Best romance movie audio problems of all time

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Purple Rain picture

Audio problem: When The Kid and Apollonia first arrive at the lake, you can hear them talking, but their mouths are not moving as they walk along the edge of the lake. (00:19:20)


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Just My Luck picture

Audio problem: In the house scene when the little girl speaks to Lindsey Lohan (approx. 1 hr 15 minutes), when she speaks facing away from the camera, it is either another girl dubbed in or a poor dubbing by the same girl. Her tone is very different in the moments before and after this period.

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Cinderella picture

Audio problem: After Cinderella has run away from the Prince and everything goes back to normal, she discovers that the Fairy Godmother has left her with a single glass shoe. She then proceeds to thank the Fairy Godmother.she says "Thank you so much.for everything." When she says "for", her mouth doesn't move correctly.her mouth is supposed to close in order to say the beginning "f" part, but it remains open, so it looks like she's actually saying "hor" instead of "for".

Movie_Freak 1

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More My Super Ex-Girlfriend audio problems
Space Mutiny picture

Audio problem: In the scene where Kalgan confronts third engineer Steve Godell on the catwalk, he laughs before saying the line: "third engineer Steve Godell?" The laugh begins while Kalgan is obscured by the set, and continues as he moves into the scene. As he steps from around the corner, you can see his mouth is closed and not moving at all, despite the fact that his laugh can still be heard for 3-4 seconds.

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Superman II picture

Audio problem: Before the trio crashed into the Daily Planet (just before the battle with Supes), they were heard flying outside the building. For 3 superbeings with the ability to fly unaided, they sure sound heckuva lot like jet-propelled aircrafts. Jet aircrafts are noisy because of their engines, but superpeople?

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Sixteen Candles picture

Audio problem: When the geek and the prom queen are cruising down the road in the Rolls Royce convertible, the drunken prom queen says to the geek "Looks like rain, better put the top up." However, her mouth movements do not match the words.

More Sixteen Candles audio problems
Oliver picture

Audio problem: Just after Oliver leaves Mr. Brownlow's house with the books and £5 note there is a shot of Bill Sykes and Nancy on a park bench. Just as Nancy stands up Bill's dog barks. Whilst you can hear the birds singing, nothing of the bark can be heard.

More Oliver audio problems
George of the Jungle picture

Audio problem: When George is in Ursula's apartment after his shower, Ursula covers his behind with a bowl, saying "Cover the booty." Her mouth doesn't move.

More George of the Jungle audio problems
Meet Me in St. Louis picture

Audio problem: After Tootie sings 'I Was Drunk Last Night' you see a far away shot where Esther grabs her leg and says 'Tootie you very ba..' Cut to the close up where she repeats 'Tootie you very bad'

More Meet Me in St. Louis audio problems
Uptown Girls picture

Audio problem: Just after Molly gets fired and she sees Neal while crossing the street, he says something like, "...been able to write a decent song since I last saw you..." His lips don't match what he's saying.

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The Sweetest Thing picture

Audio problem: When Jane and the purple elephant were "getting intimate" in one of the changing rooms at her work, she was talking to him but her mouth wasn't moving. (00:44:10)


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Hitch picture

Audio problem: After the article about Hitch is printed, we see him leave is apartment block and get approached by a former client and his now partner. After Hitch says, "See ya later, Tony", we hear Tony's Partner say, "Look Tony," however, her lips do not move.


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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein picture

Audio problem: When the man with the peg leg is trying to resist getting a shot of anti-smallpox serum from Professor Waldman, he yells, "You're not sticking that in me. You're not sticking that in me." But if you look closely, you can see that his lips are not moving. (00:32:45)

More Mary Shelley's Frankenstein audio problems
Wicker Park picture

Audio problem: Luke and Alex are standing outside the restaurant. Close up on Luke as his mouth says, "Are we still going out tonight?" Yet we hear, "Are we still going out tomorrow?"

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Zorro, the Gay Blade picture

Audio problem: When Bunny (Ramon) is, as Zorro, spelling out "Zorro" on the wall with his whip, the number of whiplash sounds does not match the number of marks in the wall.

More Zorro, the Gay Blade audio problems
1984 picture

Audio problem: When Winston says "Bugger." at the start of the film when he has the cigarette in his mouth, his lips are most definitely not in sync with the word. And it even sounds dubbed over.


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The Nutty Professor picture

Audio problem: In the scene at the alumni ball right after Sherman's father says "That's strike three," to his wife, she begins to walk off and he starts saying gibberish things, his head is turned so that you can see his beard. Neither his cheeks nor beard are moving, even though you can hear him making those gibberish noises.

More The Nutty Professor audio problems
Annapolis picture

Audio problem: At the beginning of the film, while James Franco is still down on the mat, we see (but do not hear) the boxing judge's mouth say "five". When the sound comes in, the judge continues the count at four, five, etc.

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The Cannonball Run picture

Audio problem: When Mel Tillis and Terry Bradshaw are trying to "re-tune" their race car, when Bradshaw tells Tillis to "hit it one more time", the car makes the distinct starting sound of an older Chrysler when the car was a Chevrolet. Also, how does Tillis starts the car? He has one hand on the steering wheel and his other hand is on the doorframe.

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