
9th Nov 2016

X-Men (1992)

6th Oct 2016

X-Men (1992)

Days of Future Past: Part 2 - S1-E12

Bishop: I should have known better than to play poker with an assassin.
Gambit: Shut up fool! [Throws a kinetically charged card at Bishop to no effect.]
Bishop: I can absorb your bio-energy and channel it right back.
Wolverine: I think he's getting ready to raise you.
Bishop: [Shoots an energy blast at Gambit which he narrowly avoids.] That's my mutant power.
Wolverine: [Extends his claws in Bishop's face.] How would you like to try absorbing these? Now sit down, both of you, or cards won't be the only thing that gets cut around here.


Dick and Taxes - S4-E12

[The Solomons discover that they owe $9,500 in back-taxes.]
Tommy: $9,500?
Sally: Oh my god you guys, what are we gonna do?
Tommy: I mean look at all these receipts from all these meals. If we'd only talked about business during some of them we could write off all this money as deductions.
Dick: Who says we didn't talk about business?
Tommy: Yes, 'cause that's the only reason we ever go out to eat anyway, right, is to talk about business.
Sally: Business.
Harry: Okay, I must tune out because I never hear us talking about business.
Dick: Yes, we can lie on our taxes.
Tommy: I can't believe that no human has ever thought of this before.
Sally: Okay, wait a second you guys. What if we get caught?
Dick: How can we get caught? All those other dopes out there are telling the truth about their taxes, they're just going to assume that we are too.


Dick, Who's Coming to Dinner - S5-E6

[The Solomons are sitting in their car after attending a white power rally.]
Sally: Well it's a good thing Barry White wasn't there.
Harry: Those guys were kinda creepy.
Tommy: Why do you think they burned that giant lower-case letter T?
Dick: I don't want to be a part of any group that hates the lower-case letter T.


Just Your Average Dick (1) - S3-E22

Mary: Dick, you and your family, I know you mean well but sometimes it's like being around the Addams family.
Dick: Well, I will admit that John Adams' views of a strong central government may have been ahead of their time, but I...
Mary: That's not who I meant.
Dick: John Quincy Adams? You're comparing me to that freak show!?


18th Jun 2016

Boy Meets World (1993)

Risky Business - S1-E16

[Cory and Shawn are listening to the radio for the results of a horse race.]
Radio Announcer: And now the results of the fifth race at Pimlico.
Cory: Come on Neckflap, baby!
Radio Announcer: And the winner is Ne... [Cory accidentally unplugs the radio before he hears the result.]
Cory: Nuh!? What kind of name is Nuh!?
Shawn: You idiot, you ripped the plug out of the wall!
Cory: Well he said "Nuh." It's gotta be Neckflap. What other horse starts with "Nuh"?
Shawn: [reading the names of the horses from the newspaper.] Okay, we got uh, Neckflap, Nux Vomica, uh, Nunzio's Dream, and remarkably a horse called Nuh.


18th Jun 2016

X-Men (1992)

Dick and Taxes - S4-E12

[The Solomons are doing their taxes for the first time.]
Dick: Alright, Form 10-40. First name: Dick. Last name: Solomon. And Mary said this would be complicated.
Sally: Dick this is so boring. Why are we doin' it?
Dick: Because Sally, this is what humans do. It's like their national pastime. And you don't want us to stand out.
Harry: Hey, you know what'd be funny? Where it says "Sex," write "frequently."
Sally: That's a good one Harry.
Dick: They don't ask for your sex here.
Harry: Hmm. Well if there's any place that you can indicate that you like to have frequent sex, I think it's worth doing.
Sally: Farm income or loss. So did our farm show a profit last year?
Dick: No, we're Schedule F.
Tommy: Wait wait, we didn't have a farm last year.
Harry: We lost the farm? No!
Dick: Line 14, other gains or losses.
Tommy: I gained two lbs.
Sally: I lost my virginity.
Harry: Hey, there's your opportunity for that frequent sex thing if you wanna just throw it in.
Dick: Enter itemized deductions from Page 3, Schedule C, Line 2 to the extent they are allowable on Schedule A Form 10-40 NR.
Sally: Enter the larger of your itemized deductions from Line 28 or standard deduction shown on the left. My left or its left?
Tommy: See Page 30 to find your standard deduction if you've checked any box on Line 35-A or 35-B or if someone can claim you as a dependent.
[The entire family is shown to be very confused and the scene transitions to a short time later.]
Harry: I'm telling you, there is no Schedule B.
Tommy: There has to be, dammit!
Dick: I don't understand this, I'm a superior being. I can calculate the decaying orbit of a dying moon to within a tenth of an inch. Why can't I calculate the subtotal of Line 59-A? Why can't I find Line 59-A? Where the hell is Line 59-A!?
Sally: Calm down.
Dick: [begins tearing up his tax forms.] I can't take this anymore! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! [Suddenly finds Line 59-A.] Oh here it is. Everybody just settle down.


31st May 2016

X-Men (1992)

19th Apr 2016

X-Men (1992)

Cold Comfort - S3-E15

Multiple Man: Go on, take your best shot.
Wolverine: [shrugs.] It's your face, pal. [Takes a swing at Multiple Man who transforms into two of himself and dodges the hit] What's this, a two-for-one sale?!
Multiple Man: [Creates even more copies of himself] No, it's more like a baker's dozen.


19th Apr 2016

X-Men (1992)

Cold Comfort - S3-E15

Professor X: [to Cyclops] Sometimes good leadership is knowing when not to give orders.
Wolverine: [to Cyclops] Don't worry, I won't say I told you so.


19th Apr 2016

X-Men (1992)

19th Apr 2016

X-Men (1992)

15th Nov 2015

X-Men (1992)

Cold Comfort - S3-E15

Wolverine: So what are we up against with this Iceman?
Professor X: We're not against him, Wolverine.
Wolverine: So then we're with him?!
Professor X: Of course not! He's destroying federal property!
Wolverine: Boy, I'm glad we cleared that up.


15th Nov 2015

X-Men (1992)

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