Audio problem: In the scene where Todd and Jeremy are in the bedroom together and Todd is lying on top of Jeremy asking to play "tummysticks", - right before Sen Clary is about to come in and Jeremy begins to panic, watch Jeremy as he's lying on the bed talking. You hear him say about three sentences, but see his mouth move for about one from the left side view of his mouth.

Audio problem: In the scene where Victor plays the piano for the first time in the movie, we hear him playing long, sustained notes, which obviously need to be played with a pedal down. However, he doesn't use the sustain pedal. What's more strange is, the piano does not even have a sustain pedal.

Audio problem: After the scene where the men had to fight off the giant bugs, there is a wide shot where the men can be seen being helped out of the pit by the captain and a few extra crewmembers. The captain is shouting something, however, if you look closely, his mouth is not in sync with what he is saying.

Audio problem: After the article about Hitch is printed, we see him leave is apartment block and get approached by a former client and his now partner. After Hitch says, "See ya later, Tony", we hear Tony's Partner say, "Look Tony," however, her lips do not move.

Audio problem: In the scene where Mark throws the keys to Collins the second time, he comes back in the window and we can see Roger sitting on the couch. It appears that Roger is strumming his guitar, but there's no sound from it.

Audio problem: In wideshots as Andy is driving along in the car with drunk girl, as they speak in the car we can see their mouths are shut. (00:28:20)

Audio problem: When we first see Francesca and her family in their house, in any wide shots showing Francesca's brother, Giovanni, his mouth is not moving in sync with what he is saying.

Audio problem: Outside the hotel, Drew tells Claire about the "fiasco" and says, "And by the way, I didn't say million. I said billion!" In the next shot facing Claire, he is still talking though nothing is heard. (01:23:55)

Audio problem: During Jennifer Aniston's conversation with her grandmother, whenever the person facing away from us speaks their mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: In the bar after Chris sees Jamie, she says, "Wow! Your arms, and your belly, and pecks! Chris Brander." After Chris laughs while she's telling him that his mouth is moving but he isn't saying anything. (00:26:00)

Audio problem: In the scene where everyone's singing the theme to the Partridge Family, Bobby gets up and walks over to a two-keyboard organ and starts playing on the top row. What we hear is piano. It's possible that the organ was set to emulate piano, but he never turned it on first. It's also pretty clear that he's not actually playing anyway, as his keystrikes aren't matching up with what we hear.