
29th Sep 2008

Mac and Me (1988)

Mac and Me mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the dance at McDonalds tables and chairs suddenly disappear from the place and are replaced by dancers.


3rd May 2006

Mac and Me (1988)

Mac and Me mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the pile up scene, due to MAC covering up a man's windshield, a huge truck swerves and flies over a car, only the big black ramp used for the stunt is rather visible. (00:11:00)


29th Sep 2008

Mac and Me (1988)

29th Sep 2008

Mac and Me (1988)

Mac and Me mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In McDonald's when Mac stretches his arm, notice that it's separated several inches from his body and much thicker, and is really a big sleeve coming form under Eric's armpit. In fact, you can see Mac's real arm next to his body, hanging down.


29th Sep 2008

Mac and Me (1988)

Mac and Me mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mac's on the windshield and the car starts to dodge cars, one shot from inside the car shows the alien has disappeared.


25th Sep 2008

Tail Sting (2001)

Tail Sting mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Milhouse points at everyone with a gun and the Captain jumps at him to defend all. That moment the whole stage, with lights and cables around, is perfectly seen.


25th Sep 2008

Tail Sting (2001)

25th Sep 2008

Tail Sting (2001)

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Seen from inside the train-driver's seat, the tunnel is darker and with lights on both sides, but a shot of the tunnel alone shows it brighter and with no lights on the left side. Then it cuts back to the previous angle and everything changes back.


Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Nuclear Man enters the building after being told he would be taken to Lacy, he flys upward through different floors. As he's doing this you can see support wires attached.

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On the moon, nuclear Man grabs a rock with a huge hole underneath and holds it over his head. The angle changes and the rock has changed to a different one with a solid bottom.


Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Before Lex presses the red button to launch the missile, the phone next to it is hung-up. Then someone grabs it and the phone cable covers the control panel, but the immediate close-up of Lex's finger shows that the phone is hung-up, as in the first position.


Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When in space, Superman punches Nuclear Man on the back, he turns around and his face has turned blurry and black, but his body keeps the same colour. In the immediate close-up the face's colour is fixed.


Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake picture

Factual error: If the Russian cosmonauts need special suits to survive out in space, so should Lacy when she is abducted by Nuclear Man. (00:02:50 - 01:20:20)


Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Superman is walking with the kid towards the UN, they pass by a fire hydrant and one can see the street ahead is empty. A shot later another hydrant suddenly appears.


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Suggested correction: The fire hydrant in question is actually two. The one they first pass is slightly faded with chipped paint. The next shot you see a different one that is fully painted red. The next shot shows the crowd passing the first hydrant seen.

Movie Nut

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Two firemen are seen away from their truck, but when the angle changes six firemen have appeared seemingly from nowhere.


Superman IV: The Quest for Peace mistake picture

Factual error: When Superman addresses the UN, the delegate presumably representing the United Kingdom appears behind an "England" sign - "England" is not an international entity represented at the UN, while the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is. (00:32:20)

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