Corrected entry: Robert opens an old chess game on his laptop, to play the move Miguel hinted; "Bishop takes Rook Pawn." That move is generally part of a Poison Pawn attack. Where the Bishop is protected by its Queen, and captures the Rook Pawn, placing the King in check. In the film the setup on the board is wrong. There's nothing protecting the Bishop once it captures the Pawn, so the King will simply capture the Bishop. Losing a Bishop to gain a Pawn is a terrible sacrifice. The move makes no sense, considering they were supposed to be superior chess players. (00:31:06)
Corrected entry: Near the end, when Antonio Banderas is waiting for hours for Sly to come out of the building, he is sweating like anything, yet when he runs out of the building and into the bank, he looks as fresh as a daisy.
Corrected entry: When Sly is driving Banderas in the cab, Banderas knocks on the window partition and comments how it's bulletproof. Yet when Banderas says something to get Sly angry, Sly hits that "bulletproof" window with an open hand and cracks it. How can an open hand hit crack a bulletproof glass?
Correction: Bullet proof glass is a mizture of both glass and plastics layered throughout. When Rath palms the 'glass' the force of this blast appears to give a shattered effect. This is merely the outer layer of plastics that shatters. The glass underneath remains in tact and is not damaged. It is possible to get the same effect using real bullet proof glass. (Info from Wikipedia).
Corrected entry: Miguel figures out where Electra lives just because he saw a photo with the cat and the antennas in the background, and when he gets to the building he knows which is the right apartment by feeling the warm engine of one car. Just because the car recently arrived doesn't make it the right one.
Correction: That's not how he figured out where she lived. In fact, it led him to the WRONG apartment, which was the apartment directly below Electra's. He found Electra's apartment by tracing the cable for the surveillance camera she had installed to spy on her downstairs neighbors.
Corrected entry: In the chase scene with Sly driving a cab and Antonio Banderas in the back, just as Antonio drops his gun when they crash into a bus, look at the advert on the side of the bus - anti NRA. Subtle? Perhaps not.
Corrected entry: In the stolen taxi cab scene near the beginning, Miguel fires his rifle at the bullet proof glass. What happens to the bullet? it doesn't go through, or Sly's character would be dead, it doesn't ricochet and hit the rear seat/window/Miguel, and it doesn't lodge in the window.
Correction: Since the glass broke but did not shatter, it softened the impact of the bullet, so it could have fallen to the floor.
Corrected entry: At one point in the film, Sylvester Stallone and Antonio Banderas have to kill four Dutch bankers who are making a deal with Julianne Moore. When the assassins close in during the deal and the bankers realise something is wrong, they agitatedly talk to each other in... German.
Correction: No, they aren't. They are speaking Dutch. The two langauages are very similar and can easily be mistaken, but they are definitely speaking Dutch.
Correction: Actually, if king takes bishop, that gives a drawing opportunity to Red (by perpetual check), hence it's not a senseless move at all. (According to chess machines, that is the strongest move for Red at that point.) It worth mentioning though that a few moves before White misses a clear winning move, showcasing that the chess plot line lacks care indeed.