
18th Apr 2004

Chappelle's Show (2003)

Ep. #212 - S2-E12

Corrected entry: When Wayne Brady kills the cop he flees the scene leaving behind his drivers license. It's not a fake license either since the cop looked at the license and then Wayne Brady and back at the license before verifying that it was in fact, Wayne Brady himself.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: Brady should have thought about getting his license back but may have just forgotten to take it. Its a character mistake not a mistake on the show's makers.


1st Jun 2005

Goodfellas (1990)

Corrected entry: After Henry gets out of prison and goes to Paulie's house for dinner, Paulie says, "I bet you never ate this good in prison?" Only a few scenes earlier, there's a prolonged scene of all the great food "wise guys" eat in jail. Both Paulie AND Henry are in that scene.

Correction: Paulie was in prison for a year, Henry was in for ten. Henry wouldn't have had access to all the nice food and cooking after Paulie and other wiseguy inmates were released. Added to this Paulie was referring to the standard of cooking. Whilst the wise guys in the prison got good food and were pretty good cooks they couldn't make everything they wanted. In the prison scene Henry says "We didn't have access to a broiler" so they were limited with certain areas of their cooking and what could be made.


16th Apr 2005

One Hour Photo (2002)

Corrected entry: In scene 27 When Sy enters Room 511 he puts a sticker with the word 'Glossy' on it over the peep hole - in the next shot when he bursts into the room you can see that the sticker is not on the door anymore.

Correction: Its tough to see it but the sticker is still there when he bursts in.


Nasty Patty / The Idiot Box - S3-E4

Corrected entry: In "Nasty Patty", they enter the fridge, and there's nothing in it. However, we see that in "SB-129", Squidward stays in the fridge for 2000 years, until the future, and then he returns to the past. But wouldn't SpongeBob and Krabs, when they see the fridge, see that Squidward is there, frozen?

Correction: They are two different episodes so certain objects will change and differ. For example in "Wormy" Spongebob and Patrick went through a secret entrance in the Krusty Krab that was never shown or used again.


24th Aug 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: Krusty mumbled the words "you stupid idiot" and mumbling doesn't require your mouth to fully open.


10th May 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Bart vs. Australia - S6-E16

Corrected entry: When Bart makes a phone call to the Australian boy, it is daytime in both Springfield and Australia. However when the Australian boy's father phones Bart, it is again daytime in Australia but night-time in Springfield. But due to the Earth's rotation, surely it would have to be night-time in Australia or possibly very early in the morning. It seems to remain daytime there.


Correction: The phone calls are made at different times from each other so judging the time zone differences is tricky. However it is possible for the scenes to have daylight in both regions and daylight/night as in the show. If you use New York as reference point, a phone call at 4:30 pm, the call would be receieved at 6:30 am in Australia when it is plenty of time to have sunlight. When the Australian father calls it would be the afternoon and early morning in Springfield. If a call at 4:30 pm from Austrlia, it would be 2:30 am in New York.


11th May 2005

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: Grant says that he and the two kids need to climb over the electric fence. So to check if the power is off to the fence he throws a stick at the fence, most people would know that wood doesn't conduct electricity, therefore even if the power was on it still would have just bounced off.

Correction: It was just an act to try and scare the kids. Grant looked up at the fence before throwing the stick and saw the light on the fence was off indicating the power was down. He then acted like he was checking the fence using the stick and then scared them by grabbing the fence and pretending to be electrocuted.


6th May 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: Being that there is no age restriction in being in a retirement home there was nothing stopping Hans from moving into the home. The reason could be that Hans is weak, slow and has poor eye sight. With all these ailments he perhaps decided that he needed specialist care that a retirement home could provide.


Correction: Why should it be? It's not close to the main town centre. Almost none of the major characters' houses are shown when Bikini Bottom is shown as a whole.


No Weenies Allowed / Squilliam Returns - S3-E6

Corrected entry: In "Squilliam Returns", when Squidward gives up on everyone and runs out of the Krusty Krab, he runs into Squilliam. If you look at the shown window of the KK, it is the ordinary window with the ropes on it. But when they walk in, wallpaper covers all of the windows. I know that Spongebob converted the restaurant from crappy to fancy very quick, but I think we would've seen him placing wallpaper on the windows.

Correction: Not showing the wallpaper keeps Squidward's reaction as shocked as Squilliam which is the joke in the scene. Added to this if the wallpaper was shown coming down Squilliam might have suspected that Squidward was trying to fool him.


Correction: Its a joke on all the demands he has when it seems likely he just had one or two demands. Despite usually only having four fingers he is still counting when he should have stopped at four.


Chocolate With Nuts / Mermaid Man And Barnacle Boy V - S3-E11

Corrected entry: In this episode, Branacle Boy enters the EVIL society. In that society, Dirty Bubble and Man Ray appear. This is impossible. Dirty Bubble died in Mermaid Man And Barnacle Boy II, and Man Ray stopped being a villain in Mermaid Man And Barnacle Boy III. So if all of this happened, no EVIL society would exist.

Correction: There's nothing to say Dirty Bubble didn't return, Man Ray could have returned to his evil ways. There was nothing preventing them from returning.


27th Aug 2001

Training Day (2001)

Corrected entry: When Alonzo and the crew steal from and murder Roger, their "cover story" is that Roger shot one of the cops when he came through the door and Hoyt shot and killed Roger with the shotgun. The ambulance arrives about 2-3 minutes after they call in the shooting. How would they explain the kitchen floor being cut up and the money being dug up? It clearly took longer than 3 minutes (It shows where Alonzo smokes 4 or 5 cigarettes in the time it takes) so when, according to their "cover story," would they have had the time or opportunity to dig it up?

Correction: Alonzo and his men could have just said that they found the floor cut up when they arrived on the scene. Roger was dead when the other police arrived so there was nothing incriminating that could have linked them to the missing money, the cut up floor or the cigarettes in the kitchen.


Correction: Alonzo tells his crew to officially check out the pick and shovels from headquarters to dig up Roger's kitchen floor, it would be impossible to explain the shooting when they first entered if the floor was already dug up with the tools they requested from supply.

24th Apr 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

The Frying Game - S13-E21

Corrected entry: How can the citizens of Springfield, notably Chief Wiggum and Homer, not know that the whole murder was a reality show? If FRAME UP was the highest rated reality show on FOX, surely there'd be promos for it on TV and in TV Guides.

Correction: This was just the filming portion of the show. Many reality TV shows will be filmed and after a brief period be promoted then screened at a later date. They never actually said it was the highest rated reality show, it was Fox's latest reality hit show.


22nd Apr 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Fraudcast News - S15-E22

Corrected entry: When Burns buys KBBL and tells Bill and Marty they're fired, they take off their headphones but can still hear what Burns is saying when he asks for the toilet noise to be played.

Correction: The phone call might have been on speaker phone as well as being heard in their headphones. Even if it wasn't on speaker phone we can hear Mr Burns' voice as well so when they take their headphones off it's likely they could hear his voice as we could.


I've worked in radio, and if their mics aren't on, the phones generally come through the studio speakers unless you pick up the handset so yes they would have heard him.

22nd Apr 2005

Finding Nemo (2003)

Corrected entry: After the Jellyfish adventure, Marlin and Dori are with the turtles. Marlin swims and sees Dori is in the turtle's shell, and she says: "29...30.", and then she starts seeking for the baby turtles. Earlier (and later) in the movie, you can notice that she forgets things in a few seconds. If she has such bad memory, how did she manage to count up to 30 without forgetting that she was playing "hide and seek" with the baby turtles?

Correction: Having Marlin around Dori's memory steadily improved as she states later on in the film. The best example of her improving memory was the fact she remembered the address of where they were going for almost the entire journey. Remembering what game she was playing and how far to count to 30 wasn't too far of a stretch at this point.


22nd Apr 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

The Great Louse Detective - S14-E6

Corrected entry: When Sideshow Bob says that he hasn't made any progress on catching the person who is trying to kill Homer, he says, "Go ahead, shock me." and hands Marge the shocking remote. Sideshow Bob has been trying to get the remote ever since he was introduced into the episode. Why, if he has it, does he give it to Marge instead of taking it and trying to kill Bart, which he does at the end of the episode?

Correction: Bob probably thought that he hasn't really done anything wrong so they will take pity and leave shocking him, but they decide to anyway. It just furthers the joke that he can't stop the Simpsons, no matter how well behaved he was, from shocking him. In regard to killing Bart, it was being at Moe's with Lenny & Carl's suggestion about how to kill Bart that sparked him into trying to kill Bart. In the episode we saw Bob was preoccupied with helping Homer and being given the simple idea later on sparked him into action.


17th Apr 2005

Black Hawk Down (2001)

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie when the character played by Eric Bana is walking at the Bakara market, you can see there's a total number of four crew members behind him in the crowd (one is right behind him and three more a bit further). It's easy to spot these white men in a crowd where everyone's supposed to be black.


Correction: There are white men in the background but there is nothing to indicate they are part of the crew as they are just walking around doing nothing but looking around. They could be visitors or may have been backup for Eric Bana's character in case anything went wrong whilst he was waiting there.


Corrected entry: In the scene where David Hasselhoff is putting Spongebob and Patrick in his chest, what is he standing on? It is impossible to stand on water as he did in the scene.

Correction: Its impossible to swim as fast as a speedboat as he does in this scene or move that fast without moving your arms or legs but the part with David Hasselhoff was not exactly following the laws of physics.


13th Apr 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: Homer isn't the most safety cautious person and this would have frightened Marge knowing he could harm or injure the family. With Marge being an officer she would have had training in firearms and firearm safety so it was likely she was more comfortable having one.


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