Audio problem: When the stewardess is telling the people that she's putting on the sleep regulator, they show a different shot, and you see in the background she's mouthing words that don't match up. (01:15:25)

Audio problem: When Spence jumps into his car to escape Binkey at the racetrack, he just jumps in the car, puts it in gear and drives off. He never started the car up: the car is not shown during a brief cut to the actress, but there is no start-up noise. (00:07:30)

Audio problem: The Jeff Healey Band consists of Jeff Healey on guitar and 2 other musicians however during every song a "fourth" musician can be heard on guitar but not seen.

Audio problem: When Andrew's mother grabs Melanie's hand and realizes that Melanie has a ring, she say something to Andrew and at the same time Melanie says, "If it's all the same to you I would like to keep it..." Then his mom says, "You're Engaged?" Melanie is in the corner mouthing "quiet" but you don't hear it till the next shot. (00:12:40)

Audio problem: In the bar after Chris sees Jamie, she says, "Wow! Your arms, and your belly, and pecks! Chris Brander." After Chris laughs while she's telling him that his mouth is moving but he isn't saying anything. (00:26:00)

Audio problem: Adam, Chris and Noah have their bags checked for drugs and alcohol, As Chris tilts the metal detector, you hear the black resident guy yell "Hey, my metal detector." When he comes into view, he's mouthing these same words again, but there is no sound.

Audio problem: The section of sound effects used as the Trans-Am and the big-rig pull up to the warehouse to get the beer is exactly the same 'loop' as the effects used when the Trans-Am and the big-rig stop by the pond to give 'Fred' his burgers for lunch. Specifically, the Trans-Am's engine idling down to a stop, then the T/A's door closing, then the big-rig's air brakes squealing a very distinctive sound and finally the big-rig's engine rattling to a stop. Exact same 'loop' both times.

Audio problem: When Alfie and the other mechanic are at the shed, the mechanic asks, "Are you getting serious with her?" and his mouth is not in sync.

Audio problem: When people are getting on and off the elevator to that loud music, the music stops before the elevator closes.

Audio problem: Polly Walker's digital answering machine makes sounds of a tape transport machine as it intercepts a message.

Audio problem: When Perseus starts to swing his rope at Pegasus, the rope is absurdly loud, and is obviously just the same recorded "whoosh" sound repeated four or five times.

Audio problem: When Kelly starts talking about colon flushing Charlotte gets up to join Bob at the bar. In the background Kelly continues her story, but her mouthing and gestures are not at all in line with her words. (00:37:20)

Audio problem: When Joanie and Tommy are eating dinner at Betty's home, there's a close-up profile shot of both Joanie and Tommy right before they kiss. Tommy says to Joanie, "Come here you," but his lips don't move.

Audio problem: During the scene of the birthing woman, Azeem says, "If you won't hear my advice...", but his lips don't move.

Audio problem: In 1943, a top secret Naval experiment went wrong and David was sent forward in time to 1984, with his friend Jimmy. In 1984, David and Allison, a girl fom the present day, are staying in a hotel room. David picks up the talking travel alarm clock and fidgets with it. Yet, in the shot of Allison the alarm clock is still on the nightstand between the two beds. Then as he puts the alarm clock back on the nightstand, in the shot of Allison, the alarm clock is on the nightstand even though we hear the sound of him actually placing the alarm clock down. (00:54:25)

Audio problem: Each time Isabel's dog is shown, we hear bells jingling, as if the dog is wearing a collar, but one is never visible.

Audio problem: In a scene when the Blandings first move into their dream house, Cary Grant (Jim Blandings) says something to a workman and his lips clearly don't match what is heard.

Audio problem: In the scene where everyone's singing the theme to the Partridge Family, Bobby gets up and walks over to a two-keyboard organ and starts playing on the top row. What we hear is piano. It's possible that the organ was set to emulate piano, but he never turned it on first. It's also pretty clear that he's not actually playing anyway, as his keystrikes aren't matching up with what we hear.

Audio problem: When the girls are digging up the box, Lucy says, "Me either" as she is bending down, but if you look closely her lips are not moving.

Audio problem: Monique runs out of the house, holding Ricky's picture. She sits down and starts to laugh at the picture. Her mouth movements don't match the laugh that is heard. (00:39:10)