Trivia: Alison Lohman, who plays Nicolas Cage's teenage (14) daughter, is actually 24.

Trivia: When "Richard" starts to limp it wasn't planned, Harrison actually hurt a ligament in his knee shooting a promo for the movie, a promo that wasn't even part of the movie. He refused to receive treatment until filming was finished and ended up needing surgery.

Trivia: In the restaurant scene near the beginning of the film, the actor playing the waiter accidentally flips the corner of the menu in Steve McQueen's eye, but it was left in the finished film.

Trivia: Doyle Lonnegan's limp was a result of Robert Shaw injuring his ankle. Rather than working around it, Shaw incorporated the limp into his performance.

Trivia: When Maurice is looking for Trish outside the CD store, you can hear him say, "I'm gonna find your Aaliyah lookin ass." Trish is played by Aaliyah.

Trivia: The "sh!" scene between Dr. Evil and Scott was improvised by Mike Myers and Seth Green.

Trivia: At the end of the movie, the plane is crashing into the front of a casino. This building is actually The Sands hotel. The scene was done a few weeks/months before the hotel was demolished, this way the damages to the hotels entrance as the plane was launched into it didn't matter.

Trivia: John Travolta's car is a TVR Tuscan which cannot be sold in the United States because it does not comply with federal emission level standards.

Trivia: All of the singing in this film was dubbed by adult vocalists.

Trivia: Laurence Fishburne plays Cuba Gooding Jr.'s father in the movie, even though he's only seven years his senior.

Trivia: One of B-Rads friends Mocha, who is played by Nick Swardson, is actually one of the writers for the film.

Trivia: Kevin Spacey made sure that it was in his contract that his name would not appear in any press releases or reviews, that his photo would never appear in any of the above, he was not to be mentioned in interviews nor was his name to be anywhere in the opening credits. He cites his reason as being that The Usual Suspects and Outbreak were both opening earlier that same year and figured that people would start to recognize his name. And he also figured that if people saw his name in connection with the movie and he didn't appear for the first 2/3 of the movie they would know that he was playing the killer, thus ruining the element of shock and surprise that the moment in the movie has built up to. To compensate, Spacey is listed first in the ending credits.

Trivia: During the scene when Dolarhyde takes Reba to the zoo, the tiger she pets is not sedated. Because of the humane society they could not sedate the tiger. Instead the trainer is to the left just out of the shot keeping the tiger calm.

Trivia: After the girl kills herself the gas station they stop at from the outside looks identical to the gas station in the original. (00:14:50)

Trivia: When Luke escapes for the first time, he is being chased by a loose dog dragging a leash. Luke jumps over all kinds of obstacles to make it tougher for the dog chasing him. Finally, Luke dives off a bridge into a stream. In the theatrical version, the dog also jumps off the bridge, but the leash gets caught on the bridge and the dog gets hung.Quite a shocking sight. In the videotape and other releases, the dog boss (Anthony Zerbe) claims the dog died from exhaustion, you never see the dog get hung.

Trivia: In the scene when Jake is sitting on the frame of his burnt house talking to Harry Rex, in one shot, the crotch of his pants has a large hole. He obviously has no underwear on, and you can see his "anatomy". Viewed on VHS.
Suggested correction: That hole is on the top of his inside leg.

Trivia: When Burnett and Lowrey take a car to chase the van, the driver is American footballer Dan Marino. The driver of the red and white car who stops and calls Burnett a freak is the film's director Michael Bay. (01:22:35)