Audio problem: When the girl scouts are fighting and one of them slides the other one across the table and she hits the jukebox, you hear a shattering sound, but it doesn't shatter. (00:16:25)

Audio problem: When Sonny arrives at work, as the Security Guards open the gates for him, we hear them chatting, but their mouths aren't open/are out of sync.

Audio problem: Before the trio crashed into the Daily Planet (just before the battle with Supes), they were heard flying outside the building. For 3 superbeings with the ability to fly unaided, they sure sound heckuva lot like jet-propelled aircrafts. Jet aircrafts are noisy because of their engines, but superpeople?

Audio problem: In the last scene of the film, when Gere is in prison and talking to Michelle using the telephone behind glass, we hear his voice as if via a telephone. Most of the speech is done this way then for the last line he puts the telephone down on the desk, but we can still hear his voice as if he was still using it.

Audio problem: At the beginning of the fight at Rough House's, after Popeye says "Enough is enough", it looks like he elbows the two nearest guys. If you look closely, they react a split second before the elbows get them, and the sound completes the illusion. Also, the last guy Popeye is punching in the face is moving just out of sync with the punches. The sound is like a punching bag, but his head is recoiling just a split second out of time.