Batman Forever

Trivia: The ladies that approach the Batmobile are the group En Vogue.


Trivia: The building for the circus was inspired by the Justice Hall from the animated series Super Friends.


Trivia: In the brief time that Tim Burton was still considering doing a third Batman film, Riddler was the only villain that he planned on using. The idea of using Two-Face did not come up until Joel Schumacher joined the project.

Trivia: Before deciding not to don the cape and cowl for a third time, Michael Keaton met with Joel Schumacher and declined to join the project after deciding that he did not like the direction in which Schumacher was looking to take the franchise.

Trivia: Rene Russo was originally cast to play criminal psychologist Dr. Chase Meridian when Michael Keaton was still attached to the project as Batman. However, when Keaton dropped out of the project and was replaced by Val Kilmer, Russo was deemed too old to play his love interest and was replaced by Nicole Kidman.

Trivia: When Dick Grayson is trying to come up with superhero names for himself to become Batman's partner, one of the names he comes up with is Nightwing. Dick Grayson later becomes Nightwing in the comics, after his days as (the first) Robin.

Trivia: When he practiced twirling his cane, Jim Carrey managed to break most of the furniture in his trailer.

Trivia: Robin Williams tried out for the part of the Riddler.

Trivia: Robin says, "Holey rusted metal, Batman..." This is an obvious inside joke for all fans of the 1960s Batman TV series. As you may already know, Robin always said a phrase that began with "Holy...." and ended with a phrase that was not usually used in normal conversation.

Trivia: When Edward Nygma is deciding what name to give himself, one of the names he chooses is "The Puzzler." The Puzzler was a named used by two different DC characters who both became criminals.

Trivia: At the time Sam Raimi was a popular "cult" director. When Tim Burton stepped down as director, he offered his services to the studio. He never got the job because the studio felt he wasn't a big enough name.

Trivia: Elizabeth Sanders, who plays Gossip Gerty, is the widow of Bob Kane, the man who co-created the Batman character with Bill Finger.

Trivia: During the party scene when Edward Nygma is introducing his new Box, the fantasies of one can be seen on a television screen. Later when people are dancing, on one of the screens in the background, you can see Batman! Someone must be having a Batman fantasy.

Trivia: In the original Batman (1989), Harvey Dent was played by Billy Dee Williams. Williams accepted the role with the knowledge and expectation that Dent would eventually become Two-Face. Williams had a clause in his contract reserving that role in any sequels for him. Warner Bros. had to buy out his contract so that they could cast Tommy Lee Jones.

Trivia: The doctor who summons Dr. Chase Meridian to Arkham Asylum at the end is named Dr. Burton. A nod to Tim Burton, director of the first two Batman movies, perhaps?

Batman Forever mistake picture

Character mistake: When Bruce is looking at Chase's various clippings of Batman on her desk while she's tending to the tea kettle, there is a paper that says "Diagnosis Form #39," and just above it, the word "schizophrenic" is incorrectly spelled as either "schizofrenic" or "schizoprenic" (a metal clip is partially covering the last six letters of the word, so it's hard to determine whether it's an "f" or a lone "p" where the "ph" should be). (01:03:11 - 01:03:32)


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Question: If Bruce had backed Edward's invention, would Edward have still done what he did in the movie (using the device to grow smarter, try to outdo Bruce etc)? Or did Bruce spurning him cause him to do that?

Answer: It's hard to say for certain. If Bruce had approved of the project, there would have been a lot more volunteers and oversight of its production, which would have alerted Bruce of the device's side effects, at which point he or one of his underlings would order its production to cease. Edward would still feel spurned and motivated to continue his work, but without the resources of Wayne Industries at his disposal, he may have a more difficult time seeing his plan through.


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