Audio problem: In the Final Jam scene, when Mitchie is singing the lines "Every day and every night, it's all we want to do in life," Caitlin and Shane can be seen mouthing "We rock, we rock, we rock," in the background, but it is not actually being sung. (01:32:05)

Audio problem: When Sarge is giving instructions to Allbright over the taxi radio Allbright replies "I don't know what the union's going to say about all this" to which Sarge replies "**** the union". His mouth doesn't open while the noise sounds to cover up his swear word.

Audio problem: In the scene where Freddy cuts off a doll's head to replace Wondermut's old toy Bob, there is a close-up of the doll head being shaken with Freddy's head visible in the background. You hear Freddy saying, "Look Wondermut. I found Bob," but you can see that Freddie's lips aren't moving.

Audio problem: At Thomas J's memorial service, Vada goes up to the coffin crying. Just after she says something about his glasses being missing, her father comes up to comfort her. Watch his mouth - he is heard talking but his lips aren't moving at first (they are in the next shot).

Audio problem: During the football match when Forrest runs and bumps into the band players, we hear what sounds like cymbals crashing/dropping to the ground. But if you look at the band players he knocks over, there are no cymbals anywhere near them.

Audio problem: When Annie says, "Did you drive up from San Francisco by the coast road?" her lips are mouthing something different. (00:17:55)

Audio problem: In the public restroom fight, Arnold slams one of the bad guys head into the ceramic urinal. Although you hear two loud and clear "klonks", the urinal bends when Arnold presses the bad guy's head down. [Only visible in the pan and scan version.] (00:31:55)

Audio problem: When the brides are chasing Jimmy down the streets of San Francisco, you hear the familiar noises of high heels. However, if you look closely, the brides are sporting tennis shoes.

Audio problem: After Scarlett leaves the hospital in disgust she runs into Rhett. When she climbs into his buggy she asks him if he can take her to her Aunt's, but her lips aren't moving. (01:04:15)

Audio problem: When singing Reproduction, a boy sings "Oh I think I'm gonna throw up"; yet he sticks his finger down his throat and keeps it there until the line is over, never closing his mouth; how did he make the 'p' sound on 'up' without closing his lips together? The words are pronounced very clearly and the camera doesn't cut from his face until after the line is done.

Audio problem: In the scene where Lucy first enters Peter's hospital room, you can hear a respirator, and he is not hooked up to one. Also, the respirator noise is much faster than an unconscious human should be breathing.

Audio problem: When Crawl is in the combine and starts it up, the sound is of an gasoline engine starting. The combine has a diesel engine, which can be heard when he is driving it.

Audio problem: Terri takes her friends out to a restaurant, and she starts singing a song, and where she says, "The way you swept me off my feet," her mouth doesn't move at all.

Audio problem: When Doug is staring at the terrorist and says, "I can see him, he's right in front of me", you'll notice that his mouth moves a little before words are actually said. This is because he first says "Jesus", but they took it out because the character playing the terrorist is Jim Caviziel, who played Jesus in Passion of the Christ. The filmmakers did not want to get a laugh out of that line which it inevitably did in test screenings. (01:06:10)

Audio problem: In the scene where Victor plays the piano for the first time in the movie, we hear him playing long, sustained notes, which obviously need to be played with a pedal down. However, he doesn't use the sustain pedal. What's more strange is, the piano does not even have a sustain pedal.

Audio problem: When the girls enter the fortune-tellers home, the fortune-teller says "I know," however her mouth says something else. (00:48:35)

Audio problem: Reference the dialogue in the hangar where Mav/Goose and Charlie are discussing what was happening when they met the MiG, and Goose says "You know, the finger." In the original 1985 cinema release, Charlie replies "Yes, I know the finger, Lieutenant," but in the video release this has been changed to "Yes, I know the finger, Goose." If you look closely you'll see that her lips don't move when she enunciates the word "Goose," and if you listen carefully you can hear the edit change in the soundtrack between "finger," and "Goose."

Audio problem: At the end when Greg and Pam get married, Kevin plays a song on a set of pipes, however, the notes he plays are wrong - when he blows the short pipes, a low note is made, and vice versa. This should be the other way around. (01:45:45)

Audio problem: In the plane, when the Captain says "I'm not too god, what do you think" his lips aren't moving.

Audio problem: When Philippe climbs up to the grating in the church, a little girl talks to him, but her mouth does not move.