Audio problem: (May only apply to the original VHS release.) When Scar has Zazu locked up in a cage, Zazu mentions Mufasa's name and Scar yells at him, "What did you say?" Right before Scar's actual line, whilst Zazu is talking, you hear Scar's "What did you say?" line very faintly in the background, even though Zazu has not even mentioned Mufasa yet.

Audio problem: When Focker is going back to Chicago the woman who is typing stops moving her hands for a little while the clicking noise is still going.

Audio problem: When Reynolds is salting the asparagus the camera cuts back to Alma and you can see Reynolds' hand moving in a different direction but the salt shaker sound is still playing. The camera cuts back to Reynolds, and he's holding the salt shaker again. (01:06:15 - 01:06:39)

Audio problem: When Noah and Martha exit the "dream house", Allie's head does not move (she looks down all the time), nor do her lips move while she pronounces parting words to Martha.

Audio problem: When Patrick starts singing and gets that marching band to play, look closely at the cymbal player when he bangs them together - it makes the sound, but they don't touch. (01:01:40)

Audio problem: During "We Go Together" at the end, John Travolta's mouth is not in sync with the words "we'll always be like one." He appears to start singing "that's the way it should be" before realizing and correcting his mistake.

Audio problem: When Chase pulls out the key to MSA, you hear the sound of many keys clanging together. However, if you look closely, there is only one key on the ring.

Audio problem: When Harry and Lloyd pick up the hitchhiking natives, when they were playing the mockingbird song, the guitar was playing but his hands weren't moving at all. (00:40:38)

Audio problem: Right after Joseph Buquet is killed, Raoul runs and finds Christine. When she says, "Raoul, we're not safe here", her lips do not move; her mouth is merely agape. (01:05:35)

Audio problem: Alexis confirms in a conversation with his brother that it's Valentine's day 2006, but if you watch his lips he says 2004.

Audio problem: When Ariel's sisters are singing in the beginning of the movie the yellowish sister's mouth doesn't move when she says her name.

Audio problem: When Dewey is being stabbed up against the soundproof glass, you see a shot of Gale shouting "No." You can see a reflection of the killer in the glass standing motionless, but you can hear Dewey being stabbed. (01:18:45)

Audio problem: When Lizzie is performing at the end of the movie at the awards show, at the part where we see her from the back facing the blue light, her voice sounds like it's changing. It seems like it's someone much older singing, or the synthesizer went wrong. It just obviously isn't Lizzie's voice anymore.

Audio problem: During the opening overture, right when the orchestra starts "Maria", you can hear someone sneeze in the background. It's easier to hear on the soundtrack but you still can hear it in the movie.

Audio problem: In the scene where Robbie is sitting outside and Linda walks up to him to tell him about why she called the wedding off, she firstly walks on the concrete and you can hear her footsteps, then she walks on the grass, but you can still hear her heels clicking.

Audio problem: When Mrs. Potts is talking to Belle for the first time, in her bedroom, Mrs. Potts says "It'll turn out alright in the end. You'll see." However, when she says "...you'll see" her mouth remains closed. (00:30:50)

Audio problem: At the end of the movie, Carl is chasing Molly and Oda Mae. He says something like "Molly she's a thief!" and something else, but his lips don't move.

Audio problem: When Penny and Johnny are teaching Baby their dance routine, Penny puts on a record. Look closely and you can see that Penny moves the arm to place it on the record, then she takes it away, even though the music is still playing. Even if it's a directorial device for us to hear different music than they do, it's still a mistake because she's not actually playing the record, meaning there isn't any music for them to dance to. (00:36:35)

Audio problem: When Napoleon knocks on Trisha's door he knocks four times but you only hear three knocks. (00:38:05)

Audio problem: At the end of the movie when Vada is singing to her new baby brother, we see a shot from over her shoulder. The movements of her mouth don't match the words she is singing.