Audio problem: Alexis confirms in a conversation with his brother that it's Valentine's day 2006, but if you watch his lips he says 2004.

Audio problem: In "What I've Been Looking For", when Sharpay sings the last verse the first time around, listen closely as Ryan takes away the microphone. Her voice remains the same volume, and does not get any quieter as Ryan pulls away the microphone.

Audio problem: When Doug is staring at the terrorist and says, "I can see him, he's right in front of me", you'll notice that his mouth moves a little before words are actually said. This is because he first says "Jesus", but they took it out because the character playing the terrorist is Jim Caviziel, who played Jesus in Passion of the Christ. The filmmakers did not want to get a laugh out of that line which it inevitably did in test screenings. (01:06:10)

Audio problem: In the scene where the guys are looking at Olivia, talking about her nodding at Sebastian, Sebastian says something, then his phone rings. He continues mouthing something over the ringtone, but no sound is heard.

Audio problem: When Hilary Duff is in prison with the three ladies, she asks for something grainy to remove the make-up the women are wearing. The large lady says that she has an "egg roll or bagel in the bar" and to just give her a minute. But if you look closely at the lips, she says something else as to where the product is hidden.

Audio problem: In the house scene when the little girl speaks to Lindsey Lohan (approx. 1 hr 15 minutes), when she speaks facing away from the camera, it is either another girl dubbed in or a poor dubbing by the same girl. Her tone is very different in the moments before and after this period.

Audio problem: When Jenny makes the cab stop, Matt says something, but his lips never move.

Audio problem: At the beginning of the film, while James Franco is still down on the mat, we see (but do not hear) the boxing judge's mouth say "five". When the sound comes in, the judge continues the count at four, five, etc.

Audio problem: Although Michael Douglas' car is on a dirt road during the scene in the desert, the sound effects are for a car peeling out on pavement.

Audio problem: When Gary Grobowski is playing the Playstation 2 with Mad Dawg Killa, when Mad Dawg disconnects, the headset makes a dialtone. This should never happen with videogame headsets. Never a dial tone.

Audio problem: In the very final scene where the Scottish pipe band is playing the tune "Amazing Grace", it is apparent that the music is overdubbed and professional musicians were not used for the visuals. When the pipers are slow-marching, the marching is shoddy with different people stepping at different times ("experts" would be very precise). As the camera pulls back past the drummers, it is clear that some of them are beating their drums at a very different time to the sound track.

Audio problem: [Blu-ray] When Mandy goes to wake up Red and Chloe, she says: "Hey! Hey, we need to get up, OK? Come on." The last two words were missed from the overdub, are not heard and are also missing from the subtitles. (01:08:15)

Audio problem: When the ghost boy walks up from the audience, you can hear the steps creak as he walks up.

Audio problem: In the pool, when Max says, "What is it, Major Lawrence, that attracts you to the desert?" we hear his voice, but his lips are not moving. In the next shot, his mouth is now moving. (00:34:30)

Audio problem: When Tripp's 'son' wants more snacks Tripp says, "And a bag of..." but his lips don't move. (00:52:30)