Trivia: The sex scene between Joe Pesci and Sharon Stone was voted the worst movies sex scene of all time in an on-line poll.

Trivia: Michael Madsen was extremely reluctant to film the torture scenes, especially when he was required to hit Kirk Baltz.

Trivia: Carlos Gallardo, who played El Mariachi in the prequel to Desperado, El Mariachi (1992), was given a minor role in Desperado as Campa, the mariachi with the two machine-gun guitar cases.

Trivia: The Playstation 2/PC game "Grand Theft Auto - Vice City" by Rockstar Games is modeled on Scarface; the mansion, cars, environment, buildings, the Babylon Club ('Malibu Club' in the game), and even some of the game scenarios are similar (for instance, taking over the mansion and chainsaw scenes).

Trivia: At the beginning of the movie, when The Dude is writing a check for the cream at the grocery, look at the date on the check. Sept 11, 1991. A few seconds later we see George Bush Sr. talking about Iraq. So here we have a scene containing Sept. 11th, George Bush and references to the Middle East in a movie that takes place in 1991. (00:03:00)

Trivia: While filming the knife fight scene, Thomas Jane accidentally stabbed Kevin Nash.

Trivia: Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin has a cameo as a lawyer in a bar talking to a woman about one of his cases.

Trivia: Matthew Perry bet Bruce Willis that if the film would open at the top of the charts in the US (which it did) he would have to guest in an episode of Friends for free (which he did, plus all further episode payments were given to charity).

Trivia: Some people wanted the Batmobile to be computer generated, but director Christopher Nolan refused, so it was built from scratch. It can do 0-60 in 6 seconds.

Trivia: During filming, George Clooney paid a visit to his friends on the set of "ER" wearing the batsuit.

Trivia: The real Frank Abagnale Jr. was held in the French prison (Perpignan's House of Arrest) for approximately six months. His term was shortened from twelve months. When released (extradited to Sweden), he was ill because he had been forced to live in a damp, dark cell, naked and allowed only bread and water. In Sweden where he was tried and convicted he was kept in a comfortable Swedish prison. However, upon completion of his prison term in Sweden, he was next to be extradited to Italy. The Swedish government believed in prison reform and was afraid of the treatment he would receive in an Italian prison. As a result, Sweden revoked Frank's passport so it could intentionally have him extradited to the U.S. Once in the US, he was protected and couldn't be tried in the foreign countries where he perpetrated his fraudulent schemes. The book about his life contains a more accurate depiction than the film and was written 10 years prior to its release.
Suggested correction: Incorrect. Abagnale served three months in a French prison, not six. He then served two months in a Swedish prison. He was ordered to recompense Swedish victims of his crimes but never did. The book about his life was published over 20 years before the film was released, not 10. The book and movie are both almost completely inaccurate; most of Abagnale's stories of his crimes and frauds were greatly exaggerated or completely made up. Journalists started discovering these lies in the late 1970s.

Trivia: Paul Thomas Anderson, who directed Tom Cruise in Magnolia, has a cameo on the train. It is reported that he is so hard to find that Anderson himself does not know where he appears.

Trivia: The message "For Sasha" which appears just before the end credits is a dedication to director Nick Cassavetes' daughter.

Trivia: Most of the interrogation scenes in the movie were ad-libbed.

Trivia: When Agent Strahm is in his head box trap screaming, there is a lot of flash-cutting, including a shot of an outtake of the actor smiling with a towel in the cube and staff around him. Happens exactly at 9:52:370 into the movie, or frame 14203. VERY fast and easy to miss.

Trivia: When Danny DeVito is on the payphone in Hawaii the cab he's standing next to is from the Sunshine Cab Co. from "Taxi", where he played Louie the dispatcher.

Trivia: The woman that gets her breast grabbed by Frank was played by Lorali Hart. Lorali also appeared in the first Naked Gun film as the woman on the ledge who gets both her breasts grabbed by Frank.

Trivia: In the widely released version of Osmosis Jones in the background of the opening chase scene, a remix of Foreigner's 'Hot Blooded' plays, but in the VHS release it plays Electric Avenue by Eddy Grant.

Trivia: The character, Ivor Novello, played by Jeremy Northam, was a real-life actor and composer. Six of his songs were included in Gosford Park's soundtrack. His film, "The Lodger" that Lady Constance mentions as being a flop, was a real movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock, based on Jack the Ripper.