Trivia: At the end of the film, when the hospital bed crashes through the hospital window, Inspector Clouseau says "That breeze feels good". Steve Martin had said this line in the 1983 film "The Man with Two Brains", where his character Dr Michael Hfuhruhurr tells Dolores Benedict the same words after he breaks a window.

Trivia: The camera moves from Troy's crime scene to Kerry in the bathtub in one shot - Dina Meyer had to run around the set, undress, and jump into the tub. If you look closely, you can still see the water moving from when she jumped in.

Trivia: Most of the interrogation scenes in the movie were ad-libbed.

Trivia: When Sean is learning how to drift at the docks, the fisherman that comments about his drifting is actually the real Drift King, Keiichi Tsuchiya. The comments about betting on the '72 Skyline and '86 Corolla are throwbacks to him as well as the Skyline was his first drift car and the Corolla was one of his favorites.

Trivia: This was Martin Scorsese's first film to win Best Picture. And his first Oscar for best Director. Martin also said that this was the first movie he ever made with a plot.

Trivia: The final film directed by the legendary Richard Donner. While Donner had planned to direct several films after, none of them came together before he passed away in 2021 at the age of 91.

Trivia: Many of the director's own family members appear in cameos in the film. One of the more obvious instances is the suspicious cashier at the convenience store, played by the director's mother.

Trivia: Throughout the movie, references to the Grimm fairy tales can be seen everywhere. The 'pedophile scene' was supposed to be heavily influenced by the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale. The door mat is German for "Hansel and Gretel" in mixed up letters. Also, the name on the medicine bottle Oleg grabs is Edele Hansel. The prostitute is supposed to be the Blue Fairy, Oleg being captured by the homeless man is Little Red Riding Hood. Above all, the town's name, though never stated, is Grimley. Watch the credits for an animated visual.

Trivia: At Frankie's house, when some girls visit during the daytime, Frankie turns to Zack and calls him 'Yankele'. Yankele is a Yiddish [German-Hebrew] affectionate version for Yaakov, or Jacob, since Zack is Jewish.

Trivia: Although Adrian Brody was officially the star of "Hollywoodland," his character (private detective Louis Simo) was a completely fictional role in the movie. Virtually all of the other characters in the film are based on real people, but there never was a Louis Simo, and he's not based on any actual person (s). George Reeves' mother did hire an attorney and a detective agency in real life; however, "Hollywoodland" director Allen Coulter said that the character of Louis Simo wasn't even partially based on anyone in real life.