correction: There is nothing to indicate Gary wore those shoes all the time. In the episode "Your Shoe's untied" he was trying to show Spongebob he knew how to tie shoes and showed his own. Besides in that episode he also had a record player under his shell which wasn't there when the shell breaks.


Survival of the Idiots / Dumped - S2-E8

Corrected entry: When Patrick rips off some of Sandy's fur in "Survival of the Idiots," Spongebob says "Let me see that roll of tape." He shouldn't need to borrow it, though, because just a few moments earlier, he peeled some of the bark of Sandy's tree back and the sealed it with his own roll of tape. Patrick couldn't have borrowed Spongebob's, because his looked different from the one Spongebob used.

Correction: The tape Patrick uses is probably the one that Spongebob used to seal up the tree as we only saw one roll at a time. When they go to "steal" Sandy's fur Spongebob is ripping off her fur he is removing one hair of fur at a time, then Patrick becomes annoyed and uses the tape. The only difference from the tape Spongebob used to Patricks was the roller Spongebob used. Those rollers you have to put your own tape so Patrick might have just removed it from the roller.


Hall Monitor / Jellyfish Jam - S1-E7

Corrected entry: At the beginning of "Hall Monitor", Mrs. Puff says it's time to choose the Hall monitor of the day, leading us to the assumption that a new hall monitor is chosen every day. However, directly in the sentence afterward, she says she is choosing that week's hall monitor.

Correction: Mrs Puff never makes mention of it being only for the day. She says to begin with "Now its time to choose the new hall monitor". A few shots later she says "The new hall monitor for the week is.."


Correction: Fish and creatures living in water still need oxygen. There is bubbles as the air needs to be supplied into the water like a fishtank needs a constant stream of air running into the water. Given the unrealism in this show anyway, it's not unbelievable that they could use the oxygen in their system to blow air through their instruments.


Correction: Its not likely they would play to a group of humans either but many of the physical limitations in Spongebob are not observed so its not impossible to believe the ocean is underneath this football stadium.


Correction: Plankton only has control when he is using the controls whilst inside Spongebob. Throughout the scene Spongebob has some control but not enough to get away. With Plankton out of his mind he regained full control of himself.


25th Jul 2003

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Corrected entry: When Bruce Willis shoots John Travolta John falls back and lands in the bathroom and the door closes. When Bruce goes to open the door we see him put his hand on the blood spot and start pushing the door open, but when we see the door opening from the inside his hand is much lower on the door and below the blood spot.


Correction: The shot that shows him when the door opens, his hand is at the same height as the shot before. In the second shot however his hand moves quickly away from the door, giving the impression that it was lower than in the shot before.


Correction: There wasn't anything to suggest there was only the one theatre inside so the other people could be from the other theatres inside or even people in the building but not in the cinema. Even if there was only one theatre the number of people would have mostly likely deliberately been increased by the director to show how bad the situation was.


11th May 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

The Blunder Years - S13-E5

Corrected entry: When Mr Smithers' father is about to go into the reactor core, he says that if it blows then the whole town is doomed. But he has the door wide open and nothing seems to be happening to him, Mr Burns or Smithers Jr.

Correction: Smither's father goes into the chamber and you can see in the shot he closes the large vault door (you can even hear it close behind him).


4th May 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Boy Scoutz N the Hood - S5-E8

Corrected entry: When Bart and Milhouse buy the 'Super Squishy' Bart pays with a $20 bill. Apu gives no change but after this they go to a V.I.P. arcade, buy tickets for 'Catz' and buy loads of bubblegum. Considering they were out of money in the first place how did they afford all this?

Correction: What they did was simply an image of what they thought they did as Bart couldn't remember the next morning. Many episodes this happens when one of the characters go into song and dance. In the episode "Homer Badman", Homer goes into a song and dance where he and the family are under the sea.


8th Jul 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: Bart only locked them, he didn't baracade the windows and doors. The family visited the airport meaning they would have had keys on them as well.


29th Aug 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

I Am Furious Yellow - S13-E18

Corrected entry: In this episode, Milhouse tells Bart that he is only 12 years old, but in most other episodes it says he is just ten. So now that he has aged by 2 years, how come Maggie doesn't look any older?

Correction: The characters never age in the Simpsons despite their age varying between certain episodes. Milhouse is actually the same age as Bart as in a previous episode he was in the same class as Bart in his first year of school. Fact is why dont any of the characters look any older other than just Maggie?


12th May 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Homer the Great - S6-E12

Corrected entry: George Bush says that he has to disagree with Orville, Jack and Mr. But at the beginning of the episode, Lenny says that the stonecutters call each other by number and not by name.

Correction: It seems likely that Lenny meant that the number is their rank and therefore their title. After Homers has taken the secret oath the leader gives him a number but after that no other mention of numbers is used. Bush is not the only one who uses other Stonecutter names. When Moe says they have to kill Homer and the Leader says "Take it easy Moe". Before Homer's birthmark is found the leader addresses Homer by his full name.


17th Nov 2003

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Bruce Willis shoots John Travolta, we can see the impact of bullets that hit Travolta on his body between his waist and neck. However, in the next shot when Travolta is in the bathtub, he is only bleeding from around his belly button and the impacts around his chest are gone.

Correction: Travolta gets one or two bullets next to his chest. In the bathtub you can see a few blood stains above his belly next to the left of his tie. The jacket he is wearing makes it harder to see if any of the bullets that shot him on the sides of his chest.


27th Aug 2001

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Corrected entry: When Butch is inside the car on the way to/from his flat, first he turns his head to the left showing his sunglasses, next shot, the glasses are gone.

Correction: At no time in this scene does he have sunglasses on.


27th Mar 2002

Training Day (2001)

Corrected entry: Jeff, the dirty cop who was shot at Roger's, is seen clutching his right side where the bullet got past the vest. When he comes out on the stretcher he has a bandage on his left side. BTW, they did a remarkable amount of medical treatment on the scene before they put him on the ambulance... (01:10:20)

Correction: When Jeff is being taken on the stretcher by the medics, you can see a bandage on his left side - it looks like it's actually a wraparound bandage so it appears that they've tried to treat the wound on the right side, wrapping the bandage around his entire waistline. Only the left side of the bandage is actually visible because of the covering sheet on his stomach.


27th Aug 2001

Goodfellas (1990)

Corrected entry: When Tommy goes to Kill "Stacks" in his apartment (Samuel Jackson), count the shots that are used to kill him. Now compare that number to the amount of shots fired when they replay the scene in slow will notice they are different.

Correction: This doesn't seem to be a replay of the actual scene. The guy that comes with Tommy is seen in the doorway during the first shot of Tommy killing Stacks, but, in the later scene, he's not there, which implies that it is not a straight replay of the scene. Remember that Henry Hill's character recounts the whole film through narration - this is presumably how he remembered the killing of Stacks, rather than the actual event.


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