
3rd Jul 2020

Common mistakes

Corrected entry: Whenever the plot of a film or TV show revolves around a judged competition, whether for plot convenience or dramatic effect, the protagonist(s) often will perform or be judged last, even though this so frequently happening would be very unusual in real life.

Correction: This would be a valid observation if all movies that have a judged competition and the protagonists being the last to go were somehow connected to each other. But as each movie stands on its own, it's not really a plot hole or any other kind of mistake that the main characters are the last to go, because the improbability of that happening is relative to the given film itself and doesn't factor into other films dealing with the same subject.


24th Jun 2020

The Avengers (2012)

Stupidity: At the beginning after Loki steals the tesseract he could easily uses his magic to make a portal in order to disappear from there.

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Suggested correction: Loki has never been shown to have the ability to form portals.

Never? He used the Tesseract in Endgame to disappear.


The original entry is saying that Loki could have used his own magic to create a portal. He has never been shown to have that power. If he did, he would have been able to escape the portal Doctor Strange trapped him in in Thor: Ragnarok.


Suggested correction: Loki is a trickster and only has the ability of creating illusions making anyone see what he wants them to see.

Suggested correction: Loki didn't need to create a portal to escape (not that he has that ability anyway). He escaped very easily with Hawkeye, who became his henchman.

Suggested correction: Loki does not possess the ability to create portals with his magic. He could potentially use the Tesseract to do so, but it's possible he believes it needs to be connected to a machine or in some other kind of housing to be safely utilized, since that is how the portal opened that allowed him to come to Earth, and then later allowed him to open the portal above Stark Tower to allow the Chitauri to invade.


24th Jun 2020

Signs (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Graham gets out of bed and goes into the hallway, he is barefoot. Next thing we see is that he has his shoes on and tied up nicely.

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Suggested correction: It should be noted that before Graham is shown going outside, the film cuts away to Merrill getting startled out of bed by Bo's screams, suggesting that Graham took the time to put his shoes on before going outside to check on his children. Maybe you could argue his fatherly instincts in taking time to put on his shoes when his children are potentially in danger is a stupidity, but that would be a separate entry altogether.


24th Jun 2020

The Punisher (2004)

Continuity mistake: Toward the end if the movie when Castle goes to Saint's compound to exact his final revenge, the first guard he kills is with a bow and arrow. Castle shoots him in the back but when the guard falls forward he reveals Castle on a perch directly in front facing him.


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Suggested correction: He doesn't shoot him in the back. He shoots him in the front and the arrow penetrates through. If you slow it down, you can see the arrowhead pointing out of his back.


23rd Jun 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

The Eskimo - S5-E13

Character mistake: In the opening scene, Cory remarks that they have been in high school for 4 years and there's nothing left for them to be taught. They began high school in 7th grade and are now midway through their senior year, so they have actually been in high school for 5 and a half years.


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Suggested correction: There's a difference between being at the same school and being in high school. For most students, high school is 4-years long (9th-12th grade). When I was in kindergarten, I went to a K-12 school. If I graduated from that school, I wouldn't have said I was in high school for 13 years.


It's openly stated numerous times beginning with season 2 when they are in 7th grade that they are now in high school. The school is even called John Adams High School, and not something like John Adams K-12 or anything like that. I remember being baffled by this growing up, because high school for me did not begin until 9th grade, and even then, we didn't attend an actual high school until 10th grade. It may be unconventional compared to real life, but the show firmly established that they were in high school starting with 7th grade.


22nd Jun 2020

The X-Files (1993)

Squeeze - S1-E3

Corrected entry: At The End of the episode Scully handcuffs Tooms to the bathtub and Mulder says "he's not gonna get his quota this year" and Tooms seemingly accepts his capture. Given that he can stretch his whole body (and as specifically shown in the episode, his hands/fingers) couldn't Tooms have escaped from the handcuffs?

Jack Vaughan

Correction: He probably could have, but it's not something he can do instantly, and he also has a gun drawn on him. He likely decided it would be better to bide his time and escape later, which he eventually does.


I doubt that's what the filmmakers intended you to think though. It's a slip in the writing.

Jack Vaughan

And how do you know what the filmmakers were thinking? They obviously intended to use the character again since he appears later in the season. If you could slip out of handcuffs, but a federal agent was pointing their gun at you, would you risk death or try to escape at a later time?


Yeh, I'm not gonna pretend that this mistake was solid. Fair enough.

Jack Vaughan

22nd Jun 2020

The Mummy Returns (2001)

Other mistake: How would Alex know that Imhotep's water wall took out his parents? The matter of distance is debatable. But, the winding path that the dirigible took though the canyon, as well last the water wall, would block his vision.

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Suggested correction: He doesn't know for certain, but given the swagger with which Imhotep walks towards him afterwards, he's pretty justified in fearing the worst.


12th Jun 2020

The Departed (2006)

Corrected entry: When Ellerby tells Sullivan "Some people don't trust a guy with an immaculate record. I do. I have an immaculate record." Really? An immaculate record even after you punch they guy's lights out for not installing the cameras right? He's a captain, had a long career, if he punches a guy for that, certainly he's had other complaints before too.

Correction: This is too presumptuous to be a valid mistake. We know practically nothing of his history, so it can't be definitively said he's had complaints about him before. The assault he committed over the failed sting could very well be his first infraction, and if it is still being investigated, it won't appear on his record yet.


It's also possible that people simply don't complain about outbursts like that in an environment with inter agency cooperation and high tensions.

3rd Nov 2003

The Simpsons (1989)

Barting Over - S14-E11

Corrected entry: When Lisa mocks Bart in French, she sings, "Vous êtes Baby Stinkbreath." However, "Vous êtes" is the formal construction. A person would not use this when speaking to his or her brother, especially when deliberately being disrespectful towards him. "Tu es," the informal form, would be more appropriate.


Correction: Lisa may still be learning, and it's an easy mistake to make.

Correction: She's 8 years old. A child making mistakes is not uncommon.


She is shown to have superior intellect.

Even the smartest people make mistakes. Neil deGrasse Tyson said it wouldn't be possible for BB-8 in The Force Awakens to rove over sand and chalked it up to a visual effect, only for the filmmakers to prove to him that it was not a visual effect.


26th Sep 2003

Boy Meets World (1993)

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Suggested correction: This is too vague. There are literally dozens of women that leave the stage whenever Eric answers a question. Describe what these women look like and what they are wearing.


Corrected entry: When Peter is in a Dutch cell, he is surrounded by Dutchmen who greet him in Dutch at first. Then Peter breaks out of the cell, the Dutch guard hears the lock break and yells to his fellow countrymen "is everything OK with you guys?" instead of yelling it in Dutch. (01:20:00 - 01:20:30)

Correction: The other men in the cell were also speaking to Peter in English. It's possible the guard heard this and deduced that at least one person in the cell didn't speak Dutch, so he decided to call out to everyone in English, correctly assuming that everyone in the cell would understand him.


Corrected entry: When Peter puts on EDITH glasses he gets all the info on every person he looks at. When he puts them on in front of Beck, EDITH fails to tell him he is a former employee of Stark Industries.

Correction: Beck's plan is to ultimately gain possession of E.D.I.T.H. He most likely found a way to delete himself from not only Stark's databases, but S.H.I.E.L.D.'s as well.


21st May 2020

The Sandlot (1993)

Corrected entry: Right after squints kiss Wendy, Wendy pulls squints to his feet. When she starts dragging him out you can briefly see crew members over by the concession stands.

Correction: I pulled up this scene on YouTube and watched over it at least a dozen times. The concessions stand is far in the background and the camera pans across it quickly, so even pausing the scene, you still can't definitively make out that anyone is standing over in that area, much less anyone that can be positively identified as a crew member.


19th May 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Janitor Dad - S4-E6

Deliberate mistake: Chet comes home from his first day as school janitor brandishing a paycheck, which impresses his wife and in turn changes Shawn's mind about Chet working at the school. Being that it was Chet's first day on the job, there's no way he would already have received a paycheck. Even if it was payday, his employment would have begun on the first day of the next pay period.


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Suggested correction: It's possible it was pay for training or orientation days that were before his official start date.


That's a good point.


21st Oct 2018

Common mistakes

Factual error: When the police are on the phone with a suspect who is using a landline and they try to keep them on the line long enough to trace the number and location. If the film takes place after the advent of Caller ID, then this information would be available instantly.


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Suggested correction: If they are tracing a cell phone this information isn't available instantly.

That's a valid caveat, so I've amended this for suspects using landlines.


8th Apr 2020

Common mistakes

Factual error: In almost every movie from the introduction of sound on to present day, lightning and thunder happen simultaneously, while in reality there's always a delay between the former and the latter.


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Suggested correction: Hardly always, if the lightning hits right in front of you you hear the thunder immediately. I'd say from about 100 meters you perceive it as instantly, as it's only 0.3 seconds between flash and thunder.


This is a mistake about in almost all movies, not in all thunderstorms. The common mistake in the movies is when lightning isn't hitting 100m away from the character, but the sound is still instantaneous.


I assume it's about thunderstorms in movies. Name an example.


Instant thunder (even at a considerable distance of miles from the lightning or explosion source) is, indeed, a common and probably deliberate error in most films. The reasoning for it is simple: a prolonged and realistic delay between lightning and thunder could change a 1-second shot into a 6-second shot, for example, compromising the director's intended pace and mood for the scene. Steven Spielberg films have utilized both instant and delayed thunder. In "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," for example, when the UFOs zoom out into the distant background (certainly miles away) in a wide landscape shot, they produce a lightning effect in the clouds that is simultaneously heard as thunder. But in "Poltergeist" (a Spielberg film directed by Tobe Hooper), there is a very deliberate scene of characters realistically counting the seconds between distant lightning and resulting thunder. Choosing to obey physics or not is a matter of the director's artistic license.

Charles Austin Miller

I posted this while I was watching Death in Paradise, episode 7 of the third season, but really, you have never seen in pretty much any horror or cheap slasher movie whenever there's a storm, the flash of a lightning coming at the *same* time as a thunder jumpscare sound? It's vastly spoofed, even, when some ugly/creepy/terrifying character makes its appearance. One example randomly picked? Dracula by Coppola, in the first 10 minutes, carriage, lightning in the distance, not even a split second after, rumble. In RL it would reach you a couple seconds later. But really, it's such a movie archetype, I am sure you can find it in any Dracula movie.


The Dracula example doesn't really show how far away the lightning is, it could right above them. It's fake as hell, I agree with that, but the fact there is lightning and thunder at the same time without actually seeing the distance is not a mistake to me. It's also highly unnatural lightning as it only happens twice and then nothing, it's not even raining. It's obviously meant to be caused by the evil surrounding the place. The idea is there is constant lightning right on top of them.


There's a scene in Judge Dredd where every few seconds, there is a flash of lightning instantly accompanied by the sound of thunder. It happens frequently in Sleepy Hollow as well.


I know the scenes you are referring to. In both those instances you have no idea about the distance of this lightning. It could be (and probably is) right on top of them. You can hear that from the typical high sharpness of the sound, only heard when the flash is very close. Thunderclouds are never very high in the air so even the rumbling within the cloud itself can be heard, sometimes you don't even see lightning when it rumbles (yet there is). It's a bit far fetched but you could hear a rumbling or the thunder from a previous flash and mistake it for the flash you see at the same time. Can happen when there are continuous flashes.


14th Oct 2019

Toy Story 4 (2019)

Other mistake: When Jessie pops the tire on the RV, Bonnie's dad gets upset and says "I just bought it." Throughout the rest of the film however, he says the RV is a rental.

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Suggested correction: Not exactly a mistake considering he bought a rental.

That's a self-contradicting statement. Buying something means you have ownership of it. Renting something means you pay for its use with the understanding that it will be returned at a specified time. You can't buy a rental any more than you can rent something you buy.


Suggested correction: At best it's a character mistake. As he was exasperated as Bonnie's mother says to her "Daddy's going to use some words" apparently meaning he was going to swear.


If it's a character mistake, it's still a mistake, so no correction is needed. I think it's a valid other mistake because it's the screen writers flipping back between owning and renting, but not an actual plot hole. I've been exasperated with a rental before and never in my anger or frustration said I bought the rented item.


Character mistake: Sarah is a trained expert with predatory animals. But when her jacket is covered with blood (and not just any blood, the blood of the infant T-rex), and they're in a forest surrounded with carnivorous dinosaurs, and she knows that they need to pass through Velociraptor territory, and she thinks that the T-rex might follow them, she doesn't think to take the jacket off. And the others, who also happen to be hunters who would surely know that the blood would attract predators, don't say anything about it.

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Suggested correction: While you are right, it's still not that much of a mistake because not only does it tie into the Butterfly Effect from the first movie, but also maybe Roland used it to his advantage, meaning an opportunity to shoot the Buck Rex since using its baby didn't work.

You're really grasping at straws on this one. The top priority for everyone at this point is to find safe shelter. A bunch of dinosaur experts aren't going to jeopardize that by allowing someone in their group to walk through dangerous territory with blood-soaked clothing, and Roland isn't going to risk the lives of other people to hunt the T-rex. This is just bad writing by the filmmakers, plain and simple.


What butterfly effect?


He's talking about when Ian Malcolm was explaining chaos theory and used the term "butterfly effect." But like Phaneron said, the person was really grasping as straws and this scene has nothing to do with what Malcom was talking about.


Suggested correction: I don't think this is actually a mistake. Yes Sarah's jacket is covered in blood from the baby T-Rex, but as you say they've got to pass through Velociraptor territory. In JP3 it was noted that the T-Rex pee keeps smaller dinosaurs away but actually attracts the Spinosaurus. The scent of the T-Rex blood could actually also have the same effect as the pee at keeping the smaller dinosaurs away.

2nd Jan 2011

South Park (1997)

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Suggested correction: I don't see how this is a mistake, deliberate or otherwise. While the creators of the show have established that to be the appearance for Canadian characters, they are well within their rights to invoke artistic license whenever they see fit. Is it also a mistake that Mel Gibson and Saddam Hussein have photorealistic faces when the majority of other characters have been established as having cartoon faces?


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Suggested correction: A scorpion's pedipalps (their pincers) are not legs. Scorpions and other arachnids have 8 legs and 2 pedipalps.


Wow, you're right. I looked up a bunch of images of scorpions before posting this and somehow all the pictures I saw before posting showed them with 6 legs, but now I'm seeing pictures of them with 8 legs.


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