Corrected entry: After Kevin leaves the church where he's talking with the old man he runs home to make a game plan to protect his house. Kevin runs up the walkway to the front door and walks right in - using no key. Was it unlocked the whole time?
28th Feb 2019
Home Alone (1990)
10th Oct 2004
The Punisher (2004)
Corrected entry: Howard can't find Frank for days, but Harry Heck can find him in less than a day and in the exact restaurant.
Correction: Harry Heck was hired specifically to find Castle. Quentin Glass was confident that he would find him, because as he put it "In 48 hours, Castle's a memory. A pro from Memphis, the best." We just don't see how Heck is able to locate Castle because it isn't essential to the plot.
25th Feb 2019
Game of Thrones (2011)
Battle of the Bastards - S6-E9
Corrected entry: At the meeting before the Battle of the Bastards, Sansa rides away before Ramsey mentions he hasn't fed his dogs in 7 days. The next day when he's tied up in the kennel he said my dogs will never hurt me. Sansa says "you haven't fed them in a week". She wasn't there when he said it, no way she'd know that.
Correction: Jon, Davos, Tormund or anyone else that rode out with Jon to discuss terms with Ramsay could have told Sansa about it or mentioned it around camp which Sansa could have then heard. Ramsay was threatening to feed Jon's men to his dogs, something that would likely be discussed by the men in Jon's army, if for no other reason than it is something they would try to avoid experiencing.
21st Feb 2019
The Predator (2018)
Corrected entry: The small predator could not know that thumbs up signals OK to humans.
Correction: Says who? The Predator species has been visiting Earth and observing and hunting humans for centuries. Part of their methods for hunting and baiting humans shown in other films includes mimicry. The Predator in question also understands English, given that the driver asked if everything was okay, prompting him to fool the driver by using the severed arm to give a thumbs up. If the Predator can understand English, there's no reason why he can't also be familiar with hand gestures used by English-speaking people.
10th Mar 2011
Punisher: War Zone (2008)
Corrected entry: Part of the Punisher's objective in his war against crime is to protect innocent civilians. Yet at one point in the movie he chooses to dispatch an enemy on a rooftop by using a rocket launcher, even though the rocket could have missed and collided with a nearby building and killed several innocents.
Correction: Unfortunately for the innocent civilians, The Punisher's ONLY objective is to punish violent criminals. He's not The Protector, he's The Punisher.
This correction demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the Punisher as a character. Just because he's called the Punisher, it doesn't mean he has no moral code or doesn't care about innocent people. This film, for all of its many flaws, even shows him questioning himself after he mistakenly murders an undercover FBI agent.
Additionally, the main plot of this film is the Punisher protecting the family of the murdered FBI agent from the mobsters he infiltrated. If punishing criminals was his only objective as you suggested, then he wouldn't go out of his way to help the family. He would just spray bullets at the criminals and shrug off whatever collateral damage he causes in the process.
If you read some of his comics, he has pursued enemies in front of innocent people and some have been caught in the crossfire sadly. Not really an error.
25th Jan 2019
Seinfeld (1990)
Corrected entry: Near the end of Elaine's conversation with Lippmann about The Muffin Tops in The Bookstore, there is a deep male voice that can be heard saying something unintelligible (it might be Kramer's voice), which must have been layered in the background by accident. (00:04:25)
Correction: I just pulled up this episode on Hulu, and while you can hear a voice going on, I don't see how its inclusion is accidental. They are at a book signing with numerous people, so there is bound to be people talking in the background. Kramer has also invaded the signing, so it could very well be him chatting with people at the event or arguing with Peterman.
25th Jan 2019
Glass (2019)
Corrected entry: In the first scene between David and Joseph, Joseph states it has been three weeks since the events of the previous film, Split. Throughout the rest of the film, it is stated by several characters that it has been nineteen years since the events of Unbreakable. This timeframe could not be possible, as the ending of Split makes it clear that it has been fifteen years since Mr. Glass has been incarcerated.
17th Jan 2019
Common mistakes
Corrected entry: Particularly in sitcoms, characters will talk about another character behind their back while still being in the same room and talking at a normal speaking level, but the character being talked about somehow never hears anything.
Correction: Considering the fact that most sitcoms are recorded in front of a live audience, I wouldn't really say this is a mistake. Like in a live play, it needs to be heard by the audience. Also it's more of a cheat than a mistake, with the implications that they are speaking low enough that the person in question can't hear them but the person they are speaking to closer can. If anything, you might could consider this a Deliberate mistake. However it's more just a result of the style of the medium.
I don't see how doing this for the benefit of a live audience invalidates this as a mistake, especially since the actors could just as well go into another "room" on the set to have their conversation. If you are speaking at a normal volume and the person five feet away from you can't hear you, unless they are dead or hard of hearing, then it's a legitimate mistake, deliberate or otherwise.
I agree. If you think they characters are talking too loudly not to be heard, turn down the volume of your TV till you can't hear them from across the room.
13th Dec 2018
Common mistakes
Factual error: Characters, typically the hero, can crash through windows without so much as getting a cut on them.
Suggested correction: Depending on the age of the window, that's the whole point. Safety glass is designed to break in a way to stop people getting hurt.
Not every window is made from safety glass. When was the last time you saw a movie where a main character crashed through a store window, office building window, house window, plate glass window, etc. and ended up getting shredded to ribbons?
You don't often see blood but items of clothing do get ripped. One example I can think of off the top of my head is The Last Stand where Arnie gets chucked through a glass door. His jacket gets rips on it.
For whatever it's worth, the one time in my life I had to break through a window in an emergency situation, it was definitely not safety glass and I got some fairly deep cuts even though I thought I'd cleared away the pieces. Also in spite of everything I made sure to smash it with an object because I knew there was no way I was just going to be able to leap through a solid pane of glass, and I suspect even if I did I'd just end up impaling myself on a huge shard.
9th Mar 2016
American Horror Story (2011)
Deliberate mistake: Conjoined twins Bette and Dot have freckles and moles on their faces and necks in the exact same places.
Suggested correction: Not technically a mistake; unlike regular twins, conjoined twins are always identical in appearance, contrary to what movies/TV suggest. This could easily include mole patterns.
I looked up "conjoined twins" on Google images, and there are numerous photos of conjoined twins having freckles and moles in different spots. Notably on the Hensel twins, Brittany has a mole on her chin, but Abby does not. This disproves your suggestion that conjoined twins are always identical in appearance and could have identical mole patterns.
4th Jan 2019
The Mummy (1999)
Corrected entry: As Benny drags his bags of loot out of the temple, there's suddenly a bunch of camels chained up outside. O'Connell and the crew flew in on a plane, Evie and Benny came by sandstorm, so who brought the camels?
Correction: As the other correction states, this entry was already submitted and corrected. But to briefly elaborate, those are camels from the earlier expedition, which were abandoned at the city. Remember, quite a few people died, and they were forced to flee quickly, so they obviously didn't take all the camels with them. Simple as that.
20th Dec 2018
The Mummy (1999)
Trivia: Because the white nightdress Evelyn wears during the ship attack got wet, it became transparent, and had to be digitally painted white in post production. Otherwise the film would have lost its PG-13 rating.
Different eras. The movie "The Bounty" with Mel Gibson and Anthony Hopkins features an abundance of topless native island women but retained a PG rating. It would easily receive an R rating today.
18th Jul 2004
The Butterfly Effect (2004)
Plot hole: When Evan is in jail with the religious prisoner trying to get him to help him get his journals back he goes to the scene where he is drawing that homicidal picture in kindergarten, but he gets up and puts the spikes that holds documents through his hands, creating a stigmata-style scar. The religious guy in the cell with him is so amazed because of this he thinks Evan is a prophet and he decides to help him. If Evan had gone back in time and got those scars on his hands, he would have changed the original timeline and would have arrived in jail with those scars the whole time. Some people try to correct this using the "If I can create scars, then can I fix them?" statement Evan made to defend the mistake and suggest he can create instant scars but he was using the word "scars" to refer to the negative events; not literal scars on his body. The scar he got when he burned himself in the past didn’t magically appear on him the moment he returned from the past; it became part of a new, slightly altered timeline (just like the scars on his hands should have been) and it let him know he can change history.
Suggested correction: This isn't necessarily a correction so much as a possible explanation. It's possible that the religious inmate (I think his name was Carlos) just simply didn't see the scars on Evan's hands when he first came to the prison in the timeline where he got the scars or Evan knew to hide them in the scar timeline (due to the fact that it was the sole purpose of him going back) and due to his fanaticism he didn't question him a second time.
Nope, after jamming those things in his hands Evan simply came into the prison with the scars already on his hands and would have never thought of showing the religious guy his powers using that particular moment in the past to convince him, or doing what he did a second time as he already had done it. It doesn't matter if the religious guy didn't see them before, they won't be the object of Evan convincing him. He would have had to try it some other way, each and ever time. That how this time travel works and its definitely a plot hole that it worked as it did, whilst it shouldn't have. Of course, it's a time travel movie and they never make sense.
13th Dec 2018
The Mighty Ducks (1992)
Corrected entry: When discussing the boundary lines on which teams the players are eligible to play with, it comes apparent Adam Banks should have played for District-5/Ducks instead of the Hawks. This means the Hawks have played an ineligible player all season and should have forfeited all their games to that date. (00:56:00)
Correction: That could depend entirely on who is responsible for the oversight. If Coach Reilly gets to pick his own players, then your entry would most likely be correct, or at the least Reilly would be banned from coaching. However, if someone from the league is responsible for putting teams together, then that would mean Banks was put on the wrong team through no fault of his own, his parents, or Coach Reilly. The movie even shows that a league representative is the one to inform everyone that Banks needs to switch teams if he wants to continue playing. This suggests that the league decided to take no disciplinary action against the Hawks provided that they comply with the order.
13th Dec 2018
Common mistakes
Other mistake: The hero can usually knock out henchmen with one or two punches, but the main villain (as well as the hero themselves) can take much more punishment. This is practically akin to enemies in video games. In fact, heroes are so confident of their abilities that they can knock an opponent down and know that they are down for the count without even having to verify.
Suggested correction: How is this a mistake? Of course the main villain, the boss, is hardest to knock out. If his henchmen were just as strong or stronger, why are they just henchmen? See it like a race, the champion is hardest to beat, that's why he is champion.
Just to give an example, at the beginning of the movie "Goldeneye," James Bond knocks out a henchman sitting on a toilet with one punch. But at the end of the movie, Bond and Trevelyan are beating the crap out of each other and neither is knocked unconscious. It's certainly reasonable for someone to be a more formidable fighter than their underlings, but it wouldn't make them magically impervious to blows to the head.
The mistake is that the hero of the movie very rarely checks to see if a disabled opponent got back up. They are supremely confident that they are out, even if the hero literally just rolled them on to the floor. Makes for good movie magic, but is totally unrealistic.
This mistake has four aspects. (1) The hero knocks someone unconscious for good with just one hit. (2) The hero does this to several enemies in succession, with the same results. (3) The hero shows no signs of fatigue. (4) The hero takes on the tougher villains and takes them down too. Doing all of these requires immense superhuman strength. In films about superhumans, this is not a mistake. But there are films that deliver this and are cheeky enough to give the appearance of there being a modicum of reality in it.
It's not necessarily a measure of strength, technique has got a lot to do with it. When one goes for the throat for example or the jaw a knockout is almost always certain, if you know what you are doing. You have to if you got no time to hit someone twice because the next opponent is not waiting.
You are right. But we don't see proper technique either. I really have issues with people getting unconscious for good from a punch between their eyes, especially when John Reese does it.
I agree with you that some movies take it too easy. But is it really common? The first knock out of Goldeneye example isn't all that unlikely, he may even have hit that guy twice, but a blow to the head, a surprise blow to the head can definitely knock someone out, happens in boxing all the time. Even between the eyes, as long as the head is knocked around.
13th Dec 2018
End of Days (1999)
Corrected entry: When the man is showing the flashback of Jericho's family being murdered, Jericho looks in a mirror and the wall in the reflection is spattered with blood. Jericho punches the mirror, shattering it. The blood disappears and the wall is now immaculate. (01:13:50)
10th Dec 2018
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Corrected entry: When Banner lands in the sanctum, Dr Strange and Wong run to the hole. In that moment (when the Levitation Cloak lands on him) Dr Strange's clothes change from ordinary clothes to wizard clothes between shots. (00:10:55)
8th Dec 2018
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Corrected entry: When Black Widow, Captain America and Black Panther approach Proxima Midnight at the Wakanda barrier, Black Widow asks: "Where is the other friend?" and Proxima answers: "You will pay for his life with yours." We assume Corvus Glaive died. However, a few minutes later he appears trying to steal Vision's stone. Even if he didn't die, it doesn't make sense because he was seriously injured by Black Widow a few hours before.
Correction: She was bluffing about him being dead so that they wouldn't suspect he was already in the same room as Vision, lying in wait for Wanda to join the battle.
Next to that he is an alien, probably a dark elf and we have no idea how badly injured he actually was, and also could have been healed.
The staff he holds grants him the power of immortality. Once he dies or is injured while he holds that staff he can come back from anything. He was fatally stabbed while the staff was in his hand in the station, but the last scene where he was stabbed by Vision, he obviously didn't have the staff in his hand because he was stabbed by it. The power the staff holds is the difference.
Correction: Proxima Midnight implied that Corvus Glaive had died so that he could successfully infiltrate Wakanda and get Vision's stone. He also has the ability to survive almost any injury as long as his glaive is undamaged, so his earlier injury is irrelevant to his ability to show up in Wakanda.
Correction: Misdirection. Black Widow thought he was dead, therefore she wouldn't be expecting him to show up again. Proxima just lied, no mistake.
10th Mar 2011
3rd Rock from the Sun (1996)
Revealing mistake: In the scene with, you can see that it is a pre-filmed video (not a live stream as he said), as it has a time slider and play/pause controls etc. (00:13:05 - 00:13:45)
Suggested correction: During streaming, any video player can be used. Meaning "play" or "scroll" buttons are still visible, just not functional.
The color of non-functional buttons will be muted. You can see in the picture that the stop button is solid black, indicating that it is functional. The marker on the status bar is also partially advanced. In a live stream, the marker would remain at the beginning position unless someone paused the stream, in which case resuming play would cause the marker to advance in order to catch up to the delay. In this scene, Dr. Solomon is teaching his class and interacting with his students, meaning no-one paused the stream.
5th Jul 2018
Hereditary (2018)
Visible crew/equipment: In the last scene when Peter is in the tree house, blue tennis shoes are moving up and down. This is most likely a camera man (or woman) trying to get angles.
Suggested correction: I watched this entire scene three times and couldn't see any blue tennis shoes moving up and down. Most of the shots in the scene are close-ups of Peter's face. If the mistake is valid, then a timecode and/or a picture would be really helpful, as the scene lasts for a couple minutes.
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Correction: Maybe it was. It's possible Kevin doesn't have a key to the house or doesn't know where a spare set is. I wasn't given a key to my house by my parents until I was probably twelve. If he doesn't have a key, then he has to leave the door unlocked whenever he goes out, lest he locks himself out of the house. Ultimately, an unlocked door is not a movie mistake.
Phaneron ★