Continuity mistake: After the "car chase" the white car gets put in the barn. When the black car arrives it is covered in mud (so much they have to wipe it off the windscreen) from the dirt track. The white car only has a few specks of dirt.

Continuity mistake: When Mike Rogers's daughter is sleeping on his lap and his wife comes to ask him if he's coming to bed, in one shot the daughter is way up sleeping on his shoulder and in another, back down on his lap.

Continuity mistake: When Cassie sits down at the table at the pub there is a menu lying next to her glass. When it cuts the menu has changed position. (00:22:00)

Continuity mistake: When Jerry is on the bus with Alice, one second he's wearing his hat, he takes it off, then the next second it's back on, then it disappears for the rest of the scene.

Continuity mistake: In the scene at the restaurant, when the waitress runs into Michael Douglas and they both get wine all over each other, watch her shirt carefully. In one shot there are many wine stains all over. The next shot, there's not much. Then it goes back to having lots of wine stains. (00:35:40)

Continuity mistake: When Dorothy finds Tik Tok, there are cobwebs that hang from the wall beside him, and are draped on the side of Tik Tok's metal helmet. However in some shots these cobwebs that hang on his helmet vanish, then reappear again.

Continuity mistake: When Lawrence Olivier and Michael Caine are playing snooker, Olivier pots the black. There is then a wide shot, with the black visible again on its spot. The next shot is a close up of Olivier picking the black ball from the pocket and replacing it on the table.

Continuity mistake: When Maguire grabs his suitcase and is about to open it, we can see his left foot stretched out on the floor. When it cuts to a close-up of him opening the suitcase we can see his foot is crouched. (00:06:00)

Continuity mistake: At Rick's funeral, Debbie gives Alice her spike bracelet. The spikes are flat and there aren't that many of them, but at the end when Alice is getting decked out to fight Freddy she pulls the bracelet out of her drawer, and the spikes are very menacing looking and there are more of them. (00:55:25 - 01:13:20)

Continuity mistake: When Osborne shoots Col. Styles through the door window she aims upwards even though Styles is sitting at his desk. (01:20:20)

Continuity mistake: When Bobby is sitting in the kitchen listening to his mom talk about "what his dad left them with" his arms are down on the table. In the next shot, his arms are instantly in front of him holding his new library card. (00:08:15)

Continuity mistake: Hannay is talking to the milkman inside the door. Outside the door you can see across the street, the two guys walking down the sidewalk. A moment later, Hannay goes toward the door and now there's the milk wagon on the street right in front of the door. When Hannay pointed out the two guys across the street to the milkman, the milk wagon wasn't there and the milkman is inside with Hannay so he couldn't have pulled it up.

Continuity mistake: When Poirot and Mr. Ratchett first meet in the restaurant car, Poirot has to correct Ratchett's pronunciation of his name. Poirot then points with his right hand toward Ratchett, but when it cuts to a close-up of Poirot, both his hands are on the table. The angle changes back, and Poirot's hand is once again lifted.

Continuity mistake: Right before the Demolition Robot starts tearing through the house, Spooner is talking to the cat, and in the close up shots of the cat it is sitting down, but in the shots of Spooner with the cat, it is standing up.

Continuity mistake: The amount of blood on Kate's face decreases between the time she is attacked and discovered. The pattern changes from shot to shot as well. (00:34:15)

Continuity mistake: Bud and Exley are sitting in their car talking - Exley looks OK. His lip and eye are almost healed and there's only a little black and blue on the upper part of his left cheek. Than in the next scene with Lyn he looks like he's been beat up again worse than before. (01:56:10 - 01:56:40)

Continuity mistake: When Tony is stuck in the tunnel in the prison and is talking to Wolf, there are still several feet of tunnel ahead of him before the end of the tunnel. But when Wolf gives him a push, he is shown coming right out of the tunnel's end.

Continuity mistake: There is a scene where Hugo is on the station and sees a key down on the tracks. There are two separate shots of the key and both times it is buried in the stones next to a sleeper. Then Hugo jumps down onto the tracks to pick it up and its now sat on the middle of the sleeper when he picks it up. (01:22:30 - 01:23:10)

Continuity mistake: When Briony sees Cecilia coming out of the fountain (from Briony's perspective), Cecilia steps out of the water with her right foot first. When we see the same scene afterwards, from Cecilia an Robbie's perspective, Cecilia steps with her left foot first.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Max cuts down the bridge and the real scout master dives after Max cuts it down, in the backround in the top left corner you can see the scout master get up, then when the camera goes to the scout master, he gets up again.